К минусам глобализации можно отнести следующее — активизацию антиглоба перевод - К минусам глобализации можно отнести следующее — активизацию антиглоба английский как сказать

К минусам глобализации можно отнест

К минусам глобализации можно отнести следующее — активизацию антиглобалистского движения, в которое входят троцкистские, маоистские, анархические, радикально-экологические и другие организации,что приведет к распаду международных организаций,так же приводит к массовым беспорядкам, взлому систем безопасности военных ведомств, служб разведки и крупных банков и т.д.; развитие процессов глобализации приведет к тому, что ВТО и Всемирный банк закрепят долговое бремя беднейших стран, что приведет к принуждению правительств к сокращению социальных расходов, корпорации будут эксплуатировать дешевый труд в развивающихся странах и использовать инвестиции для создания регионального контроля; экологи считают, что современная мировая экономика не нацелена на компенсацию ущерба, наносимого окружающей среде.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The cons of globalization include the following — the intensification of antiglobalism's movement, including the matrix, Maoist, anarchic, radical environmental and other organizations that will lead to the disintegration of international organizations leads to riots, cracking security systems of the military, intelligence services and major banks, etc.; development of the processes of globalization will lead to the WTO and the World Bank would seal the debt burden of the poorest countries that will lead to coercion by Governments to reduce social spending, corporations are exploiting cheap labor in developing countries and use investments to create regional monitoring; environmentalists believe that the modern world economy is not focused on compensation for environmental damage Wednesday.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
On the downside of globalization include the following - activation of the anti-globalization movement, which includes the Trotskyite, Maoist, anarchist, radical environmental and other organizations, which will lead to the collapse of international organizations, also leads to a riot, breaking the security systems of the military departments, intelligence services and major banks, etc .; the development of processes of globalization lead to the fact that the WTO and the World Bank will consolidate the debt burden of the poorest countries that will lead to the forced governments to reduce social spending, corporations will exploit cheap labor in developing countries and to use the investment to create a regional monitoring; Environmentalists believe that the current world economy is not aimed at compensation for the damage caused to the environment.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
by cons глобализации можно include the following - increased антиглобалистского movement, which comprises троцкистские, maoist, anarchist and radical environmental and other organizations, which will lead to the disintegration of international organizations, it leads to mass riots, subverting the security systems of the military departments, the intelligence services and major banks, etc.; the development of the globalization process in leads to что вто and world банк закрепят debt burden of the poorest countries, which will lead to reluctance of governments to reduce the social costs, corporations will exploit cheap labor in developing countries, and to use the investment to build a regional control; environmentalists believe that the modern world economy do not focus on compensation for damage to the environment.
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