Hey !No problemIf you want, I can help you learn French and you could  перевод - Hey !No problemIf you want, I can help you learn French and you could  английский как сказать

Hey !No problemIf you want, I can h

Hey !
No problem

If you want, I can help you learn French and you could help me learn Russian ? I would like to learn it.

I really like Russia, I think it's a very interesting country, with (as you said) a very interesting past (for the few things I know about it).

I don't watch the Olympics for the moment because of my exams, but I will as soon as I can !

I haven't seen La Science Des Rêves yet, but I wanted to, so like the Olympics, I will see it as soon as I can. What did you think about it ?

я учила французский два года, это было давно. сейчас уже ничего не помню
на самом деле у меня слишком много увлечений, и на все не хватает времени. как только смогу попробую начать учить французский язык)
пиши если есть проблемы с русским языком, я обязательно помогу.
это первый год когда я смотрю олимпиаду. раньше меня это совсем не интересовало.
мне нравится смотреть ее, хотя открытие было немного странным
в каких странах ты была?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
no problem

if you want, i can help you learn french and you could help me learn russian? i would like to learn it.

i really like russia, i think it's a very interesting country, with (as you said) a very interesting past (for the few things i know about it).

i don't watch the olympics for the moment because of my exams, but i will as soon as i can!

i haven't seen la science des rêves yet, but i wanted to, so like the olympics, i will see it as soon as i can. what did you think about it?

I studied French for two years, it's been a long time. now I do not remember
actually I have too many hobbiesand it's not enough time. as soon as I try to start to learn French) = write if there are problems with the Russian language, I will help you.
this is the first year when I watch the Olympics.before me it is not interested.
I like to see it, although the opening was a bit strange
which countries have you been?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hey No problem!

If you want, I can help you learn French and you could help me learn Russian? I would like to learn it.

I really like Russia, I think it's a very interesting country, with (as you said) a very interesting past (for the few things I know about it).

I don't watch the Olympics for the moment because of my exams, but I will as soon as I can!

I haven't seen La Science Des Rêves yet, but I wanted to, like the Olympics, I will see it as soon as I can. What did you think about it?

I taught French for two years, it's been a long time. now remember nothing
actually I have too many hobbies and no time at all. as soon as I can I'll try to learn French)
write if there is a problem with the Russian language, I will definitely help you.
This is the first year when I watch the Olympics. before me, it is not at all interested.
I like the look of it, although it was a bit odd
what countries have you been?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hey !
no problem

if you want, I can help you learn French and you could help me learn English? I would like to learn it.lord I really like Russia, I think it's a very add cancel country, with (as you sаid) a very add cancel past (for the few setting things I know about it) .lord I don't watch the Olympics for the moment because of my exams, but I will as soon as I can !

I haven't avoid duplicates La Science des Rêves unambiguously, but I wanted to, so like the Olympics, I will see it as soon as I can. What did you think about it ?lord i ever tell French two years, this has been a long time ago. It is now nothing but don't remember
in fact i have too many hobbies,And to all is not enough time. As soon as I can so I'll begin to teach french language)
lady knows if there is a problem with the language, I am sure you'll.
this is the first year when I'm watching Olympics.Before me, it is not asked.
i like watching it, although it was a bit strange
in which countries have you been?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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