Современное общество не стоит на месте. Каждый день человечество совер перевод - Современное общество не стоит на месте. Каждый день человечество совер английский как сказать

Современное общество не стоит на ме

Современное общество не стоит на месте. Каждый день человечество совершает чудеса в разных сферах деятельности. Мозг человека настолько уникален что люди каждую минуту придумывают что-то необычное, каждую минуту приходят идеи которые могут изменить мир. Кто-то создает новые изобретения, а кто-то смог усовершенствовать уже ранее изобретенные вещи. Эту тему затронул великий русский писатель Ф. М. Достоевский в романе " Братья Карамазовы". В одной из глав он пишет ..." the more highly they were developed the more unhappy they were"... Я абсолютно не согласен с этим высказыванием. Только истинное развитие делает человека мудрым и счастливым.
Каждый имеет свое понимание что такое развитие и в чем оно проявляется. Некоторые пытаются использовать свои знания чтобы совершить что-то плохое. Но есть и те которые все свои силы тратят для достижения цели быть счастливым. Многие думают что счастье в деньгах но это не так. Возьмем в пример развитие в space exploration. Какая же главная цель у этой программы? На мой взгляд люди стараются развиться в этой сфере для нашего благополучия. А точнее для нашего будущего. Поэтому их главной и правильной целью является найти схожие места как наша планета земля во вселенной в которых возможно существование земной жизни. Разве это не счастье? Кто знает что наступит в ближайшем будущем. Может быть произойдет что-то не хорошее и только тогда мы начнем думать. Думать о том почему же мы не были счастливы когда люди пытались совершенствовать развитие в этой сфере.
На данный момент развитие в медицине идет полным ходом. Это же чудесно. Вы просто подумайте может быть именно в данную минуту кто-то смог создать лечение от лечащий болезни. Возможно маленькая созданная учеными таблетка сможет спасти жизнь миллионам людей. Кроме таблеток создается огромное количество медицинских приборов которые помогают людям выявлять болезни и лечить их за очень короткое время. Существо достаточно много примеров пользы развития в медицине. Например есть болезнь Альцгеймера у которого очень плохие последствия такие какие потеря памяти, Трудности с выполнением привычных заданий, Снижение способностей письменной и устной коммуникации и т.д. Но совсем недавно ученые смогли найти решения проблемы потери памяти при этой болезни. А это значит ученые уже близки к полному излечению этой проблемы. Это еще один повод быть счастливым в развитии человечества.
в наше время развитие технологий имеет значительную роль. Мы имеем возможность общаться с людьми которые находятся далеко от нас, узнавать много полезной информации, новости. Но это не единственное назначение. Чем больше мы развиваем технологии ( компьютер, телефон и т.д) тем больше мы можем помочь людям из не развитых и бедных стран. Это работает следующим образом. На данный момент существует много способов поделиться в интернете со своей проблемой. Так делают не только отдельные люди но и некоторые страны. Например совсем недавно произошли страшные события в столице Франции Париж. Там произошли теракты. И конечно же это стало известно всем кто имеет доступ к СМИ. С помощью развитых технологий люди и отдельные страны могут помочь Франции не только морально но и финансово.
Чем больше человек знает тем больше он счастлив. Только истинное развитие делает человека мудрым. Есть очень хорошая мудрость на эту тему "не тот мудр кто много знает,а тот - чьи знанья полезны!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Modern society is not static. Mankind commits every day miracles in different spheres of activity. The human brain is so unique that people every minute of coming up with something different every minute come ideas that can change the world. Someone creates a new invention, and someone was able to improve the already invented things. This topic addressed the great Russian writer f. m. Dostoyevsky in his novel the Brothers Karamazov. In one chapter he writes. "the more highly they were developed the more unhappy they were" ... I totally disagree with this statement. Only true development makes a man wise and happy. Each has its own understanding of what development and how it manifests itself. Some people try to use their knowledge to make something bad. But there are those who spend all their energy to achieve the goal of being happy. Many people think that happiness in money but it is not. Take the example of development in space exploration. What is the main purpose of this program? In my opinion people try to develop this area for our well-being. Or rather, for our future. Therefore, their main goal is to correctly find similar places as our planet Earth in the universe in which the existence of life on Earth. Is this not happiness? Who knows what will come in the near future. Maybe something will happen is not good and only then will we begin to think. Think about why we were not happy when people tried to improve development in this area. At the moment development in medicine is in full swing. It's the same wonderfully. You just think maybe it is for the moment someone was able to create a treatment for treating disease. Perhaps a small tablet designed by scientists would be able to save the lives of millions of people. Apart from the pill creates a huge number of medical devices that help people identify diseases and treat them in a very short time. Many examples of good enough creature development in medicine. For example there are Alzheimer's disease which has very bad consequences which such memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, decrease in written and oral communications abilities, etc. But more recently, scientists have been able to find a solution to the problem of loss of memory when this disease. That means scientists are close to complete recovery of the problem. This is another reason to be happy in the development of humanity. Nowadays technology development has a significant role. We have the ability to communicate with people who are far away from us, to learn a lot of useful information, news. But that's not the only purpose. The more we develop technology (computer, phone, etc.) the more we can help people from developed and poor countries. It works as follows. At the moment, there are many ways to share online with your problem. So do not only individuals but also some country. For example, terrible events have occurred recently in the French capital Paris. There have been terrorist attacks. And of course this became known to all who have access to the media. Using developed technologies people and individual countries can help France not only morally but also financially. The more a person knows the more he is happy. Only true development makes a man wise. There is a very good wisdom on this topic "is not the wise who knows a lot, and he-whose my useful!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Modern society is not static. Every day, humanity does wonders in various spheres of activity. The human brain is so unique that people are coming up with every minute that something unusual ideas come every minute that can change the world. Someone creates a new invention, but someone was able to improve the previously invented things. This topic was touched on the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov." In one chapter he writes ... "the more highly they were developed the more unhappy they were" ... I strongly disagree with this statement. Only true development makes a man wise and happy.
Everybody has their understanding of what development is and what it is manifested. Some people try to use their knowledge to make something bad. But there are those who spend all their efforts to achieve the goal to be happy. Many people think that happiness in money but it's not. Take the example of development in space exploration. What is the main objective at this program? In my opinion people are trying to develop in this field for our well-being. More specifically for our future. Therefore, their main purpose is to correct and to find a similar place as our planet earth in the universe in which it is possible the existence of life on earth. Is this not happiness? Who knows what will come in the near future. Maybe there will be something not good, and only then will we begin to think. Think about why we were not happy when people are trying to improve the development in this area.
At the moment, the development of medicine is in full swing. It's wonderful. You just think it might be at a given moment someone could create a treatment for treating the disease. Perhaps the scientists created a little pill could save millions of lives. Besides tablets create huge number of medical devices that help people to identify the disease and to treat them in a very short time. There are many examples of good medicine. For example there is Alzheimer's disease which is very bad consequences which such memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, reducing the ability of written and oral communication, etc. But more recently, scientists have been able to find a solution to the problem of memory loss in this disease. That means scientists are close to a complete cure this problem. This is another reason to be happy in the development of mankind.
Presently the development of technology has a significant role. We have the ability to communicate with people who are far away from us, to learn a lot of useful information, news. But this is not the only purpose. The more we develop technology (computer, telephone, etc.) the more we can help the people of the non-developed and poor countries. This works as follows. At the moment, there are many ways to share the Internet with your problem. So do not just individuals but also some countries. For example recently there was a terrible event in the French capital Paris. There have been terrorist attacks. And of course, it became known to everyone who has access to the media. With the help of advanced technology people and individual countries can help France is not only morally but also financially.
The more one knows the more he's happy. Only true development makes one wise. There is a very good wisdom on the subject "is not the wise who knows a lot, and he - whose knowledge is useful!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
modern society is changing. every day humans perform miracles in different areas. the human brain is so unique that people every minute to make up something unusualevery minute come ideas that could change the world. someone creates a new invention, and someone could improve previously contrived things. this topic has a great russian writer s. m.dostoevsky in the novel "the brothers karamazov. in one of the chapters, he writes, "the more they were developed and the more up they were"... i completely disagree with this statement. only genuine development makes a man wise and happy.
each has its own understanding of what it is and what it is. some are trying to use their knowledge to do something bad.but there are those who spend all their forces to achieve the goal to be happy. many people think that money makes people happy but it's not. take as an example the development of the space exploration. what is the main purpose of this program?in my opinion, people tend to develop in this field to our well-being. specifically, for our future.however, their main purpose is to find and correct the same places as our planet the earth in the universe in which the possible existence of life. aren't they lucky? who knows what will come in the near future.maybe do something good and then we'll start thinking. think about why we weren't happy when people tried to improve the development in this field.at this time, the development of medicine is in full swing. that's wonderful. you just think maybe in the moment, he was able to create a cure for the disease.maybe a little established scientists pill could save the lives of millions of people.
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