— Коля, как твоя работа? Неудачно?— Ну, да, неудача. И все из-за пятна перевод - — Коля, как твоя работа? Неудачно?— Ну, да, неудача. И все из-за пятна английский как сказать

— Коля, как твоя работа? Неудачно?—

— Коля, как твоя работа? Неудачно?
— Ну, да, неудача. И все из-за пятна (a spot).
— Какое пятно, Коля? Будь любезен, объясни. Я ничего не понимаю (это выше моего понимания).
— Видишь ли, когда я работал над планом, я смертельно устал, руки начали дрожать, и я посадил (made) зеленое пятно на план. Работа была испорчена. Что мне было делать? Я решил превратить это пятно в кусты. А сегодня, когда я показывал свою работу профессору, он меня спросил: «Здесь действительно есть кусты?» Конечно, было бы лучше, если бы я сказал правду. Но я начал на стаивать. Профессор рассердился и сказал: «Тогда поедем завтра на это место, и будет ясно, что вы либо небрежно работали, либо скопировали (to сору) план с карты, не выезжая из собственного дома».
— Но, может быть, профессор ошибается, там есть кусты? Мы ведь можем это узнать?
— Нет смысла. Он знает эту местность лучше, чем свою спальню. Ох, как я его ненавижу!
— Ну, Коля, время не ждет,— сказала Верочка.— Сейчас уже поздно, твой профессор, конечно, спит. Я думаю, мы не встретим его (не столкнемся с ним) на улице. Вот мы и должны воспользоваться этим.
Муж уставился на нее, ничего не понимая, но она уже надевала пальто и шляпу... «Если там нет кустов, их надо немедленно посадить (to plant)»,— объяснила она.
Когда они приехали к садовнику (a florist), было поздно. Старый садовник был очень изумлен и недоволен. После недолгого колебания (((Вера))) решила быть откровенной со стариком. Когда она уже начинала терять надежду убедить его, он внезапно сказал: «У меня есть два куста сирени. На вашем месте я бы их использовал».
Следующий день показался Вере очень длинным. Она с нетерпением ждала прихода мужа.
Увидев, наконец, его усталое, но счастливое лицо, она поняла, что все в порядке.
— Ну, приехали мы к этим кустам...— начал он,— профессор не мог поверить собственным глазам. Он протянул мне руку и сказал: «Извините, старею». Какой милый и умный человек! Его так все уважают в Академии. Мне, право, стыдно, что я его обманул!...
Николай Евграфович никогда с таким удовольствием не обедал, как в тот день... После обеда, когда (((Вера))) принесла Алмазову в кабинет стакан чаю, муж и жена вдруг одновременно рассмеялись, поглядели друг на друга, и Вера сказала: «Теперь сирень будет навсегда моим любимым цветком...»
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-Kohl, like your job? Fail?"Well, Yes, a failure. And all because of the stain (a spot).-What stain, Kohl? Be friendly, explain. I do not understand anything (it is beyond my comprehension).-You know, when I was working on a plan, I'm dead tired hands began to tremble, and I planted (made) a green stain on the plan. The work was spoiled. What was I to do? I decided to turn this stain in the bushes. And today, when I showed my work to the Professor, he asked me: "Here actually have bushes?" of course, it would be better if I told the truth. But I started at staivat'. Professor angry and said: "then we will go tomorrow to this place, and it will be clear that you either carelessly worked or copied (to Sora) plan with maps, without leaving your own home.But maybe there is a mistaken Professor bushes? We can find out?-Makes no sense. He knows this area better than my bedroom. Oh, how I hate him!— Well, Kohl, time waits for no man, Verochka said. — Now already late, of course, your professor is asleep. I think we do not meet him (not face it) on the street. So we should take advantage of it.My husband stared at her, knowing nothing, but she already wore a coat and hat. "If there's no bushes, they should be planted immediately (to plant)," she explained.When they came to the gardener (a florist), it was too late. The old gardener was very amazed and unhappy. After a short hesitation (((Vera))) decided to be candid with the old man. When it's already started to lose hope to convince him, he suddenly said: ' I have two lilac. At your place I would have used them.The next day seemed Faith very long. She eagerly awaited the arrival of her husband.Finally, after seeing his tired, but happy face, she realized, that everything is in order.Well, we arrived to the bushes ... He began, as the professor could not believe his own eyes. He stretched out his hand to me and said: "Sorry, getting old. What a cute and clever man! It so all the respect in the Academy. Me right, shame that I cheated! ...Nikolai Evgrafovich never dined not with so much pleasure, as in the day. In the afternoon, when (((Vera))) brought to the Cabinet Almazovu Cup of tea, the husband and wife suddenly laughed at the same time, pogljadeli each other and Vera said: "now the lilac will be forever my favorite flower ..."
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- Nick, how's your job? Poorly?
- Well, yes, a failure. And all because of the spot (a spot).
- What a spot, Nick? Be kind enough to explain. I do not understand (this is beyond me).
- You see, when I was working on a plan, I'm dead tired, his hands began to tremble, and I planted (made) a green spot on the plan. The work was ruined. What was I to do? I decided to turn this spot into the bushes. And today, when I showed my work professor, he asked me: "There really is bush" Of course, it would be better if I told the truth. But I started to melts. The professor got angry and said, "Then we'll go tomorrow to this place, and it will be clear that you have either worked casually or copied (to litter) plan with a card without leaving your own home."
- But, maybe the professor was wrong, there are bushes? After all, we can know it?
- It makes no sense. He knows this place better than her bedroom. Oh, how I hate him!
- Well, Kolya, time is running out, - said Verochka.- Now it's too late, your professor, of course, sleep. I think we will not find it (not face it) on the street. So we should take advantage of it.
Her husband looked at her, not understanding anything, but she had already put on a coat and hat ... "If there are no bushes, they should be planted immediately (to plant)», - she explained.
When they came to the gardener (a florist), it was too late. The old gardener was very surprised and pleased. After a moment's hesitation (((Vera))) decided to be frank with the old man. When she was beginning to lose hope to convince him, he suddenly said: "I have two lilac bush. In your place I would have used them. "
The next day, Vera appeared very long. She was looking forward to the arrival of her husband.
Seeing finally, his tired but happy face, she realized that everything is in order.
- Well, we have come to these bushes ...- he started - the professor could not believe my eyes. He offered me his hand and said: "I'm sorry, old". What a cute and clever man! He was so respected by all in the Academy. I was right, ashamed that I had cheated him! ...
Nicholas Evgrafovich never with such pleasure did not eat like that day ... In the afternoon, when (((Vera))) Almazov brought into the room a glass of tea, my husband and wife suddenly burst out laughing at the same time, looked at each other, and Vera said: "Now the lilac will forever be my favorite flower ..."
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- kolia, how's your job? unfortunate?- well, yeah, bad luck. and all because of a spot (a spot).- what kind of stain, kolya? please, tell me. i don't understand (that's beyond my understanding).you see, when i was working on a plan, i was dead tired, hands began to tremble, and i got (made) a green spot in the plan. the job was ruined. what was i supposed to do? i decided to make this spot in the bushes. and today, when i showed my work to the professor, he asked me: "there's really a bush? "of course, it would be better if i told you the truth. but i started to стаивать. the professor got angry and said: "then you can come tomorrow at this place, and it will be clear that you are either not working or copied (odms) plan maps, not coming from their own homes.- but maybe the professor's wrong, there are bushes? can't we find out?- doesn't make sense. he knows this place better than your bedroom. oh, how i hate him!- well, kolya, time waits for no one, said верочка. - now it's too late, your professor, of course, sleep. i don't think we will meet him (don't run into him on the street. we should take advantage of this.the husband looked at her, don't know, but she's wearing a coat and a hat. "if there are no plants, they should immediately put (to plant)," explained it.when they came to the gardener (a florist), it was too late. the old gardener was very surprised and happy. after a little hesitation (((())) decided to be honest with the old man. when she started to lose hope to convince him, he suddenly said: "i have two bush of lilac. if i were you, i would использовал».the next day was the faith is very long. she looked forward to the husband.and, finally, the exhausted, but happy face, she realized that everything is in order.- well, we're here to these bushes... - he began, the professor could not believe my own eyes. he held out his hand to me and said, "excuse me, старею». what a cute and clever man! it is respected in the academy. i really feel ashamed that i tricked him. ...nikolai evgrafovich never with such pleasure is not eaten, as in the day. after dinner, when the (((())) алмазову office brought a glass of tea, the husband and wife if both laughed to see each other, and faith said: "now the lilac will be forever my favorite flower.
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