Dear, Eeva-Liisa My name is Siarhei Karnach. Я являюсь студентом интер перевод - Dear, Eeva-Liisa My name is Siarhei Karnach. Я являюсь студентом интер английский как сказать

Dear, Eeva-Liisa My name is Siarhei

Dear, Eeva-Liisa
My name is Siarhei Karnach. Я являюсь студентом интернациональной группы LL15SDD. Я приехал в Котку по программе двойного диплома из Республики Беларусь с четырьмя девчонками, с которыми я учусь на одном потоке в своём родном университете. У меня возникли большие проблемы, которые я не в состоянии решить, поэтому вынужден просить Вас помочь мне. На первом занятии по Logistics Services Вы попросили нас разделиться на группы по 4 человека, придумать названия своих групп ко второму занятию и внести эту информацию на Moodle. Выполнить данное задание я не смог, так как быть пятым человеком в группе с ребятами из Беларуси Вы не разрешили, а других студентов я не знал. На втором занятии во время лекции Вы определили меня в группу к финскими парнями: Mika Halen, Olli Saarinen, Evgeny Sosorev, которые согласились меня принять и писать отчет вместе со мною. После занятия мы обсудили с ребятами наши дальнейшие действия и Mika дал мне первое задание: "Написать историю нашей компании. Наша компания носит название Асстра." С этим заданием я успешно справился и отправил его ребятам в facebook, чтобы они смогли прочитать его и внести свои предложения. На третьем занятии мы продолжили нашу работу и я получил новое задание от ребят. Оно заключалось в том, что я должен был проанализировать Customers and Services предложенной Вами компании. С этим заданием я также успешно справился и 29 сентября 2015 года в 23.00 его успешно прикрепил на Moodle, чтобы ребята смогли прочитать мою часть, добавить свои части, соединить их в правильно оформленный текст и отправить готовую работу Вам на проверку. Но этого не произошло! Сегодня в 05.20 утра я проснулся и открыл Moodle. Увиденная картина меня поразила! Я увидел, что ребята прикрепили свою часть на moodle, но не внесли мою часть в конечный документ, а также не написали мою фамилию и имя на титульном листе. Но больше всего меня ошарашило то, что вся работа была написана на финском языке! Я был в шоковом состоянии примерно 15 минут и не мог ничего сказать. Я начал писать ребятам и спрашивать: "Что произошло? Почему я вижу такую картину?" Я был в растерянности и не знал, что мне делать дальше, так как в подобных ситуациях я не бывал ранее. В 10.00 утра со мною связался Евгений, который рассказал мне, что Mika Halen и Olli Saarinen обратились к Вам две недели назад с просьбой и объяснили, что они не имеют достаточно навыков для написания этой работы на английском языке. Вы их внимательно выслушали и разрешили им писать эту работу на финском языке. Когда они спросили Вас обо мне, Вы ответили, что со мною поговорите лично и переведете меня в другую группу. А также попросили их не рассказывать мне об этом, так как хотите сами сделать это наиболее деликатно. Я спросил у Евгения, что мне сейчас делать? С кем в группе я должен писать работу? Но ответа так и не услышал. Являются ли слова Евгения правдой - я не знаю?! Сейчас я очень расстроен и не знаю, что мне делать дальше. Я написал свою часть отчета, потратил на это достаточно много времени, но сейчас я осознал, что выполнил эту работу зря. Для меня также остается открытым вопрос о том, с кем я буду в группе. Первая часть уже у всех написана и я думаю, что никто не захочет меня брать в команду. Поэтому я вынужден Вас попросить, чтобы Вы закрепили меня в группе с белорусами и я смог продолжить и успешно завершить написание отчета! Это очень важно для меня. Я студент, который совершенно не знает финского языка, поэтому находиться в группе с финнами я не смогу. Я хотел лично с Вами сегодня поговорить об этом, но, к большому сожалению, сделать мне это не удалось. Я остался один в аудитории, после того как все ушли и ждал Вас до 11.30, но через несколько минут пришел парень и сказал мне, что лекции сегодня не будет. Мне очень жаль, что так получилось! Я искренне надеюсь на Ваше понимание и поддержку! Заранее Вам искренне благодарен!
Написанную мною часть Вы можете увидеть и оценить на Moodle.

C уважением, Сергей
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear, Eeva-Liisa My name is Karnach hotel are extremely nice. I am a student of international group LL15SDD. I arrived in Kotka on dual degree program of the Republic of Belarus with four girls with whom I'm on one thread at your own University. I have a big problem that I cannot solve, therefore, have to ask you to help me. In the first lesson on Logistics Services you have asked us to divide into groups of 4 person, come up with the names of their groups to the second lesson, and make this information available on Moodle. Run this job I couldn't, because to be the fifth person in a group with guys from Belarus you are not allowed, but other students I knew. The second lesson during the lectures you have defined me in a group to the Finnish guys: Mika Halen, Olli Saarinen, Evgeny Sosorev, who agreed to take me and write a report with me. After the lesson we discussed with them our further actions and Mika gave me the first assignment: "write the history of our company. Our company bears the name of Asstra. "with this job I aced and sent it to the guys at facebook, so they can read it and make suggestions. The third lesson we continued our work, and I got a new job from the guys. It was that I had to analyze Customers and Services proposed by you. With this job I also aced and September 29, 2015 year at 23.00 successfully tacked on to Moodle, the guys were able to read my part, add your own parts, join them in well-formed text and send you the ready work for review. But this did not happen! Today at 05.20 am I woke up and opened the Moodle. Seen a picture of me impressed! I saw that the guys have stuck their part on moodle, but did not bring my part in the destination document, as well as not written my name on the title page. But most of all, I struck me that all work was written in the Finnish language! I was in a State of shock about 15 minutes and couldn't say anything. I started writing and asking: "what has happened? Why do I see this picture? "I was at a loss and did not know what I do next, because in such situations I haven't visited before. At 10.00 am with me contacted Eugene, who told me that Mika Halen and Olli Saarinen appealed to you two weeks ago with a request and was told that they don't have enough skills to write this work in English. You have listened carefully to them and allowed them to write this work in Finnish. When they asked you about me, you answered that talk to me personally and to transfer me to another group. And also asked them not to tell me about it, because you want to do is the most delicately. I asked Eugene, what do I do now? Group with whom should I write? But heard no answer. Whether the words of Yevgeniy true-I don't know?! Now I'm very frustrated and don't know what to do next. I wrote my report part, spent a lot of time, but now I realized that performed this work for nothing. For me also leaves open the question about who I will be in the group. The first part is all written and I think no one wants me to take command. So I have to ask you to get you hooked me with the Belarusians in the Group and I was able to continue and successfully complete the report writing! It is very important to me. I am a student who totally doesn't know the Finnish language, so to be in a group with Finns I wont be. I personally like to work with you today to talk about it, but, unfortunately, make me failed. I was left alone in the audience, after all gone and you waited until 11.30, but a few minutes later the guy came and told me that today there will be no lectures. I'm very sorry that it happened! I sincerely hope for your understanding and support! In advance you are sincerely grateful! I wrote the part you can see and appreciate on Moodle. Sincerely, Sergey
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear, Eeva-Liisa
My name is Siarhei Karnach. I am a student of international group LL15SDD. I arrived in Kotka on the program of double diploma from the Republic of Belarus with four girls with whom I am a single thread in your home university. I'm having a big problem I can not solve, therefore, have to ask you to help me. At the first session of Logistics Services You asked us to split up into groups of 4 people and come up with names of their groups to the second lesson and introduce this information on Moodle. Perform this task, I could not, as the fifth person to be in a group with children from Belarus You are not allowed to, and the other students I did not know. At the second session of the lecture you have defined in my group to the Finnish guys: Mika Halen, Olli Saarinen, Evgeny Sosorev, who agreed to take me and write a report with me. After the lesson, we discussed with the children of our future actions and Mika gave me the first task: "Write the history of our company. Our company is called AsstrA." With this task, I successfully managed and sent his children to facebook, so they can read it and make suggestions. At the third session, we continued our work and I got a new job from the guys. It was the fact that I had to analyze the Customers and Services offered by your company. With this task, I also successfully managed and 29 September 2015 in 23.00 it successfully tacked on Moodle, so that the children could read my part to add their part to connect them to the well-formed text and send you the finished work to the test. But it did not happen! Today at 05.20 in the morning I woke up and opened the Moodle. I was struck by what he saw the picture! I saw that the guys attached its part to moodle, but do not have my share in the target document, and did not write my name and the name on the title page. But most of all I was stunned that the whole work was written in Finnish! I was in shock for about 15 minutes and could not say anything. I started writing the guys and ask, "What happened? Why do I see this picture?" I was confused and did not know what to do next, because in such situations I have not been before. At 10:00 am I got in touch with Eugene, who told me that Mika Halen and Olli Saarinen addressed to you two weeks ago with the request and explained that they did not have enough skills to write this work in English. You have listened carefully to them and allowed them to write this work in Finnish. When they asked you about me, you said that they talk to me personally and I will transfer to another group. And also asked them not to tell me about it, because you want to do to make it more delicately. I asked Eugene, I do now? With whom in the group, I have to write a job? But the answer did not hear. Are the words of Eugene truth - I do not know ?! Now I am very upset and did not know what to do next. I wrote the part of the report, it spent a lot of time, but now I realized that I do this job for nothing. For me also remains an open question, with whom I will be in the group. The first part is already in all written and I think no one wants to take me to the team. So I have to ask you that you fix me in a group with Belarus and I was able to continue and successfully complete the writing of the report! It is very important for me. I am a student who does not know the Finnish language, so to be in a group with the Finns I can not. I wanted personally to you today to talk about it, but, unfortunately, do I failed. I was left alone in the classroom after everyone left and waited for you until 11.30, but a few minutes later a guy came in and told me that the lecture today will not. I'm sorry that it happened! I sincerely hope for your understanding and support! In advance thank you sincerely!
Write me a part of you can see and estimate on the Moodle. C Sincerely, S.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Dear, Eevа-Liisа
My name is Siаrhei Kаrnасh. I am a student international group LL15SDD. I arrived in bulked cargo terminal on the program dual degree from the Republic of Belarus with the four in,With that i'm in a single stream in their mother tongue at university. I have a big problem, which I am not in a position to decide, therefore, have to ask you to help me.In the first lesson on Logistics Services you have asked us to explain the group to 4 rights, invent names for their groups to the second lesson and to make this information on migration or "from scratch" building. To perform this job i have not been able,So as to be the fifth person in the group with the guys from Belarus you are not allowed, and other students i did not know. The second lesson during the lecture you have found me in a group to the Finnish kids: Mika Acoustic Version, Olli Sааrinen, Evgeny Sоsоrev,Who agreed to take me and write a report, together with me. After classes we discussed with the guys our further actions and Mika gave me the first job: "Write history of our company.Our company is the name Alidi." with this job i have been successful and has sent his kids to Facebook, so that they were able to read it, and to make suggestions.In the third lesson, we have continued our work and I received a new job from them. It was that i should have been to analyze 'Customers and services proposed by your company.With this job i have also successfully met and on 29 September 2015, 23.00 it successfully has shared on the migration or "from scratch" building, so that the kids have been able to read my part, to add their part,To connect them in a properly decorated with text and send ready-work you to test. But this has not happened! Today at 05.20 a.m. , i woke up and was opened by migration or "from scratch" building. Picture: Absolutely Not! I was impressed! I saw,That guys docked its part of the migration or "from scratch" building, but have not made my own part of the final document, as well as wrote my last name, and the name on the title page. But most of all i am ошарашило,That all of the work was written in the Finnish language! I was in state of shock 15 minutes and could not have nothing to say. I began to write guys and ask: "What happened? Why can't I see the picture?" I was in disarray and did not know that I am to do next, as in such situations I have not visited previously. At 10.00 am, I have contacted Yevgeny, which told me,That Mika's Acoustic Version and Olli Sааrinen appealed to you two weeks ago with the request and explained that they do not have enough skills for writing this work in the English language.You have listened carefully to them and allowed them to write this work in the Finnish language. When they asked you about me, you answered that, and I talk to you personally and I will put it in the other group.And also asked them not to tell me about this, as you want to have to do this the most delicately. I asked Ben, that I now do? With whom in the group i must write the work? But no response and is not heard.Whether the words of the truth - I don't know?! I am now very frustrated and don't know, what should I do next. I wrote its portion of a report, has spent on this is quite a lot of time, but now I realized,That it complied with this work wasted. For me also the question remains open, with whom I will be in the group. The first part of the already from all written and I think that no one will want me to take the command. Therefore, I am compelled to ask you,To ensure that you have completed me in the group with Belarus and I was able to continue and successfully complete writing a report! This is very important for me. I am a student, which was totally not knows Finnish language,Therefore, be in the group with home everywhere I will not be able. I would like to personally with you today to talk about this, but, unfortunately, to me it has not been possible. I stayed in the classroom, after all gone and waited for you to 11.30am,But after a few minutes he was guy and he told me that lecture today will not be. I am sorry that it happened! I sincerely hope for your understanding and support! Thank you in advance!
I have written part of you can see and evaluate the migration or "from scratch" building.

C respect, Sergey
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