1.Питер студент университета . Он живет в общежитии. Пять раз в неделю перевод - 1.Питер студент университета . Он живет в общежитии. Пять раз в неделю английский как сказать

1.Питер студент университета . Он ж

1.Питер студент университета . Он живет в общежитии. Пять раз в неделю у него занятия в университете. В субботу и воскресенье он не ходит в университет . Питер занимается спортом , он также увлекается музыкой. Он часто ходит с друзьями на концерты. Он сам играет на скрипке и участвует в студенческих концертах. Питер специализируется на истории Украины и изучает украинский язык.
2 . Как правило , студенты сдают экзамены дважды в год.
3 . Мне не нравится Москва , здесь очень шумно и много транспорта .
4. Скилькы времени тебе нужно , чтобы сделать этот перевод ?
5. Цей автобус здесь никогда не останавливается.
6.я не знаю, какие сегодня занятия
7 . ВЫ не знаете, сколько сейчас времени?
8.Вин окончил университет три года назад. 9 . В понедельник она приходила в институт.
10 . Где ты купил этот словарь ?
11 . Куда вы ездили в отпуск летом ?
12.Джейн и Дик впервые встретились во время летней практики .
13. Кто оставил это сообщение? 14 . Джон Кеннеди стал президентом США , когда ему было 43 года.
15 . Я позвоню ему трищечкы позже.
16 . Что мы подарим ей на день рождения?
17. Прогноз погоды сообщает , что завтра будет дождь .
18. оеа никогда никому не верит
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Peter University student. He lives in a dorm. Five times a week in his classes at the University. On Saturday and Sunday it does not go to University. Peter goes in for sports, he also enjoys music. He often goes with friends to concerts. He plays the violin and participates in student concerts. Peter specializes in the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian language. 2. Typically, students will take exams twice a year. 3. I do not like Moscow, here are very noisy and lots of traffic. 4. Skil′ky time you need to do this translation? 5. Tsei bus here never stops. 6. I don't know what lesson today7. You don't know what time it is?8. Wines graduated three years ago. 9. On Monday she came to the Institute.10. Where have you bought this dictionary? 11. Where you went on vacation this summer?12. Jane and Dick first met during a summer practice.13. who left this message? 14. John Kennedy became President of the United States, when he was 43 years. 15. I'll call it the triŝečky later. 16. That we will give her for her birthday? 17. the weather forecast says that it will rain tomorrow. 18. the OAU never believe
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.Piter university student. He lives in a hostel. Five times a week, he studies at the university. On Saturday and Sunday, he did not go to university. Peter goes in for sports, it is also interested in music. He often goes with friends to concerts. He plays the violin and participates in student concerts. Peter specializes in studying the history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian language.
2. Typically, students take exams twice a year.
3. I do not like Moscow, it is very noisy and a lot of transport.
4. Skilky time you need to make this translation?
5. Tsey bus never stops here.
6.I do not know what classes today
7. You do not know what time it is?
8.Vin graduated three years ago. 9. On Monday, she came to the institute.
10. Where did you buy this dictionary?
11. Where did you go on vacation in the summer?
12.Dzheyn and Dick first met during a summer internship.
13. Who left this message? 14. John F. Kennedy became president of the United States when he was 43 years old.
15. I'll call him later trischechky.
16. What we'll give her for her birthday?
17. Weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.
18. OEA never did believe
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.Peter university student. He lives in the dorm. Five times a week at the university classes. On Saturday and Sunday it is not connected to the university. Peter engaged in a sport, he also enjoys music.He often runs with friends at the concerts. He plays the violin and is involved in student concerts. Peter specializes in the history of the Ukraine and is studying the Ukrainian language.
2 . As a general rule,Students exams twice a year.
3 . I do not like Moscow , here very noisy and many transport .
4. Скилькы time you need to make this translation?
5. CEI bus here never stops.
6.I don't know what today's lesson
7 . You do not know, what time is it?
8.Wine graduated from the university three years ago. 9 . On Monday she liked in the institute.
10 . Where have you bought this dictionary?
11 . Where have you travelled to leave summer ?
12.Jane and Dick for the first time met during the summer practices .
13. Who left you a message? 14 . John F. Kennedy was the president of the United States, when he was 43 years.
15 . I'll call him трищечкы at a later time.
16 .We give presents to it on the day of birth?
17. The weather reports, that tomorrow will be rain.
18. оеа never does not believe
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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