В: Я не согласна с тобой, потому что мне кажется, что дружба крепиться перевод - В: Я не согласна с тобой, потому что мне кажется, что дружба крепиться английский как сказать

В: Я не согласна с тобой, потому чт

В: Я не согласна с тобой, потому что мне кажется, что дружба крепиться на протяжение всей жизни так как есть ссоры и раздоры, надо время чтобы понять на сколько тебе близок этот человек.
К: Твой класс участвует в уборке? Я думаю, что экология самая важная проблема на сегодняшний день.
В: Конечно, экология одна из важнейших проблем, мы убираем мусор из леса, сажаем деревья и цветы.
К: Да, я полностью с тобой согласна, потому что природу нужно беречь.
В: А, кто твой герой? Я думаю, что героем может быть любой человек, мой герой- это папа, потому что он очень веселый и умный. А, как ты думаешь?
К: Я тоже считаю, что героями может быть кто угодно. Например, мой герой -это моя мама, но она не певица, не актриса, она не облетела вокруг земли она просто очень дорога мне, поэтому именно она мой герой.
В: Я рада что ты поддерживаешь мое мнение, потому что самое главное, чтобы этот человек любил и заботился о тебе.
К: К сожалению, мне пора.
В: Приятно было встретится, удачи!
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In: I don't agree with you, because it seems to me that the friendship is fixed throughout the whole of life as there are quarrels and strife, have time to understand how you close this man.To: your class participates in cleaning? I think that the environment is the most important issue today.In: Ecology, of course, one of the most important issues, we remove garbage from forests, plant trees and flowers.To: Yes, I totally agree with you, because nature must be cared for. Q: who is your hero? I think that any man can be a hero, my hero is Dad because he is funny and clever. And, what do you think?To: I too believe that heroes can be anyone. For example, my hero is my mom, but she's not a singer, not an actress, she has flown around the earth it just very dear to me, so this is my hero.In: I am pleased that you support my opinion, because the most important thing is that this man loved and cared about you.To: Unfortunately, I had to go.In: it was nice to meet, good luck!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Q: I do not agree with you, because I think that friendship secured throughout life as there are quarrels and strife, take time to understand how much you close this man.
By: Your class is involved in cleaning? I think that the environment is the most important issue today.
Q: Of course, the environment is one of the major problems we remove debris from the forest, plant trees and flowers.
K: Yes, I totally agree with you, because you need to take care of nature.
In : And who is your hero? I think that a hero can be anyone, my dad geroy- it, because he is very funny and clever. And, what do you think?
K: I also think that the characters could be anyone. For example, my character is a my mom, but she was not a singer, not an actress, she flew around the earth, it's just very dear to me, so it was my hero.
Q: I am glad that you support my opinion, because the most important thing is to this man is loved and cared for you.
By: Unfortunately, I have to go.
Q: It was nice to meet, good luck!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

A: I do not agree with you, because it seems to me that friendship be attached throughout the life as there is quarrelling and strife, it is time to understand how much do you close this person.
TO: Your class is involved in harvesting?I think that the environment the most important problem to date.
A: Of course, the environment one of the major problems, we harvest debris from the forest, remember trees and flowers.
TO: Yes, I fully agree with you,Because that nature must be nurtured.
IN: as well, who are your heroes? I think that hero can be any person, my hero is the Pope, because it is very fun and smart. As well, how do you think?
TO: I, too, believeThat heroes can be anyone. For example, my hero -this is my mother, but it is not the singer, not an actress, she has not learned about another around the earth it was simply a very road i am, therefore, it is my hero.
in:I am pleased to everyone following you that you in my view, because the most important thing that this person loved and sketches on the thee.
TO: Unfortunately, it's time for me.
IN: it was meet, good luck!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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