Сейчас напишу и переведуBy clicking “Next” you agree to initiate the installation process, which will include a small piece of software used to verify your acceptance of our partner’s disclosures. This verification software is removed when you reboot your computer.
Лицензионное соглашение на использование Браузера «Амиго»
Перед использованием программы, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с условиями данного лицензионного соглашения. Любое использование вами программы означает полное и безоговорочное принятие вами условий настоящего лицензионного соглашения.
Если вы не принимаете условия лицензионного соглашения в полном объеме, вы не имеете права использовать программу в каких-либо целях.
1. Общие положения
1.1. Настоящее Лицензионное соглашение («Лицензия», «Соглашение») устанавливает условия использования программы для ЭВМ «Браузер Амиго» («Программа», «ПО») и заключено между любым лицом, использующим Программу («Пользователь»), и ООО «Мэйл.Ру» (Россия, 125167, г. Москва, Ленинградский проспект д.39, строение 79), являющимся правообладателем исключительного права на Программу («Правообладатель»).
1.2. Копируя Программу, устанавливая её на свой персональный компьютер или используя ПО любым образом, Пользователь подтверждает, что является совершеннолетним и юридически полностью дееспособным в стране гражданства или проживания.
1.3. Пользователь соглашается с тем, что программного обеспечения предназначено исключительно для его/ее личного некоммерческого интереса.
1.4. По соглашению с Правообладателем возможно предоставление Пользователю перевода настоящей Лицензии с русского на другие языки. В случае противоречия между условиями Лицензии на русском языке и ее переводом, юридическую силу имеет исключительно русскоязычная версия Лицензии.
1.5. Копируя Программу, устанавливая её на свой персональный компьютер или используя ПО любым образом, Пользователь выражает свое полное и безоговорочное согласие со всеми условиями Лицензии. Использование Программы разрешается только на условиях настоящей Лицензии. Если Пользователь не принимает условия Лицензии в полном объеме, Пользователь не имеет права использовать Программу в каких-либо целях. Использование Программы с нарушением (невыполнением) какого-либо из условий Лицензии запрещено.
1.6. Использование Программы на условиях настоящей Лицензии в личных некоммерческих целях осуществляется безвозмездно.
1.7. Использование Программы на условиях и способами, не предусмотренными настоящей Лицензией, возможно только на основании отдельного соглашения с Правообладателем.
1.8. К настоящей Лицензии и всем отношениям, связанным с использованием Программы, подлежит применению право Российской Федерации и любые претензии или иски, вытекающие из настоящей Лицензии или использования Программы, должны быть поданы и рассмотрены в суде по месту нахождения Правообладателя.
1.9. Настоящие Соглашение и утратившие силу редакции настоящего Соглашения, являются открытыми и общедоступными документами. Действующая редакция Соглашения доступна в Интернете по Интернет-ссылке размещенной по адресу: http://amigo.mail.ru/eula.html.
2. Лицензия
2.1. Пользователю предоставляется непередаваемое право использования ПО на территории стран, в которых отсутствует запрет на использование подобного Программе программного обеспечения. Право использования ПО предоставляется Правообладателем безвозмездно, на условиях простой (неисключительной) лицензии.
2.2. Исключительное право на Программу принадлежит Правообладателю.
2.3. Исключительные права на используемые в ПО расширения и иные дополнительные модули принадлежат соответствующим правообладателям.
2.4. Принимая условия настоящего Соглашения Пользователь обязуется:
Применять Программу по прямому функциональному назначению, в целях чего произвести её копирование и установку (воспроизведение) на персональном(-ых) компьютере(-ах) Пользователя. Пользователь вправе произвести установку Программы на неограниченное число персональных компьютеров.
Воспроизводить и распространять Программу в некоммерческих целях (безвозмездно).
3. Ограничения
3.1. Пользователь не имеет права воспроизводить, распространять, сообщать, доводить до всеобщего сведения или иным образом использовать Программу в коммерческих целях (в том числе, за плату), в том числе в составе сборников программных продуктов, без письменного согласия Правообладателя.
3.2. За исключением использования в объемах и способами, прямо предусмотренными настоящей Лицензией или законодательством РФ, Пользователь не имеет права изменять, декомпилировать, дизассемблировать, дешифровать и производить иные действия с объектным кодом Программы, имеющие целью получение информации о реализации алгоритмов, используемых в Программе, создавать производные произведения с использованием Программы, а также осуществлять (разрешать осуществлять) иное использование Программы, без письменного согласия Правообладателя. Пользователь вправе осуществить модификацию Программы исключительно для своего личного пользования, а также обратную разработку Программы исключительно для устранения ошибок в таких модифицированных версиях. Пользователь не вправе распространять, сообщать, доводить до всеобщего сведения или иным образом использовать такие модифицированные версии Программы, кроме как для своего личного пользования.
3.3. Программа должна использоваться под указанным Правообладателем наименованием. Пользователь не вправе изменять наименование Программы, изменять и/или удалять присутствующие в Программе, документации или иных материалах, р
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Now I will write pereveduBy and clicking "Next" you agree to initiate the installation process, which will include a small piece of software used to verify your acceptance of our partner's disclosures. This verification software is removed when you reboot your computer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License agreement for use of the browser "Amigo"Before use, please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement. Any use of the software implies full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this license agreement.If you do not accept the terms of the license agreement, you may not use the program for any purpose.1. General provisions1.1. This license agreement ("license", "agreement") sets forth the terms of use of the computer program "Browser Amigo" ("the programme", "software") and entered into between any person utilizing the program (the "user"), and Mael LLC Reuters (Russia, 125,167, Leningradsky Prospekt, Moscow, Bldg. 39 Bldg. 79), which is the holder of the exclusive right to the program (the "copyright holder").1.2. Copying a program setting it on your personal computer or using the software in any way, the user confirms that he is an adult and legally fully capable with the country of citizenship or residence.1.3. the user agrees that the software is intended solely for his or her personal, non-commercial interest.1.4. By agreement with the holder may transfer this license to the user from English into other languages. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the license in English and its translation, legal force is exclusively Russian version license.1.5. Copying a program setting it on your personal computer or using the software in any way, the user expresses its full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the license. Use of the software is permitted only under the terms of this license. If the user does not accept the license terms and conditions in full, you may not use the program for any purpose. Use the software in violation of (the failure of) any of the conditions of the license is prohibited.1.6. To use the program under this license for personal, non-commercial purposes is free of charge.1.7. use program on conditions and methods, not provided for in this license, is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement and license with the rightholder.1.8. To this license and all relations related to the Programme, subject to the application of the law of the Russian Federation and any claim or claims arising out of this license or use of the program, must be filed and considered in the Court of the location of the holder.1.2. this agreement and the revision of this agreement are no longer valid, are open and publicly available documents. The current version of the Agreement available online on Internet-hosted link at: http://amigo.mail.ru/eula.html.2. license2.1. The user is granted non-transferable right of use in countries where there is no ban on the use of such software Program. The right to use software is provided by the copyright holder, under a simple (non-exclusive) license.2.2. The exclusive right to program belongs to the rightholder.2.3. Exclusive rights used in on extensions and other plug-ins belong to their respective owners.2.4. By accepting this agreement you shall:Apply program for functional purpose, to make a copy and install it (play) on a personal computer (s) (s) of the user. The user is entitled to install the program on an unlimited number of personal computers.Reproduce and distribute non-commercial Program (free of charge).3. restrictions3.1. user has no right to reproduce, distribute, communicate, communicate to the public, or otherwise use the software for commercial purposes (including fee), including compilations of software products, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.3.2. With the exception of use in amounts and in ways expressly prescribed by this license or by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the user may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform any other actions with the compiled program code, aiming to obtain information regarding algorithms implemented in the program, create derivative works from the software, as well as exercise (authorize) any other use without written consent of the copyright holder. The user has the right to implement modifications to the program solely for your personal use, as well as reverse engineering a program exclusively for correcting errors in such modified versions. User shall not distribute, disclose, communicate to the public, or otherwise use such modified versions of the program, except for your personal use.3.3. The program must be used under the specified copyright holder name. The user may not change the name of the program, change and/or delete present in the program, documentation or other materials, r
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Who will write and pereveduBy clicking "Next" you agree to initiate the installation process, which will include a small piece of software used to verify your acceptance of our partner's disclosures. This verification software is removed when you reboot your an agreement on the use of browser "Amigo" Before using the program, please read the terms of this license agreement. Any use of the program means full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this license agreement. If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose. 1. General Provisions 1.1. This License Agreement ("License", the "Agreement") sets the conditions for the use of the computer program "Browser Amigo" ("Program", the "Software") and entered into between any person using the Program ("User"), and of "Mail. Ru "(Russia, 125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt d.39, Building 79), is the owner of an exclusive right to the Program (" Copyright Holder "). 1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on your personal computer or using the Software in any manner, the user confirms that she is of legal age and legally fully operational in the country of nationality or residence. 1.3. User agrees that the software is intended solely for his / her own non-commercial interest. 1.4. By agreement with the rightholder is possible to provide the user translation of this License from Russian into other languages. In case of conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, legally binding Russian-language version has only license. 1.5. By copying the Program, installing it on your personal computer or using the Software in any manner, the user expresses its full and unconditional agreement with all terms of the License. Use of the Software is permitted only under the conditions of this License. If the user does not accept the license terms in full, You may not use the Program for any purpose. Using the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the terms of this License is prohibited. 1.6. Use of the Program under this License for personal non-commercial purposes is free. 1.7. Use of the Software on the terms and in ways not covered by this License only possible on the basis of a separate agreement with the Rightholder. 1.8. To this License, and all the relations connected with the use of the Program, subject to the applicable law of the Russian Federation and any claims or lawsuits arising out of this License or use of the Program must be submitted and reviewed by the court at the location of the Copyright Holder. 1.9. This Agreement shall become invalid and the wording of this Agreement shall be open and public documents. The current version of the Agreement is available on the Internet at Internet link located at the following address: http://amigo.mail.ru/eula.html. 2. License 2.1. The user is given non-transferable right used on the territory of the countries in which there is no ban on the use of such software programs. The right to use the software provided free of Franchisor, under a simple (non-exclusive) license. 2.2. The exclusive program rights owned by the copyright holder. 2.3. Exclusive rights to the software used in extensions and other add-on modules of their respective owners. 2.4. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, User agrees to: Use the Program on direct functional purpose, in order to then make her up and installation (play) on the personal (-s) computer (s) of the User. The user has the right to install the Program on an unlimited number of PCs. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge). 3. Limitations 3.1. User may not reproduce, distribute, communicate, communicate to the public, or otherwise use the Software for commercial purposes (including for a fee), including as part of software products collections without written consent. 3.2. Except for use in the volumes and methods expressly provided under this License, or the law of the Russian Federation, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the object code of the Programme with the aim of obtaining information about the implementation of the algorithms used in the program, create derivative works works with the use of the Program, as well as to (authorize the) otherwise use the Software, without written consent. The user shall be entitled to modify the Program solely for your personal use, as well as reverse engineer the Software solely to eliminate errors in these modified versions. User may not distribute, communicate, communicate to the public, or otherwise use such modified version of the Software, except for your personal use. 3.3. The program must be used under the specified name of the Rights Holder. The user may not change the name of the Program, edit and / or delete present in the program, documentation, or other materials, r
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
now write and переведуBy clicking "next", you agree to initiate the installation process, which will include a small piece of software used to verify your acceptance of our partner's disclosures. the verification software is removed when you reboot your computer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the license agreement to use the browser "амиго»
before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement.any use of this programme means the full and unconditional acceptance of your terms and conditions of this license agreement. if you do not agree to the terms of the license agreement in full.you don't have the right to use the program for any purpose.
1. the general provisions of the
1.1. this license agreement (license,"the agreement"), provides the conditions for the use of the software "browser амиго» (" "," "), and concluded by any person using the program (" user "), and the company мэйл.ру» (russia, 125167, mr.. moscow,leningradsky prospekt д.39, building 79) as the owner of the exclusive right for the program ("правообладатель»).
1.2. copying programby installing it on your personal computer or using in any way, the user confirms that is a major and a fully functional in the country of nationality or residence.
1.3.you acknowledge that the software is intended solely for his or her personal non-commercial interest.
1.4.under an agreement with the owner to provide the user may transfer this license from russian into other languages. in case of a conflict between the terms of this license in english and its translationbinding is the only russian version of license.
1.5. copying the program by installing it on your personal computer or using in any waythe user expresses its full and unconditional acceptance of all of the terms of this license. the use of the program is only permitted under this license.if the user does not accept the terms of the license in full, the user has the right to use the program for any purpose.the use of the program in violation of the (non -) of any of the conditions of the licence is prohibited.
1.6. the use of the program in terms of this license for personal non-commercial use is free of charge.1.7. the use of the program on the conditions and ways, not provided for this license is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the owner.
1.8. to this license, and all the relationsassociated with the use of the programme shall be subject to the application of law of the russian federation and any claim or claims arising out of this license or the use of programmust be submitted and reviewed by the court at the place of the original.
1.9. the present agreement and are no longer valid version of this agreement shall be open and public documents.the version of the agreement is available online on the internet link available at: http: / / amigo.mail.ru / eula.html.
2. a
2.the user has an absolute right to use on the territory of the countries in which there is no ban on the use of such program software.the right of use and the owner free of charge, to a simple (non exclusive) license.
2.2. the exclusive right to the program is правообладателю.
2.3.the exclusive rights to use the expansion and other additional modules are owned by their respective owners.
2.4. taking the terms and conditions of this agreement, the user undertakes to:.use the program guide functions, in order to do to make it up and installation (reproduction) in the personal computer (s) (- oh) of the user.the user may install the program on an unlimited number of personal computers.
to reproduce and distribute the program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3. limit
3.1.the user is not entitled to reproduce, distribute, to communicate, to bring to the public or otherwise use the software for commercial purposes (including, for a fee).including the composition of the products, without the written consent of the copyright holder.
3.2. with the exception of the quantities and waysjust under this license or the russian legislation, the user has the right to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform other actions with the object code programin order to obtain information on the implementation of the algorithms used in the program to create derivative works, using the programbut also to carry out (to allow for different use of the program, without the written consent of the copyright holder.the user has the right to modify the program solely for your personal use, as well as the development of a programme to eliminate errors in such modified versions.you may not distribute, to communicate, to bring to the general public or otherwise use such modified versions, except for his personal use.
3.3.the programme should be used under the name of the owner. the user may not modify the name of the program, modify and / or delete it in the programdocuments or other materials, r
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..