Одна из таких историй это история Эшлин Блокер из города Паттэрсон.США перевод - Одна из таких историй это история Эшлин Блокер из города Паттэрсон.США английский как сказать

Одна из таких историй это история Э

Одна из таких историй это история Эшлин Блокер из города Паттэрсон.США. ей 14 она ходит в обычную школу и занимается музыкой . Но эшли одна из тех редких людей в мире которые никогда не чувствуют боль поэтому ее жизнь полна опасностей. Когда Эшлин была маленькой ее родители обматывали ей руки марлей чтобы она не расчесывала их. Когда у Эшлин прорезались зубки она изжевала себе губы. Однажды она сломала себе лодыжку и два дня ходила так пока родители не заметили что с ней что то не в порядке. Тело Эшли не выделяет пот что очень опасно так как она может умереть при сильной жаре. К сожалению у современной медицины нет лекарств от этой болезни поэтому уже несколько лет все родственники Эшлин находятся в постоянном страхе за ее жизнь.
Страх родителей маленькой девочки в полне понятен - очень редко те кто не чувствует боли доживают до 20 лет. Часто эти люди погибают от аппендицита - они не могут пожаловаться на боль
в правом боку и эту проблему выявляют слишком поздно.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One of these stories is the story of Ashlyn Blocker from the city of Patterson. United States. It 14 it goes to a regular school and engaged in music. But Ashley is one of those rare people in the world who will never feel the pain, therefore her life is full of danger. When Ashlyn was little her parents wrapped her hands with gauze to keep it combed them. When Ashlyn prorezalis' teeth izzhevala it yourself lips. Once she broke his ankle and two days went so long as parents don't notice that something is wrong. Ashley's body does not emit sweat which is very dangerous because it can die in intense heat. Unfortunately modern medicine there is no medicine against the disease for several years, therefore, all the relatives Ashlyn are in constant fear for her life.Fear of parents of a little girl 2. clear-very rare ones who feels no pain live to 20 years. Often these people die from appendicitis-they can not complain about pain in the right side and reveal the problem too late.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One of these stories is the story of Ashlyn Blocker from Patterson.SShA. she is 14 she goes to a regular school and studying music. But Ashley is one of those rare people in the world who have never felt pain so her life is full of dangers. When Ashlyn was small, her parents wrapped her hands with gauze to keep it from brushing them. When Ashlyn erupted teeth she chewed his lips. One day she broke her ankle two days went well until the parents noticed that her that something was wrong. Ashley's body does not produce sweat which is very dangerous because it may die in extreme heat. Unfortunately modern medicine there is no cure for this disease so for several years, all relatives Ashlyn are in constant fear for her life.
Fear of the parents of a little girl in the overall concept - very rarely those who do not feel pain live to 20 years. Often these people die from appendicitis - they can not complain about the pain
in his right side, and the problem detected is too late.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
one such story is the story of эшлин блокер town паттэрсон.сша. she's 14, she goes to a regular school and doing music. but ashley is one of those rare people in the world who never feel the pain that life is full of hazards. when эшлин was young her parents обматывали her hands with gauze that she used to brush them. when эшлин erupted teeth she изжевала my lips. one day, she broke her ankle and two days went so far that her parents don't notice anything wrong. ashley's body does not emit sweat very dangerous as it can die in the great heat. unfortunately, modern medicine, there is no cure of the disease, so for several years, all related to эшлин are in constant fear for her life.fear of parents of a little girl in full is very rarely those who don't feel pain, live to be 20 years old. often these people die from appendicitis - they can't complain about painin the right side, and this problem is too late.
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