Аппараты воздушного охлаждения предназначены для отведения тепловой нагрузки в атмосферу от основного и вспомогательного оборудования двух блоков ПГУ-110 МВт ст. №№1,2 Прегольской ТЭС.
Air coolers are for exhaust heat load into the atmosphere from the main and auxiliary equipment of the two blocks PGU 110 MW st. №№1,2 PREGOLSKY MICRODISTRICT TPP.
Air cooling devices are designed to remove heat load into the atmosphere from the main and supporting equipment of two blocks of PSU-110 MW. No.1.2 Pregol TPP.
The air cooler is designed to transfer the heat load from the main and auxiliary gg-110 megawatts of the two units to the atmosphere. Prokhol thermal power station № 1.2<br>