В 1930 году первый аналоговый компьютер был построен американскимимене перевод - В 1930 году первый аналоговый компьютер был построен американскимимене английский как сказать

В 1930 году первый аналоговый компь

В 1930 году первый аналоговый компьютер был построен американскимименем Ванневар Буша. Это устройство использовались во время Второй мировой войны длямногих технических разработок электронного цифровой вычислимости рва имело место в 1940 - х и 1950 - х годах. Mark I, имя , данное к первому цифровому компьютеру, был завершен в 1944 г. Человек, ответственный за это изобретение был профессор Говард Айкен. Это была первая машина , которая могла выяснить длинные списки матема- матических задач в очень быстром темпе. В 1946 году два инженеров из Университета Pennsilvania, J.Eckert и J.Maushly, построили свой цифровой компьютер с Vacu-ммм труб. Они назвали свое новое изобретение ENIAC.Еще одним важным достижением в развивающихся компьютеров пришел в 1947 году, когда Джон фон Нейман разработал идею сохранения инструкции для компьютера внутри компьютера памяти. Вклад Джона фон Неймана был particu-бенно значительным. В противоположность аналитическим двигателем Бэббиджа, который был разработан , чтобы хранить только данные, ма-скула фон Неймана, называется EDVAC, был в состоянии хранить данные и инструкции. Он также способствовал идее хранения данных и команд в би-ни единого кода , который использует только единицы и нули. Таким образом, компьютеры использовать два условие, высокое напряжение и низкое напряжение, чтобы перевести символы , по которым мы commu-щаемся в уникальные комбинации электрических импульсов. Мы называем эти комбинации как коды. Неймана хранится компьютерная программа, а также другие мА- скулы того времени были возможны в соответствии с изобретением в вакуумной трубки , которые могут контролировать и усиливать электронные сигналы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In 1930, the first analog computer was built by an American <br>named Vannevar Bush. This device is used during the Second World War, for <br>many of the technical development of electronic digital computability<br>moat took place in 1940 - and 1950 - ies. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The person responsible for this invention was Professor Howard Aiken. It was the first machine that could find a long list of mathe- matic tasks at a very fast pace. In 1946, two engineers from the University of Pennsilvania, J.Eckert and J.Maushly, built a digital computer with Vacu-mmm pipes. They named their new invention ENIAC.Esche important achievement in developing computers came in 1947, when John von Neumann developed the idea of ​​preservation instructions for a computer in the computer's memory. John von Neumann's contribution was particu-cially significant. In contrast, the analytical engine Babbage, which was designed to store only the data ma-chine von Neumann called the EDVAC, I was able to store data and instructions. He also promoted the idea of ​​storing data and instructions in a bi-nary code that uses only ones and zeros. Thus, computers use two condition, high voltage and low voltage, to translate the symbols by which we commu-vention in the unique combination of electrical impulses. We refer to these combinations as codes.<br>Neumann computer program is stored, as well as other mA- <br>cheekbones that time were possible, in accordance with the invention, in <br>a vacuum tube, which can control and amplify electronic signals.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In 1930, the first analog computer was built by the American<br>vannevar Bush. This device was used during World War II to<br>many technical developments in e-digital computing <br>the moat took place in the 1940s and 1950s. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. It was the first machine that could figure out long lists of mathema-mattic tasks at a very fast pace. In 1946, two engineers from pennsilvania University, J.Eckert and J.Maushly, built their digital computer with Vacu-mmm pipes. They named their new invention ENIAC.Another important achievement in developing computers came in 1947, when John von Neumann developed the idea of keeping instructions for the computer inside the memory computer. John von Neumann's contribution was particu-benny significant. Contrary to Babbage's analytical engine, which was designed to store only data, von Neumann's ma-skula, called EDVAC, was able to store data and instructions. He also promoted the idea of storing data and commands in a single code that uses only units and zeros. Thus, computers use two conditions, high voltage and low voltage to translate the characters by which we commu-sat in unique combinations of electrical impulses. We call these combinations as codes. <br>Neumann is stored a computer program, as well as other <br>cheekbones of that time were possible in accordance with the invention in <br>vacuum tubes that can control and amplify electronic signals.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The first analog computer was built in the United States in 1930<br>My name is vanevar bush. The device was used during the Second World War<br>Many technical developments of electronic digital Computability<br>The war took place in the 1940s and 1950s. Mark I, the name of the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The person in charge of the invention is Professor Howard Aiken. This is the first one to be able to find the math task list at a very fast speed. In 1946, two engineers from Pennsylvania University, J. Eckert and J. maushly built a digital computer with a vacu mm tube. They called their newly invented management system. Another important achievement in the development of computers was in 1947, when John von Neumann developed an idea to save computer instructions. In memory computer. The contribution of John von Neumann is particularly important. In contrast, designing a Babbage analysis engine that stores only data is called "EDVAC.". Ability to store data and instructions. It also promotes the idea of storing data and instructions in a single code, using only units and zeros. Therefore, computers use two conditions: high voltage and low voltage to translate characters, Our unique combination of electric pulses. We call these combinations code.<br>The computer programs stored by Neumann and other horses -<br>Cheekbones at that time were based on the invention of<br>A vacuum tube for controlling and strengthening electronic signals.<br>
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