2. Лагерь туристов был расположен на берегу реки. 3. По дороге мы зашл перевод - 2. Лагерь туристов был расположен на берегу реки. 3. По дороге мы зашл английский как сказать

2. Лагерь туристов был расположен н

2. Лагерь туристов был расположен на берегу реки. 3. По дороге мы зашли в цветочный магазин и купили большой букет роз — любимые цветы моей матери. 4. Наступило минутное молчание; все почувствовали себя неловко. 5. Они прошли в отдел детской обуви. 6. Мнения разошлись. Одни предлагали устроить новогодний вечер у Серовых, а другие -- у Никитиных. 7. Глаза ее были такие же красивые, как и у ее матери, а подбородок такой же волевой, как у отца. 8. Вы бы хоть ради приличия посидели еще несколько минут. 9. В санаториях после обеда полагается отдыхать в течение часа. 10. Дети приводили в порядок сад, убирали прошлогодние листья и подстригали кусты и деревья. 11. Он был на волосок от смерти. Только чудо его спасло. 12. Картина “Пушкин у моря” — работа кисти Айвазовского и Репина. 13. Портрет жены Рембрандта -- один из шедевров художника. 14. Население Лондона с пригородами составляет более 12 миллионов. 15. Друзья долго не виделись и, когда встретились, вволю наговорились. 16. Мы с братом купили башмаки в одно и то же время. Мои уже износились, а у брата еще совсем новые. 17. У него не было своего велосипеда, и, когда ему нужно было поехать на станцию, он брал велосипед у соседа. 18. Чье предложение вы поддерживаете — директора или главного инженера? 19. Как зовут сестру вашего приятеля? 20. “Кармен”, наиболее популярная опера Бизе, была написана на сюжет известной новеллы Мериме. 21. Это не его слова, они принадлежат какому-то писателю.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
2. tourist Camp was located on the banks of the river. 3. On the way we stopped at a flower shop and bought a large bouquet of Roses is my mother's favorite flowers. 4. Now is the minute silence; everything felt awkward. 5. They have been in the Division of children's shoes. 6. Differing views were expressed. Some offered to arrange a new year's Eve at the Serov and others-Nikitinykh. 7. Her eyes were the same beautiful, like her mother, and Chin the same strong-willed as his father. 8. Would you though for the sake of decency we sat for another few minutes. 9. In the afternoon relies rest for hours. 10. children brought into order garden, cleaned last year's leaves and podstrigali bushes and trees. 11. He was on the verge of death. Only a miracle saved him. 12. the picture "Pushkin near the sea" — brushes Aivazovsky and Ilya Repin. 13. portrait of Rembrandt's wife is one of the masterpieces of the artist. 14. The population of London with suburbs is more than 12 million. 15. long time no see Friends and, when met, plenty nagovorilis′. 16. My brother and I bought shoes at the same time. My already worn, and my brother is still quite new. 17. He did not have his bicycle, and when he needed to go to the station, he took a bicycle from a neighbor. 18. Whose proposal you support — Director or chief engineer? 19. What is the name of the sister of your pal? 20. "Carmen", the most popular opera by Bizet, was written on the plot known novels Mérimée. 21. It is not his words, they belong to the writer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
2. Camp of tourists was located on the river bank. 3. On the way we stopped at a flower shop and bought a big bunch of roses - my mother's favorite flower. 4. There was a moment of silence; all felt uncomfortable. 5. They went to the department of children's shoes. 6. Opinions differed. Some offered to arrange a New Year's Eve at the Serov, and others - have Nikitin. 7. Her eyes were as beautiful as her mother, and the same strong-willed chin, like his father. 8. You should at least for the sake of decency sat for a few minutes. 9. sanatoriums afternoon supposed to rest for an hour. 10. The children put in order the garden, cleaned last year's leaves and trimmed bushes and trees. 11. He was on the verge of death. Only a miracle saved him. 12. The painting "Pushkin by the Sea" - work hand Repin and Aivazovsky. 13. Portrait of Rembrandt's wife - one of the artist's masterpieces. 14. The population of London suburbs is over 12 million. 15. Friends have not seen, and when met plenty hex. 16. My brother and I bought shoes at the same time. My already worn out, and his brother is still quite new. 17. He did not have a bicycle, and when he had to go to the station, he took a bicycle from a neighbor. 18. Whose offer you support - a director or chief engineer? 19. What is the name of your friend's sister? 20. "Carmen", the most popular opera of Bizet, was written on the subject of the famous novel Merimee. 21. It is not his words, they belong to some kind of writer.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
2. tourist camp was located on the bank of the river. 3. on the way, we went to a flower shop and bought a big bunch of roses to my mother's favorite flowers. 4. it was a moment's silence; it felt awkward. 5.they have been in the department of children's shoes. 6. views had differed. some suggested a new year's eve's серовых and others have никитиных. 7. her eyes were as pretty as her mother, and the chin is a strong willed,like his father. 8. you should have the decency to sit still for a few minutes. 9. in homes after dinner to rest for an hour. 10. the children clean up the garden.was last year's leaves and подстригали bushes and trees. 11. he was on the brink of death. only a miracle saved him. 12. the painting "pushkin in the sea" is a work by norman rockwell and репина. 13.a portrait by rembrandt's wife is one of the masterpieces of art. 14. the population of london region is more than 12 million. 15. friends, long time no see, when met, as was enough talking. 16.my brother bought a pair of shoes at the same time. my brother's all worn out, but still very new. 17. he didn't have his bicycle, and, when he had to go to the station, he took the bike from your neighbor. 18.whose proposal you support the director or chief engineer? 19. sister's name is your friend? 20. "carmen", the most popular opera, bizet, was written in the famous novel мериме. 21. it's not his words.they belong to some kind of a writer.
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