IPLAY" - ультратонкий, легкий и осн

IPLAY" - ультратонкий, легкий и оснащен мощной, встроенной батареей заряда.

В его создании использовался чувствительный сенсор, ретина дисплей и функция 3D галлограммы, позволяющая управлять всеми функциями движением рук.

"IPLAY" будет полностью взаимодействовать с ICloud, APP STORE и Air Drop. Это означает, что ваша учетная запись будет конфеденциальна и всегда закреплена за вами. Помимо основной памяти на жестком диске, вы можете докупать количество памяти в хранилище ICloud. А так же передавать данные, делиться информацией и играми с друзьями через Air Drop.

в App Store будет представлен большой выбор экслюзивных игр. Только пользователи "IPLAY" смогут насладиться качеством, графикой и реальностью ощущений на высшем уровне.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
IPLAY "-an ultra-thin, lightweight and comes with a powerful built-in battery charge.In its creation was used sensitive sensor, retina display and 3D feature gallogrammy, which allows you to operate all functions of the hand movement. "IPLAY" will fully cooperate with ICloud, APP STORE and Air Drop. This means that your account is confidential and is always assigned to you. In addition to the main memory on your hard drive, you can buy the amount of memory in the store ICloud. As well as transmitting data, share information and games with your friends via Air Drop.the App Store will be a large selection of exclusive games. Only users "IPLAY" will be able to enjoy quality, graphics and reality sensations at the highest level.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
IPLAY "- ultra-thin, lightweight, and features a powerful, built-in battery charge. In its creation used a sensitive sensor, the retina display and the 3D function gallogrammy, allows you to manage all the functions of the movement of the hands." IPLAY "will fully cooperate with ICloud, APP STORE, and Air Drop. This means that your account will be confidentiality and always assigned to you. In addition to the main memory on your hard disk, you can not buy the amount of memory in the storage ICloud. And also to transmit data, share information and games with friends via Air Drop. in the App Store It will be a large selection of exclusive games. Only users "IPLAY" will be able to enjoy the quality, graphics and true feelings at the highest level.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
IPLAY "ультратонкий, light and equipped with powerful, built-in battery charge.

a used sensitive sensor, ретина display and the function of 3d галлограммы,to control all the functions of the hands.

"IPLAY" will fully cooperate with the ICloud, app store and air drop. this means that your account will be конфеденциальна and always is for you.in addition to the main memory to the hard disk, you can докупать amount of memory storage in the ICloud. as well as the transfer of data, sharing information and games with friends via air drop.

in the app store will be presented a selection of exclusive games. only users "IPLAY" can enjoy quality graphics and reality experience at the highest level.
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