Лондон является столицей Великобритании. Крупнейшим городом Европейско перевод - Лондон является столицей Великобритании. Крупнейшим городом Европейско английский как сказать

Лондон является столицей Великобрит

Лондон является столицей Великобритании. Крупнейшим городом Европейского союза и одним из ведущих туристических направлений в мире. Город стоит на реке Темзе и был основан римлянами. Изначально он назывался Лондиниумом. Сегодня, это город глобального масштаба привлекает людей со всего мира развитым искусством., образованием, финансовой сферой. Средствами массовой информации и. конечно же, туризмом. Город так же известен своим национальным и культурным разнообразием. В не говорят более чем на 300 языках. Стоит отметить. Что в Лондоне четыре объекта Всемирного наследия, включая Лондонский Тауэр, Гринвич, Королевские ботанические сады Кью и Вестминстерский дворец с аббатством и церковью. К другим знаменательным достопримечательностям относятся колесо обозрения Лондонский глаз. Биг Бен, Букингемский дворец. Здание парламента, Гайд-парк. Британский музей, площадь Пикадилли, Колонна Нельсона, театры Вест-Энда, Лондонский аквариум и многие другие места, которые стоит посетить. Очевидно, что люди любой профессии, хобби или интереса найдут, что посмотреть и чем заняться в Лондоне. Город предлагает множество мест природного, культурного и исторического значения, а также все для отдыха и развлечений.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
London is the capital of the uk. The largest city in the European Union and one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. The town stands on the River Thames and was founded by the Romans. It was originally called Londiniumom. Today, it is a city of global scale attracts people from around the world developed the art, education, and finance. Media and. of course, tourism. The city is also known for its national and cultural diversity. In no more than 300 languages. It is worth noting. That in London four world heritage sites, including the Tower of London, Greenwich, Kew Gardens and the Palace of Westminster with the Abbey and the Church. Other notable attractions include the London Eye Ferris wheel. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace. The houses of Parliament, Hyde Park. The British Museum, Piccadilly Circus, Nelson's column, the theatres of the West end, London Aquarium and many other places that are worth visiting. It is clear that people of any profession, hobby or interest will find things to see and do in London. The city offers plenty of natural, cultural and historical significance, as well as all for relaxation and entertainment.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

London is the capital of Great Britain. The largest city in the European Union and one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. The town stands on the River Thames, and was founded by the Romans. It was originally called Londinium. Today, it is a city on a global scale attracts people from all over the world the development of art., Education, financial sphere. Media and. of course, tourism. The city is also famous for its national and cultural diversity. The do not speak more than 300 languages. It is worth noting. What's in London four World Heritage Site, including the Tower of London, Greenwich, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens and the Palace of Westminster and the abbey church. Other memorable attractions include the London Eye. Big Ben, Buckingham Palace. Parliament House, Hyde Park. The British Museum, Piccadilly Circus, Nelson's Column, the theaters of the West End, the London Aquarium and many other places that are worth visiting. Obviously, people of any profession, hobby or interest will find something to see and do in London. The city offers many sites of natural, cultural and historical values, as well as all the leisure and entertainment.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

london is the capital of britain. the largest city of the european union and one of the leading tourist destinations in the world. the city stands on the river thames and was founded by the romans.originally it was called лондиниумом. today, the town is a global scale attracts people from all over the world developed искусством., education, financial field. the media and. of course, thetourism. the city is known for its ethnic and cultural diversity. not say more than 300 languages. it should be noted. in london, four world heritage site, including the tower of london, greenwich,the royal botanic gardens, kew and the palace of westminster to the abbey and the church. other notable attractions include the london eye ferris wheel. big ben, and buckingham palace.parliament building, the hyde park. the british museum, piccadilly circus, nelson's column, theatres in the west end, london aquarium and many other places worth visiting. it is obvious that people of any profession.find a hobby or interest, what to see and do in london. the city has many places of natural, cultural and historic significance, but also for leisure and entertainment.
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