Другие, напротив, считая такую точку зрения легкомысленной, наряжались перевод - Другие, напротив, считая такую точку зрения легкомысленной, наряжались английский как сказать

Другие, напротив, считая такую точк

Другие, напротив, считая такую точку зрения легкомысленной, наряжались в платья фабричного производства и нацепляли на себя поистине варварские украшения. Мужчины, как правило, имели вполне корректный вид. Они хотели выглядеть светскими людьми и при случае вправду могли сойти за старших конторщиков солидной фирмы. Вид у них всегда был утомленный. Я никогда прежде не видел писателей, и они казались мне несколько странными и даже какими-то ненастоящими.
Их разговор я находил блистательным и с удивлением слушал, как они поносили любого собрата по перу, едва только он повернется к ним спиной. Преимущество людей артистического склада заключается в том, что друзья дают им повод для насмешек не только своим внешним видом или характером, но и своими трудами. Я был убежден, что никогда не научусь выражать свои мысли так изящно и легко, как они. В те времена разговор считали искусством; меткий, находчивый ответ ценился выше подспудного глубокомыслия, и эпиграмма, еще не ставшая механическим приспособлением для переплавки глупости в остроумие, оживляла салонную болтовню. К сожалению, я не могу припомнить ничего из этих словесных фейерверков. Но мне думается, что беседы становились всего оживленнее, когда они касались чисто коммерческой стороны нашей профессии. Обсудив достоинства новой книги, мы, естественно, начинали говорить о том, сколько экземпляров ее распродано, какой аванс получен автором и сколько еще дохода она ему принесет. Далее речь неизменно заходила об издателях, щедрость одного противопоставлялась мелочности другого; мы обсуждали, с каким из них лучше иметь дело: с тем, кто не скупится на гонорары, или с тем, кто умеет «протолкнуть» любую книгу. Одни умели рекламировать автора, другим это не удавалось. У одного издателя был нюх на современность, другого отличала старомодность. Затем разговор перескакивал на комиссионеров, на заказы, которые они добывали для нас, на редакторов газет, на характер нужных им статей, на то, сколько платят за тысячу слов и как платят – аккуратно или задерживают гонорар. Мне все это казалось весьма романтичным. Я чувствовал себя членом некоего тайного братства.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Others, on the contrary, considering this point of view, we dressed up as frivolous dress factory and naceplâli themselves truly barbaric jewelry. Men tend to have quite the correct appearance. They wanted to look like socialites and really could pass for senior kontorŝikov a solid company. Look they have always been weary. I never before seen writers, and they struck me as somewhat strange and even some inauthentic. Their conversation I found brilliant and listened with amazement as they vilified any fellow to Peru, he had just turned his back to them. Advantage people artistic warehouse is that friends give them an excuse to ridicule not only their appearance, or character, but also for its productions. I was convinced that he would never learn to express their thoughts so gracefully and easily as they. In those days the conversation felt art; sure shot, riposte was prized above underlying insight, and Epigram, yet never became a mechanical device for melting nonsense in wit, enlivened a salon chatter. Unfortunately, I can't remember anything from these verbal Fireworks. But I think the conversation just became more animated when they dealt with purely commercial side of our profession. Discussing the merits of a new book, we naturally started to talk about how many copies it sold, any advance payment received by the author and how much revenue it will bring. Next, it invariably came about publishers, the generosity of one versus the other pettiness; We discussed which of them is better deal: who does not stint on the fees, or with someone who is able to "push" any book. Some were able to advertise the author, others could not. One Publisher was the scent on modernity, another distinguished stuffiness. Then the conversation pereskakival to Commissioners, on orders that they mined for us, the editors, the nature of the required articles, how many pay per thousand words and how pay is neatly or delay fee. To me it all seemed very romantic. I felt a member of some secret brotherhood.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Others, however, apart from this point of view frivolous, dressed up in a dress factory production and fasten the truly barbarous ornaments. Men tend to have quite the correct form. They wanted to look like secular people and on occasion really could pass for senior clerks solid firm. They looked always tired. I had never seen before writers, and they seemed to me somewhat strange and even some unreal.
Their conversation I found brilliant and listened in amazement as they denounced any fellow writers, as soon as he turns his back on them. The advantage of people artistic warehouse is that friends give them a reason to ridicule not only by its appearance or character, but also his work. I was convinced that he would never learn to express their thoughts so gracefully and easily as they are. At the time the conversation was considered an art; accurate, quick-witted response prized above latent profundity, and epigram, not yet become a mechanical device for melting stupidity to wit, enlivened salon chatter. Unfortunately, I can not remember any of these verbal fireworks. But I think that the whole conversation became livelier when they touched the purely commercial side of our profession. After discussing the merits of a new book, we naturally started talking about how many copies it sold, any advance obtained by the author and how much revenue it will bring him. Further, it invariably comes to the publishers, the generosity of one opposed to the other pettiness; we discussed with some of them better deal: the one who does not skimp on fees, or those who know how to "push" any book. Some were able to advertise the author, the other could not. One publisher had a nose for the present, another distinguished old-fashioned. Then the conversation jumped to commissioners on the orders that they obtained for us, to newspaper editors, the character they need articles on how much to pay for a thousand words, and how to pay - it is accurate or delay fee. To me all this seemed very romantic. I felt like a member of a secret brotherhood.
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