Результаты (
английский) 1:
The aim of the lectures is to generate knowledge on natural resources as a source of sustenance of society and environmental management as a condition of sustainable developmentKey words: natural resources, sustainable development, society, nature, environment, environmental management, waste technologies, minerals.The main issues and summary: 1. characteristics of natural resources and their classification 2. environmental management, waste and waste technologies 3. biological resources and food security 4. Clean energies as components of sustainable development, ecosystems and societyNatural resources are the basis of the life of any human society. These include the means of existence of people who are not their work. It's water, soil, plants, animals, microorganisms, minerals, space resources (solar energy). Among the minerals can be identified, energy (coal, oil, gas, shale oil) and mineral resources used directly or processed (enrichment of various ores). There are different classifications of natural resources. For example, on the use of natural resources are subdivided into manufacturing, health, aesthetic, scientific, etc.; and by any components of nature-on land, water, forest, mineral, energy, etc.The most general classification of natural resources on their finite nature. According to this classification, all natural resources are divided into renewable and inexhaustible (Figure 12). Exhaustible resources are further subdivided into renewable energy and non-renewable. To for renewable resources include the live component of the biosphere, some mineral resources (for example, salt, osaždaûŝiesâ in lakes and marine lagoons), as well as soil fertility which is formed over a large period of time and is one of the most scarce resources. However, the rate of use of renewable resources must match the pace of their recovery, otherwise the renewable energy resources could become nevozobnovimymi. To nevozobnovimym include the wealth of the Earth that are not restored or recovered significantly slower than going to use them. This mining resources, which formed in special physical and geographical conditions, and minerals such as coal, oil, natural gas, which represent the dead organic matter and formed over millions of years. Resources are limitless space, climate and water resources. Space resources is the solar radiation and the energy of sea tides, caused by the influence of the moon on our planet. Receipt of solar radiation on the Earth's surface depends on the State of the atmosphere and its degree of soiling. Climatic resources is ambient air, precipitation, and wind. Water is a water supply of land. Globally, this resource is inexhaustible, but locally it can be exhausted (for example, the Aral Sea).People with the first days of its existence became exploit nature. However, in today's world consumer attitudes towards the environment has passed all reasonable limits. Since the bronze age, people began to systematically extract minerals. Up to 18 century, mankind has used ≈ 30 chemical elements at the beginning of the 20 century in industrial processing involved more than 50 items, and now more than 100 elements of the periodic table. Demand for minerals has been steadily increasing, and the demand for them is due, above all, demographic growth. Starting around the 50-IES of the 20 century, the developed countries spend more minerals than the whole world for all the prewar. Over the past 30 years and has mineral resources extracted more than in the entire history of mankind.Kazakhstan occupies one of leading places in the world for mineral reserves. Reserves of lead, zinc, chromite, silver, tungsten, bismuth, vanadium, etc. non-ferrous metals, our Republic occupies first place among the former Soviet republics, and on copper, asbestos, iron, oil, coking coal is one of the first places in the world. Massive rate of extraction and utilization of minerals contributes to environmental pollution elements such as zinc, copper, lead, nickel, arsenic, molybdenum, selenium, antimony, cadmium, mercury, tungsten. According to many experts, the total toxicity of these items exceeds the total toxicity of radioactive and organic pollutants. These elements accumulate in the environment and getting on the food chain to humans, pose a serious threat to health, causing not only physiological changes, but also striking genetic material (mutagenic effect).As a result of diverse and often thoughtless human activities reduces the number of animal species (leatherback turtle, Caspian seal, usurijskij Tiger, Bustard, etc.) and plants (ginseng, wormwood citvernaâ, etc.). These biological resources of the Earth are of paramount importance, because, first of all, determine the biological basis of human activity. Biological resources being renewable quantified (via multiplication), but qualitatively virtually irreplaceable, because loss of species or ecosystem is irreversible.Biological resources include genetic resources-heirs
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