Например, однажды мама поручила Джуне присмотреть за младшим братом. Девочка нехотя согласилась, хотя ей больше хотелось поиграть с подругами. Когда она попыталась убаюкать брата на руках, какая-то нечеловеческая сила вырвала младенца из объятий сестры и зашвырнула его в колодец. Девочка не помнила, как она спасла брата, а сама оказалась внутри колодца, заполненного холодной водой, где пробыла следующие десять минут, пока не подоспела помощь. Но когда ее вытащили, Джуна была в полном порядке
Результаты (
английский) 1:
For example, one day my mother asked the Juna look after younger brother. Girl reluctantly agreed, although it is more like playing with friends. When she tried to lull his brother at the hands of some unearthly force snatched the baby from hugs and throw his sister and into the well. The girl remembered how she saved her brother, and she found herself inside a well, filled with cold water, where spent the next ten minutes until help arrived. But when she pulled out, Joon was in perfect order
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
For example, one mother asked the Juna look after his younger brother. The girl reluctantly agreed, although she would like more than to play with friends. When she tried to lull his brother at the hands of some superhuman force wrenched the baby from the embrace of sisters and threw it into the well. The girl did not remember how she had saved his brother, and she was inside the well, filled with cold water, which has stayed the next ten minutes until help arrived. But when it pulled out, Joon was in perfect order
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
for example, one day my mother asked джуне look after the younger brother. the girl reluctantly agreed, although she would like to play with my friends. when she tried to lull his brother on his hands, some inhuman strength tore him from the clutches of the sisters and has hurled him into the well. the girl didn"t remember how she saved my brother, and i was in the pit filled with cold water, where spent the next ten minutes until i got help. but when it was removed, june was just fine
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