1. Она сказала, что была очень занята и давно не была в театре. 2. Я б перевод - 1. Она сказала, что была очень занята и давно не была в театре. 2. Я б английский как сказать

1. Она сказала, что была очень заня

1. Она сказала, что была очень занята и давно не была в театре. 2. Я был уверен, что он сказал вам, что получил от нее письмо. 3. Я был удивлен, что вы не сказали им, что собираетесь ехать в Дувр. 4. Я думал, что вы прочтете в газете, что делегация уже прибыла в Москву. 5. Он обещал, что скажет вам, что я уже вернулся и хочу видеть вас. 6. Она боялась, что вы скажете, что не можете помочь ей. 7. Я знал, что он Чувствует, что я недоволен результатами его опытов. 8. Я был уверен, что он уже слышал, что мы вернулись с юга. 9. Он сказал, что пошлет телеграмму, если не получит известий от брата. 10. Роберт сказал, что его жена все еще в больнице и он собирается навестить ее вечером. 11. Наш гид сказал, что автобус только что пришел и отправится в Глазго через час. 12. Ваш товарищ сказал мне, в чем дело, и я думаю, что смогу помочь вам. 13. Она сказала, что очень занята и еще не была в театре после каникул. 14. Учительница сказала, что мы должны повторить все правила, если хотим сдать экзамены хорошо. 15. Мой друг обещал достать несколько книг по этому вопросу, как только я начну работать над статьей. 16. Она думала, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 17. Мы слышали, что вы свободны, и решили, что вы сможете помочь нам.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. She said that she was very busy and haven't been in the theater. 2. I was sure that he told you that he had received a letter from her. 3. I was surprised that you did not tell them that you are going to go to Dover. 4. I thought you read in the newspaper that the delegation had already arrived in Moscow. 5. He has promised, that will tell you that I have already returned and want to see you. 6. She feared that you say that you can't help it. 7. I know that he Feels that I am not satisfied with the results of his experiments. 8. I was sure that he had already heard that we came from the South. 9. He said he would send a telegram unless it receives news from his brother. 10. Robert said his wife is still in the hospital and he is going to visit her in the evening. 11. Our guide said that the bus had just come and go in Glasgow after an hour. 12. your comrade told me what was wrong, and I think I can help you. 13. She said that she is very busy and has not yet been in the theater after the holidays. 14. The teacher said that we must repeat all the rules, if you want to pass exams well. 15. My friend promised to get a few books on the subject as soon as I start working on the article. 16. She thought that tomorrow will be good weather. 17. We have heard that you are free, and have decided that you will be able to help us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. She said she was very busy and had not been to the theater. 2. I was sure that he told you that he had received a letter from her. 3. I was surprised that you did not tell them that you are going to go to Dover. 4. I think that you will read in the newspaper that the delegation had already arrived in Moscow. 5. He promised to tell you that I'm back and I want to see you. 6. She was afraid of what you say, you can not help it. 7. I know that he feels that I am dissatisfied with the results of his experiments. 8. I was sure that he had heard that we came back from the south. 9. He said he would send a telegram if you have not heard from his brother. 10. Robert said that his wife was still in the hospital and he was going to visit her in the evening. 11. Our guide said that the bus had just come and go in Glasgow an hour. 12. Your friend told me what was happening, and I think I can help you. 13. She said she was very busy and have not been to the theater after the holidays. 14. The teacher said that we have to repeat all the rules, if we want to pass exams well. 15. My friend promised to get a few books on the subject, as soon as I start working on the article. 16. It is thought that tomorrow the weather is good. 17. We have heard that you are free, and have decided that you will be able to help us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. she said that she was very busy and haven't been to the theatre. 2. i was sure that he said, i received a letter from her. 3. i was surprised that you haven't told them, what are you going to go to dover. 4. i thoughtwhat you read in the paper that the delegation has arrived in moscow. 5. he said to tell you that i was back and i want to see you. 6. she was afraid that you would say that you can't help her. 7. i know how he feels.what i'm unhappy results of his experiments. 8. i was sure he had heard that we were back from the south. 9. he said that he would send a telegram if he doesn't hear from my brother. 10. robert said,his wife is still in the hospital and he is going to see her tonight. 11. our tour guide said that the bus just comes and goes in glasgow in an hour. 12. your friend told me what it is, and i think i can help you.13. she said that she is very busy and have not been in the theater after the break. 14. the teacher said that we should do all the rules if you want to pass your exams. 15.my friend promised to get a few books on the subject, once i start working on the article. 16. she thought that tomorrow is a good weather. 17. we heard that you are free and you decided that you might be able to help us.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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