я понимаю что говорю чушь и веду себя как ненормальная. я страдаю, сама не знаю от чего.. я просто не могла смотреть на детей в твоих руках на фото, и твои деньги выглядят как выкуп за смерть, а потом ты сказал что мне не обязательно было быть на встрече с Катей, вместо объятий и поцелуя (поверь, целовать и обнимать всегда более выгодно для всех). сейчас у меня лихорадка, я принимаю обезболивающее уже два дня, и я вообще не знаю что думать, я придаю значение каждой мелочи, я не знаю как контролировать свои чувства, вот и все, так просто, я разорвана на куски и не знаю как вернуться, я боюсь тебя потерять, хотя никогда раньше не имела, и вообще все это больше похоже на фальшивую драму.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I understand that talking nonsense and behave as abnormal. I suffer, I don't know what is. .. I just couldn't look at children in your hands on the photo and your money look like ransom for death, but then you said that I didn't have to be at the meeting with Katya, instead of hugs and Kiss (believe me, kissing and hugging are always more profitable for everyone). now I have a fever, I take pain medication for two days, and I do not know what to think, I attach importance to every little thing I do not know how to control their feelings, that's all, so easy, I'm torn into pieces and do not know how to get back, I'm afraid you lose, although never had, and it's more like a fake drama.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I understand what I'm talking nonsense and behave like crazy. I suffer, I do not know from what .. I just could not look at the children in your hands in the photo, your money and look like a ransom for the death, and then you said that I did not have to be in a meeting with Kate, and instead embrace Kiss (believe me, kissing and hugging are always more beneficial to all). Now I have a fever, I take pain medication for two days and I do not know what to think, I attach importance to every detail, I do not know how to control their feelings, that's all so simple, I'm torn to pieces and do not know how to get back I'm afraid to lose you, but never before had, and everything it's more like a fake drama.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
i understand that talking nonsense and acting like a crazy person. i suffer, and i don't know what... i just couldn't see children in your hands in the picture, and your money looks like the ransom for deathand then you said i didn't have to be at a meeting with katya, instead of hugging and kissing (trust me, kissing and hugging are always more profitable to all). now i've got a fever, i take the pain for two days.and i don't know what to think, i attach importance to every little thing, i don't know how to control their feelings, that's all, i'm torn to pieces, and i don't know how to go back, i am afraid of losing you.although i never was, and everything, it looks more like a fake drama.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..