Над средней Англией Мерсия сохранила власть. Правление в Мерсии короля перевод - Над средней Англией Мерсия сохранила власть. Правление в Мерсии короля английский как сказать

Над средней Англией Мерсия сохранил

Над средней Англией Мерсия сохранила власть. Правление в Мерсии короля Оффы (757-796) было временем подготовки к захвату всей Британии. Оффа пошел походом на Уэльс и одержал ряд побед (779). Затем Оффа подчинил Эссекс, Суссекс, восточную Англию и держал в повиновении Кент. Но это усиление
Мерсии было временным, после смерти Оффы попытки объединить Англию были оставлены ,так как Нортумбрия и Уэссекс, соперничая, мешали друг другу.
С конца VIII в. на Британские острова начали совершать набеги даны -собственно датчане и норвежцы .Тех и других обычно называют норманнами. На англосаксонские королевства нападали в основном датчане, а на Ирландию и Шотландию- норвежцы.
Норманны грабили нещадно города, монастыри и села, захватывали в плен людей, обращая их в рабство. Повсеместно они восстанавливали языческую веру и истребляли христианское духовенство.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Above average England Mercia retained power. Mercian King Offa's reign (757-796) was a time of preparing to seize the whole of Britain. Offa went a campaign in Wales, and won a number of victories (779). Then Offa conquered Essex, Sussex, eastern England and kept in subjection of Kent. But this increasedMercia was temporary, after the death of Offa's attempts to unite England were left as Northumbria and Wessex, rivaling, interfered with each other.Since the end of the 8th century in the British Isles began raiding given-the Danes and Norwegians. Those and other commonly referred to by the Normans. The Anglo-Saxon Kingdom attacked mostly Danes, and on Ireland and Scotland-Norwegians.The Normans pillaged mercilessly cities, monasteries and villages, took captive people, drawing them into slavery. Everywhere they restored the pagan faith and destroyed Christian clergy.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Above average Mercia England retained power. Board in the Mercian king Offa (757-796) was a time of preparation for the seizure of the whole of Britain. Offa went march on Wales and won a number of victories (779). Then subdued Offa of Essex, Sussex, East Anglia and Kent kept in obedience. But this enhancement
of Mercia was a time, after the death of Offa's attempts to merge England were left as Northumbria and Wessex, competing, interfere with each other.
Since the end of the VIII century. the British Isles began raiding the eigenvalues ​​are the Danes and Norwegians .Teh and other commonly referred to as the Normans. In the Anglo-Saxon kingdom attacked mainly Danes, and Norwegians Shotlandiyu- and Ireland.
The Normans pillaged mercilessly cities, monasteries and villages, seized captive people, turning them into slavery. Everywhere they restored pagan faith and Christian clergy exterminated.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
above average english mercia retained power. governance of mercia king оффы (757 - 796) was the time of training to take over all of britain. off went running to wales and won a number of victories (779). then off subjected to essex, sussex, eastern england and kept in obedience to kent. but this increasedmercia was temporary, after the death of оффы attempts to unify england were left as northumbria and wessex, соперничая, interfere with each other.with the end of the viii. in the british isles began to raid the danes and norwegians are actually.тех and others is usually called норманнами. in the anglo saxon kingdom attacked mostly danes, in ireland and scotland, the norwegians.normans pillaged the city has, monasteries and villages captured the captured humans, turning them into slavery. everywhere they rebuilt a pagan belief and destroy the christian clergy.
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