Процесс обеспечения конкурентоспособности в сфере услуг связан с необх перевод - Процесс обеспечения конкурентоспособности в сфере услуг связан с необх английский как сказать

Процесс обеспечения конкурентоспосо

Процесс обеспечения конкурентоспособности в сфере услуг связан с необходимостью согласования содержания связей систем управления качеством товаров (услуг) на уровне хозяйствующих субъектов сферы услуг с экономической и конкурентной политикой на федеральном и региональном уровнях. Вместе с тем важно учитывать, что современные объекты сферы услуг, являются сложными организациями, успех деятельности, в которых зависит от усилий всех работников, направленных на достижение общей цели. В связи с этим существенное влияние на общую эффективность работы оказывает структура взаимодействий, а учесть данную структуру можно лишь подходя к проблемам организации с позиций целостного системного подхода. В настоящее время обеспечение конкурентоспособности предприятия, его способности стойко держаться на рынке товаров и услуг, главным образом, зависит от деловой восприимчивости его сотрудников к малейшим изменениям предпочтений потребителей и их способности своевременно удовлетворять эти потребности. Однако надо помнить, что вектор обеспечения конкурентоспособности все более смещается в сторону повышения эффективности использования интеллектуальных ресурсов предприятия, способных решать не только вопросы повышения качества или снижения издержек и цен. Не менее ответственной является и организация успешной борьбы за рынки сбыта со значительным расширением использования неценовых факторов (дизайна изделий и упаковки, политики «раскрутки» брэнда, имиджа, деловой репутации и т. д.) [15]. Обеспечение конкурентоспособности хозяйствующих субъектов, как элемента системы управления развитием сферы услуг, состоит в удовлетворении определенных потребностей общества в товарах и услугах. В отраслях сферы услуг, особенно отличающихся высоким динамизмом, практически единственным и реальным направлением обеспечения конкурентоспособности предприятия является выпуск конкурентоспособных товаров и предоставления конкурентоспособных услуг. Стратегический успех предприятия сферы услуг зависит от обладания длительным и устойчивым конкурентным преимуществом. Длительность конкурентного преимущества определяется способностью предприятия сохранять и обеспечивать его защиту от возможного воспроизведения конкурентами. Устойчивость конкурентного преимущества обуславливается тремя факторами: источником преимущества; количеством источников преимущества у предприятия и возможностями у предприятия находить новые источники конкурентного преимущества.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The process of ensuring competitiveness in services linked to the need to harmonize the content of links of quality management systems of goods (services) at the level of the economic agents services with economic and competition policies at the Federal and regional levels. However, it is important to note that modern services are complex organizations, the success of which depends on the efforts of all employees to achieve a common goal. In this regard, a significant influence on overall effectiveness provides the structure of the interactions, but consider this structure can be only approaching the problems of the organization from the perspective of a holistic systems approach. Currently, the competitiveness of the enterprise, its ability to hold onto firmly the market of goods and services, mainly depends on the business of susceptibility of its staff to the slightest changes in consumer preferences and their ability to meet those needs in a timely manner. However, we must remember that the vector of competitiveness is increasingly shifting towards increasing efficiency in the use of business intelligence, able to solve not only improve quality or reduce costs and prices. At least the responsible organization is successful fight for markets with a significant increase in the use of non-price factors (product design and packaging, the policy of "spin-up" brand image, goodwill, etc.) [15]. The competitiveness of businesses, as part of the development management system services, is to meet the specific needs of society for goods and services. In service industries, especially high dynamism, virtually the only and real direction ensuring the competitive capacity of the company is production of competitive products and to provide competitive services. Strategic success service industries depends on possession of a long and sustainable competitive advantage. Duration of competitive advantage is determined by the ability of the enterprise to save and protect it from possible play competitors. Sustainability of competitive advantage is determined by three factors: a source of benefits; the number of sources from the enterprise benefits and opportunities the company has to find new sources of competitive advantage.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The process of ensuring the competitiveness of the service sector is related to the need to harmonize the content of links of quality management systems of goods (services) at the level of economic entities the service sector in economic and competition policy at the federal and regional levels. However, it is important to take into account that the modern service facilities are complex organizations, the success of activities, which depends on the efforts of all workers to achieve a common goal. In this regard, a significant impact on the overall efficiency of the structure has interactions, and take account of this structure can only approach to the problem from the standpoint of the organization of a holistic system approach. Currently, enterprise competitiveness, its ability to stand fast in the market of goods and services, mainly depends on the business sensitivity of its staff to the slightest changes in consumer preferences and their ability to meet those needs in a timely manner. However, we must remember that the vector to ensure competitiveness increasingly shifting towards more efficient use of business intelligence, capable of addressing not only issues to improve the quality or reduce the costs and prices. No less responsible is the organization of a successful struggle for markets with a significant increase in the use of non-price factors (product design and packaging, the policy of "promotion" of the brand, image, reputation, and so on. D.). [15] Ensuring the competitiveness of economic entities, as part of management development services, is to meet the specific needs of the society in goods and services. In service industries, especially marked by high dynamism, and virtually the only real means of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise is the production of competitive products and offer competitive services. Strategic success of service industries dependent on the possession of long-term and sustainable competitive advantage. The duration of competitive advantage depends on the ability of the enterprise to maintain and protect it from possible competitors play. Sustainable competitive advantage driven by three factors: the source of the benefits; number of sources at the enterprise benefits and opportunities from companies to find new sources of competitive advantage.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The process of ensuring competitiveness in the area of services related to the need for harmonization of links quality management systems of goods (services) at the country level economic entities of the services sector withAnd competition policy at the federal and regional levels.However, it is important to bear in mind that the modern facilities of the services sector, are complex organizations, the success of which depended on the efforts of all employees, aimed at the achievement of a common goal.In this regard, a significant influence on the overall efficiency of the work of providing the structure interactions, and to take into account this structure can only be approaching the issues from the perspective of a holistic system approach.Currently, the enterprise competitiveness and its ability to stay firm in the market for goods and services, mainly,Depends on the business susceptibility his staff to the slightest changes in consumer preferences and their ability to meet these needs in a timely manner. However, it must be remembered,That vector to ensure competitiveness is increasingly being shifted to the side to improve efficiency in the use intelligent enterprise resources,Able to deal with not only issues related to the improvement of the quality or reduce costs and prices.No less important is the organization and successful struggle for markets with a significant increase in the use non-price factors (design and packaging, policy of "spin-up" brand, image,Business reputation, etc. ) (15). Ensure competitiveness economic entities, as well as element management system development of the services sector,Is to meet the specific needs of the society in the goods and services. In the services sector, especially those with high dynamism,Virtually the only and real direction for enterprise competitiveness is a release competitive goods and the provision of competitive services.The strategic success of the business scope of services depends on the possession a long-lasting and sustainable competitive advantage.Competitive advantage is determined by the duration of business to maintain and ensure its protection from the possible play competitors.Sustainable competitive advantage is influenced by three factors: a source of advantage.Number of sources benefits from an enterprise and opportunities for businesses to find new sources competitive advantage.
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