1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех. 2. Построенный на верши перевод - 1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех. 2. Построенный на верши английский как сказать

1. Полученное вчера известие взволн

1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех. 2. Построенный на вершине холма дом был виден издалека. 3. Преследуемый собаками олень скрылся в чаще. 4. По дороге на аэродром проехало несколько автомашин в сопровождении мотоциклистов. 5. Недавно выпущен каталог картин этого художника, хранящихся в национальных музеях. 6. Собиравшаяся в течение многих десятков лет коллекция рукописей в этом университете является одной из самых богатых в мире. 7. Получив разрешение сделать копию знаменитой картины, молодой художник с увлечением принялся за дело. 8. Хотя книга была посвящена узкой теме, она представляла интерес не только для специалистов. 9. Некоторые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе, заслуживают серьезного внимания. 10. Поскольку статья была написана трудным языком, ее нелегко было перевести. 11. Если этот рассказ адаптировать, его можно дать студентам первого курса для домашнего чтения. 12. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось совсем легким. 13. Цифры, на которые ссылается статья, взяты из отчета комиссии. 14. Завод приступил к выпуску грузовых автомашин, которые, как говорят, очень экономичны. 15. Соглашение, которое, как сообщалось, было подписано в прошлом месяце, ратифицировано обеими сторонами.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Received today the news has alarmed everyone. 2. Built on a hilltop house was visible from afar. 3. dogs Haunted deer disappeared into the thicket. 4. on the road to the airport has performed several vehicles accompanied by motorcyclists. 5. The newly released catalog of paintings by this artist, kept in national museums. 6. Collected over many decades, the collection of manuscripts in this University is one of the richest in the world. 7. After receiving permission to make a copy of a famous painting, a young artist with a passion for a cause began. 8. Although the book was devoted to narrow the topic, it was of interest not only for professionals. 9. Some of the issues addressed in the report deserve serious attention. 10. Since the article was written by a difficult language, it is not easy to translate. 11. If this story to adapt, you can give the first-year students for home reading. 12. When a rule is explained again, it seemed quite easy. 13. the figures referenced in the article are taken from the report of the Commission. 14. Plant started the production of trucks, which are said to be very economical. 15. the agreement, which was signed last month, ratified by both parties.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. This news yesterday all excited. 2. Built on top of a hill the house was visible from afar. 3. Haunted deer dogs disappeared in the thicket. 4. On the way to the airport to drive a few cars, accompanied by motorcyclists. 5. The newly released catalog of paintings of the artist kept in national museums. 6. Going on for many decades a collection of manuscripts at the university is one of the richest in the world. 7. After receiving permission to make a copy of a famous painting, the young artist enthusiastically set to work. 8. Although the book was devoted to a narrow topic, it is of interest not only for specialists. 9. Some of the issues dealt with in the report deserve serious attention. 10. Since the article was written in difficult language, it was not easy to translate. 11. If this story to adapt, it is possible to give first-year students for home reading. 12. When the right to explain again, it seemed quite easy. 13. The figures referred to by the article, taken from the Commission report. 14. The plant started the production of trucks, which is said to be very economical. 15. The agreement, which, as reported, was signed last month, was ratified by both parties.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the last news excited everyone. 2. the house was built on the top of the hill is visible from a distance. 3. chased by dogs deer hiding in the woods. 4. on the way to the airport passed several cars with a motorcycle. 5. recently released the catalogue of paintings of this artist, stored in the national museum. 6. gathering for many tens of years collection of manuscripts in the university is one of the richest in the world. 7. after receiving permission to copy famous paintings, a young artist with a passion to it. 8. although the book was dedicated to narrow the topic, it was of interest not only to specialists. 9. some of the issues raised in the report merit serious attention. 10. since the article was written by a difficult language, it is not easy to translate. 11. if this story to adapt, it can give the students the first year for home reading. 12. when the rule was again, it seemed very easy. 13. the figures cited by the article is taken from the report of the commission. 14. the plant began production of trucks, which are very efficient. 15. the agreement, which was signed in the past month, ratified by both parties.
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