Grammar Task B. Put verbs into the necessary form.A(to send)1.The lett перевод - Grammar Task B. Put verbs into the necessary form.A(to send)1.The lett английский как сказать

Grammar Task B. Put verbs into the

Grammar Task B. Put verbs into the necessary form.
A(to send)
1.The letters ... yet.
2. ... you ... the letters already?
3.I... them tomorrow.
4.Please, make sure that the letters... by tomorrow evening.
5.The letters... not... yesterday because we forgot to buy stamps.
6.Finally the letters ....
В(to translate)
1.The article... when I came in the classroom.
2.The article... not... translated yet.
3.It... not... yesterday, so it needs to be translated today.
4.If we do not finish it today, we... it tomorrow.
5.The article... by the end of the week.
6.If I am not mistaken, the article... some time ago.
7.I am afraid this article... never....
Grammar Task C. Translate into English.
1. Книга Сорокинского была написана летом. 2. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 3. Меня часто спрашивают о моих планах. 4. Ваша проблема будет решена завтра. 5. Этот фильм показывали вчера с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что завершена нами. 7. Эти статьи уже будут опубликованы к концу года. 9.0 новой книге будут много говорить. 10. В Москве сейчас строятся новые станции метро. 11. Паспорт был утерян вчера. 12. Как вам сообщили об этом? 13. Пятая глава уже переведена?
Grammar Task D. Translate into English.
1. Эта телеграмма была получена мной слишком поздно. 2. Все книги, которые вы здесь видите, написаны одним и тем же автором. 3. Билеты будут куплены завтра. 4. Работа будет закончена в срок. 5. Эта картина была написана художником Хибовским. 6. Меня известили о награде раньше, чем я получил об этом письмо. 7. Я был изве-
щен профессором о проблемах в моем отчете. 8. Эта история давно забыта всеми. 9. На вечере нам показали прекрасный фильм. 10. Мне предложили очень интересную работу. 11. За старой женщиной ухаживает ее младшая дочь. 12. Вам зададут несколько вопросов на экзамене. 13. Об этой книге сейчас много говорят. 14. Мою сестру нужно встретить завтра в 11 часов вечера на вокзале.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Grammar Task b. Put the verbs into the necessary form.(A) (to send)1. The letters ... yet.2. ... you ... the letters already?3. I ... them tomorrow.4. Please, make sure that the letters ... by tomorrow evening.5. The letters ... not ... yesterday because we forgot to buy stamps.6. Finally the letters ....In (to translate)1. The article ... when I came in the classroom.2. The article ... not ... translated yet.3. It. not ... yesterday, so it needs to be translated today.4. If we do not finish it today, we ... it tomorrow.5. The article ... by the end of the week.6. If I am not mistaken, the article ... some time ago.7. I am afraid this article ... never. ...Grammar Task c. Translate into English.1. Sorokinskogo Book was written in the summer. 2. An email will be sent tomorrow. 3. I am often asked about my plans. 4. your problem will be solved tomorrow. 5. This film showed today from two to three. 6. the work just completed us. 7. These articles have already been published by the end of the year. 9.0 new book will say a lot. 10. In Moscow now are built new subway station. 11. Passport is lost today. 12. as you reported this? 13. The fifth chapter has already been translated?Grammar Task d. Translate into English.1. This telegram was received too late for me. 2. All the books that you see here are written by the same author. 3. Tickets will be bought tomorrow. 4. the work will be finished on time. 5. This picture was painted by the artist Hibovskim. 6. I have been told about the award before I got on this letter. 7. I was famous-99Puppy Professor about problems in my report. 8. This story long forgotten by all. 9. On the evening we showed beautiful movie. 10. I was offered a very interesting work. 11. the old woman caring for her youngest daughter. 12. you will be asked a few questions on the exam. 13. About this book there is a lot of talk. 14. My sister need to meet 11:00 tomorrow evening at the station.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Grammar Task B. Put verbs into the necessary form.
A (to the send)
1.The letters ... of yet.
2. ... you ... the letters already?
3.I ... them tomorrow.
4.Please, make sure that the letters ... by tomorrow evening.
5.The letters ... not ... yesterday because we forgot to buy stamps.
6.Finally the letters ....
The (google translate and to)
1.The article I of the when ... CAME in the classroom.
2.The article ... not ... translated yet.
3.It ... not ... yesterday, so it needs to be translated today.
4.If we do not finish it today, we ... it tomorrow.
5.The article ... by the end of the week.
6.If I am not mistaken, the article ... some time ago.
Afraid the this am 7.I article by never ... ....
the Grammar the Task C. The Translate Into English.
1. Sorokinsky The book was written in the summer. 2. A letter will be sent tomorrow. 3. I am often asked about my plans. 4. Your problem will be solved tomorrow. 5. This film was shown last from two to three. 6. Work has just been completed by us. 7. These articles have to be published by the end of the year. 9.0 The new book will be a lot to talk about. 10. In Moscow, new subway stations are being built right now. 11. The passport was lost yesterday. 12. How do you report it? 13. The fifth chapter has already been translated?
Grammar Task D. Translate into English.
1. This telegram was received too late for me. 2. All the books you see here are written by the same author. 3. Tickets will be bought tomorrow. 4. Work will be completed on time. 5. This picture was painted by the artist Khibovskaia. 6. I was notified about the award before I got this letter. 7. I have been known for
Shchen professor of problems in my report. 8. This story has long been forgotten by all. 9. On the evening we were shown an excellent movie. 10. I have proposed a very interesting job. 11. The old woman takes care of her younger daughter. 12. You will be asked a few questions on the exam. 13. This book is now a lot of talk. 14. My sister needed to meet tomorrow at 11 pm at the station.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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