Я думаю школьное образование можно уменьшить. Много детей ленятся и с  перевод - Я думаю школьное образование можно уменьшить. Много детей ленятся и с  английский как сказать

Я думаю школьное образование можно

Я думаю школьное образование можно уменьшить. Много детей ленятся и с трудом могут понять программу 9 классов Российского образования. Многие эксперты говорят, что ребенок в 7 лет может освоить программу с 1 по 4 класса школы. Поэтому наше обучение кажется мне очень растянутым. Университетское образование тоже не так важно современному человеку, институт дает много теоритических знаний, а на будущей работе самым важным фактором является опыт. Если бы работодатели поменяли свое отношение к университетам и колледжам, то высшее образование стало бы качественнее, но образование школы остается на низком уровне в России.
Я думаю, что школьную программу надо сократить, университетскую оставить без изменений и давать 1-2 года для набора опыта молодым специалистам.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I think education can be reduced. Many children are too lazy and could barely understand the program 9 classes of Russian education. Many experts say that a child in the 7 years old can master the program from 1 to grade 4. So our training seems to me very stretched. University education is also not so important to modern man, the Institute gives a lot of theoretical knowledge, but on the future work of the most important factor is experience. If the employers have changed their attitude to universities and colleges, higher education would be better, but education remains low in Russia.I think that it is necessary to reduce the curriculum, the University remain unchanged and giving 1-2 years for a set of experiences for young professionals.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I think school education can be reduced. Many children are lazy and find it hard to understand the program of the Russian 9th grade education. Many experts say that the child is 7 years old can master the program from 1 to 4 grade. Therefore, our training seems to me very stretched. University education is also not so important to modern man, the institute gives a lot of theoretical knowledge, but on the future work of the most important factor is experience. If employers have changed their attitude to the universities and colleges, higher education would be better, but school education remains low in Russia.
I think that the school curriculum should be reduced, the university remain unchanged and give 1-2 years of recruitment experience young professionals.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I think schooling can be reduced. Many children journalists' financial situation leaves much and difficult to understand program 9 classes in Russian education. Many of the experts say,That the child is 7 years old can learn the program from 1 to 4 class schools. Therefore, our training seems to me a very strained. University education is not so important modern man,The Institute provides many brightest minds knowledge, and the future work the most important factor is the experience. If the employers have changed their attitude to universities and colleges,The higher education would become clients, but also education schools remains at a low level in Russia.
I think that the school curriculum should be reduced,University remain unchanged and give 1-2 years for the recruitment of young professionals.
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