Профессия бухгалтера - одна из самых распространенных и востребованных, как во всем мире, так и в Казахстане. Это и понятно. Мне кажется, что именно эта профессия мне ближе всего, так как мне нравятся такие науки как математика.
Я поняла, что быть бухгалтером – это моё призвание, которое заложено у меня от природы. А бухгалтерский учет – это целая система, которая строилась больше сотни лет, и которая на «своем веку» претерпела немало изменений и накопила бесценный мировой опыт. И чтобы понять эту систему, нужно погружаться в бухгалтерскую жизнь, приносить пользу людям, делиться своими знаниями и опытом. Сейчас я учусь на втором курсе высшего профессионального учреждения, на факультете учет и аудит. Я уверена, что смогу устроиться в высококлассифицированную фирму для получения прибыли. Сейчас я стараюсь максимально изучать необходимые предметы, для получения моей профессии. Я считаю, что когда я выбрала профессию бухгалтера, я сделала правильный выбор. Сейчас эта профессия очень популярна. Каждой фирме, даже самой маленькой, требуется бухгалтер.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The profession of the accountant is one of the most common and popular, both worldwide and in Kazakhstan. This is understandable. It seems to me that this profession is the closest to me, because I like science such as mathematics.I realized that to be an accountant is my vocation, which laid me from nature. And accounting is a system that was built more than a hundred years, and that the "my life" has undergone many changes and has gained invaluable international experience. And to understand this system need to be immersed in accounting life, bring benefits to the people, to share their knowledge and experience. Now I'm in my second year of higher vocational institutions, the Faculty of accounting and audit. I am confident that I can find in the vysokoklassificirovannuû company for profit. Now I try to learn as much as possible the necessary items to get my profession. I find that when I chose the profession of accountant, I made the right choice. Now this profession is very popular. Each firm, even the smallest, need an accountant.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Occupation accountant - one of the most popular and sought after, both worldwide and in Kazakhstan. This is understandable. It seems to me that this is the profession closest to me, because I like science such as mathematics.
I realized that to be an accountant - this is my vocation that I have laid by nature. And accounting - is a system, which was built more than a hundred years, which is "the century" has undergone many changes and has gained invaluable international experience. To understand this system, you need to dive into accounting life, to benefit people, to share their knowledge and experience. Now I'm in my second year of higher professional institutions, in the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing. I'm sure I can get in vysokoklassifitsirovannuyu company for profit. Now I try to learn as much as possible the necessary items for my profession. I believe that when I chose the accounting profession, I made the right choice. Now the profession is very popular. Every company, even the smallest, it takes an accountant.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the accounting profession is one of the most popular and sought after, as all over the world, and in kazakhstan. it's okay. it seems to me that this profession i close allbecause i like science like mathematics.
i realized that being an accountant is my vocation, which is got from the nature. and accounting is a system that was built over a hundred years.and that "its веку» has changed a lot, and accumulated valuable experience of the world. and to understand the system, need to have accounting life, benefit the people, to share their knowledge and experience.now i'm studying in the second year of higher vocational institutions, at the faculty of accounting and auditing. i'm sure i can get высококлассифицированную firm to make a profit.now i try as much as possible to learn the necessary items for my profession. i believe that when i chose the profession of accountant, i made the right choice. now, this profession is very popular.every company, even the smallest, is an accountant.
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