«КУКЛА»Это была обычная семья- папа, мама и дочка. Однажды, они пошли  перевод - «КУКЛА»Это была обычная семья- папа, мама и дочка. Однажды, они пошли  английский как сказать

«КУКЛА»Это была обычная семья- папа

Это была обычная семья- папа, мама и дочка. Однажды, они пошли в магазин игрушек. В нём, девочка увидела хрустальную куклу. Она ужасно понравилась девочке! Девочка стала выпрашивать куклу у папы, но он не купил дочке игрушку. Тогда девочка пошла к маме. Мама согласилась с отцом и не стала покупать куклу своей дочурке. Тогда девочка рассказала всё своей бабушке. Но попросила ни чего не говорить родителям. Дома папа рассказал маме, почему он не купил ребёнку куклу. Он сказал что она убивает людей. Мама поверила мужу и боялась уснуть. Она уснула только ранним утром. И только на час. Ей снилось, как зловещая кукла выходит из комнаты её дочки с окровавленым ножом в руках. Мама проснулась в холодном поту. Но вскоре обо всём родители забыли. И только девочка с бабушкой помнили их маленький секрет.
На Новый Год бабушка подарила внучке эту куклу. Внучка обрадовалась. А родители испугались и рассердились на бабушку. Произошла ссора. На следующий день, папа уехал в город. И сказал дочке чтобы та, не играла с куклой. Но девочка не послушалась, нарядила куклу в ее платишко и стала играть с ней. Когда девочка уснула, кукла ожила. Она подлетела к кроватке девочки и стала шептать ей на ухо, что-то похожее на колыбельную. Когда папа вернулся, он услышал какой-то шум в комнате. Он вошёл. На телевизоре сидела хрустальная кукла в голубом платишке , а в руке у ее был окровавленый нож. Отец сразу понял что случилось, но когда заешл в комнату к жене, а потом и к дочке, никого там не было, только лишь кровавые следы на кровати и полу. Обезумив от горя, он подбежал к кукле и разбил её об пол. Осколки ту же превратились в лужу крови .Отец позвонил в полицию и рассказал о слечишемся, о пропаже его жены и дочки, но их так и не нашли, а про куклу с ножом ему даже не поверили
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
"DOLL"It was a normal family-father, mother and daughter. One day, they went to the toy store. In it, the little girl saw Crystal doll. She is fucking like a girl! The girl was asking the doll from the Pope, but he did not buy my daughter a toy. Then the girl went to her mother. MOM has agreed with his father and did not buy the doll his tune. Then the girl told everything to his grandmother. But asked not to tell anything to the parents. At home dad told MOM, why did he not bought baby doll. He said that it kills people. My mother believed her husband was afraid to fall asleep. She fell asleep only early in the morning. And only for an hour. Her dream, as the sinister doll leaves the room, her daughter with a knife in the hands of the okrovavlenym. MOM woke up in a cold sweat. But soon the parents forgot about everything. And the only girl with her grandmother remembered for their little secret. On new year's Eve grandmothers granddaughter this doll. The granddaughter was excited. And the parents were frightened and angry at Grandma. There was a quarrel. The next day, Dad went to town. And told my daughter not to play with the doll. But the girl is not listened to, and dressed the doll in her platiško and began to play with it. When the girl fell asleep, the doll came to life. She flew to the Cot and began to whisper in her ear, something like a lullaby. When the father returned, he heard a noise in the room. He entered. TV SAT Crystal doll in blue platiške, and in her hand was a okrovavlenyj knife. The father immediately realized what had happened, but when zaešl into the room with his wife and daughter, then to anyone was not there, only the bloody footprints on the bed and floor. Obezumiv from grief, he ran up to the doll and smashed it on the floor. Shards of the same turned into a puddle of blood. the father called the police and told about slečišemsâ, about the disappearance of his wife and daughter, but they haven't been found, but about the doll with a knife he does not even believe
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It was the usual semya- father, mother and daughter. One day, they went to the toy store. In it, the girl saw a crystal doll. She is awfully like a girl! The girl began to beg doll dad, but he did not buy my daughter a toy. Then the girl went to her mother. Mom agreed with his father and did not buy a doll of his daughter. Then the girl told everything to his grandmother. But asked or what not to say to parents. Home dad told my mother why he did not buy baby doll. He said that it is killing people. Mom believed her husband was afraid to sleep. She fell asleep in the early morning only. Only one hour. She dreamed as a sinister doll out of the room of her daughter with a bloody knife in his hand. Mom woke up in a cold sweat. But soon forgot about all the parents. And the only girl with her ​​grandmother remembered their little secret.
On New Year's granddaughter grandmother gave this doll. Granddaughter happy. And parents were frightened and angry at her grandmother. Had a quarrel. The next day, my father went into the city. And he said to her daughter so that she does not play with dolls. But she did not listen, along doll in her platishko and began to play with her. When she fell asleep, the doll came to life. She flew to the crib and the girls began to whisper in her ear, something like a lullaby. When Dad came back, he heard a noise in the room. He came. On the TV, sat in the blue crystal doll platishke, and in his hand it was a bloody knife. The father immediately realized what had happened, but when zaeshl room to his wife, and then to her daughter, there was no one there, only a trail of blood on the bed and the floor. Distraught, he ran up to the doll and smashed it on the floor. Shards of the same turned into a puddle of blood .Otets called the police and told slechishemsya, about the loss of his wife and daughters, but they have not been found, but about the doll with the knife he did not believe
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"The doll"
this was a normal family- dad, mother and daughter. One day, they went to the store toys. In it, she saw crystal doll. It terribly liked girl! The girl had become boastful about this doll from the Pope,But it is not bought a bowling alley toy. Then she went to the mother. Mother agreed with his father and does not become a buy doll its дочурке. Then the girl told all his grandma. But requested that no and then not to speak to their parents.
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