7. «С какой стати она будет нам писать? — возразила миссис Копперфильд. — Она не любит ни меня, ни моего ребенка!» 8. Мистер Мердстон просил сестру посмотреть за тем, чтобы Давид не был так часто в обществе Пеготти. 9. Давид боялся, как бы мистер Мердстон не увидел, что он пошел на кухню к Пеготти. 10. «Что бы ни говорила миссис Копперфильд, я знаю, чтб она несчастна»,—думала Пеготти. 11. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том, чтобы его жена уволила Пеготти. 12. «Как бы меня ни уговаривал мистер Мердстон, я ни за что не уволю Пеготти»,—думала миссис Копперфильд. 13. «Если бы случилось так, что Пеготти ушла от нас, наша жизнь стала бы невыносимой»,— думал Давид. 14. Как ни горячо (dearly) любила Давида миссис Копперфильд, она допустила, чтобы с ним плохо обращались. 15. Давид знал, что как бы он ни старался, он не сможет хорошо ответить уроки в присутствии отчима. 16. Давид боялся, как бы миссис Копперфильд не сочла его дурным и ленивым мальчиком. 17. «Как жаль, что матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона, — не раз думал Давид. — Если бы не он, мы были бы очень счастливы». 18. В Салемской школе (Salem House) Давид чувствовал себя очень одиноким. «Как бы я хотел быть сейчас дома с матушкой и Пеготти», — часто думал он. 19. После смерти миссис Копперфильд Пеготти предложила, чтобы Давид поехал с нею в Ярмут. 20. Пеготти взяла мальчика в Ярмут, чтобы он отвлекся там от своих печальных мыслей (to divert oneself from something).
Результаты (
английский) 1:
7. "why on earth she would see us write about? — said Mrs Copperfield. She doesn't like either me or my child! " 8. Mr. Merdston asked the sister show that David was not so often in society Pegotti. 9. David was afraid, how would Mr Merdston saw that he went to the kitchen to Pegotti. 10. "whatever said Mrs Copperfield, I know čtb she is unhappy," thought Pegotti. 11. Mr Merdston insisted that his wife dismissed Pegotti. 12. "How could coax me Mr Merdston, I never Pegotti you would get fired," thought Mrs Copperfield. 13. "if it so happens that Pegotti is gone from us, our lives would be unbearable," thought David. 14. No matter how fervently (dearly) loved David Mrs Copperfield, she admitted to him mistreated. 15. David knew that no matter how he tried, he could not well answer lessons in presence of a stepfather. 16. David was afraid how would Mrs Copperfield did not consider it bad and lazy boy. 17. "what a pity that my mother married Mr Merdstona, is not once thought of David. — If not for it, we would be very happy. " 18. the Salemskoj school (Salem House) David felt very lonely. "As much as I wanted to be back home with mother and Pegotti," often thought he. 19. After the death of Mrs Copperfield Pegotti suggested to David rode with her in Yarmouth. 20. Pegotti took the boy in Yarmouth, that it distracted from his sad thoughts (to divert oneself from something).
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
7. "Why should it be us to write? - Said Mrs. Copperfield. - She does not like me or my baby "8. Mr. Merdston sister asked to see to it that David was not so common in society Pegotti!. 9. David feared that Mr. Merdston not see, that he went into the kitchen to Pegotti. 10. "Whatever said Mrs. Copperfield, I know chtb she was unhappy," - thought Pegotti. 11. Mr. Merdston insisted that his wife dismissed Pegotti. 12. "How would I have any persuaded Mr. Merdston, I would never fire you Pegotti" - I thought Mrs. Copperfield. 13. "If it so happened that Pegotti left us, our life would become unbearable," - thought David. 14. No matter how hot (dearly) love Mrs. David Copperfield, she is allowed to be treated badly. 15. David knew that no matter how he tried, he could not answer well learned in the presence of his stepfather. 16. David feared that Mrs. Copperfield did not consider it a bad and lazy boy. 17. "What a pity that my mother married Mr. Merdstona - not once thought David. - If not for him, we would be very happy. " 18. Salem School (Salem House) David felt very lonely. "I wish I could be at home now with her mother and Pegotti" - he often thought. 19. After the death of Mrs. Copperfield Pegotti suggested that David went with her to Yarmouth. 20. Pegotti took the boy in Yarmouth, that it distracted it from their sad thoughts (to divert oneself from something).
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
7. "what will we do? - mrs copperfield objected. she doesn"t like me or my child. "8. mr. мердстон asked her sister to see that david was not so much in the society пеготти. 9. david was afraid of how mr. мердстон saw that, he went to the kitchen to пеготти. 10. "whatever told mrs copperfield, i know she несчастна» cme, thought пеготти. 11. mr. мердстон insisted that his wife fired пеготти. 12. "how would i"ve asked mr. мердстон i never fired пеготти», thought mrs copperfield. 13. "if it happens that пеготти left us, our life would be невыносимой», was david. 14. no matter how hot (dearly) loved david mrs copperfield, she admitted that he abused. 15. david knew that no matter how hard he tries, he can"t well respond to the lessons in the presence of his stepfather. 16. david was afraid of, like mrs copperfield isn"t that bad and lazy boy. 17. "it is a pity that the mother married mr. мердстона, not just thinking about david. - if it wasn"t for him, we would be very счастливы». 18. in салемской school (salem house), david felt very lonely. "i"d like to be back home with my mother and пеготти», very often, he thought. 19. after the death of mrs copperfield пеготти suggested that david went with her in yarmouth county, nova scotia. 20. пеготти took the boy in yarmouth county, nova scotia, he was distracted from his antler (to divert oneself from something).
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