Органы государственного управленияСогласно Конституции, Казахстан явля перевод - Органы государственного управленияСогласно Конституции, Казахстан явля английский как сказать

Органы государственного управленияС

Органы государственного управления
Согласно Конституции, Казахстан является унитарным государством с президентской формой правления, имеющее три независимые ветви власти: исполнительную, законодательную и судебную.

Президент Республики Казахстан является главой государства, его высшим должностным лицом, определяющим основные направления внутренней и внешней политики государства и представляющим Казахстан внутри страны и в международных отношениях. Президент Республики - символ и гарант единства народа и государственной власти, незыблемости Конституции, прав и свобод человека и гражданина. Президент Республики обеспечивает согласованное функционирование всех ветвей государственной власти и ответственность органов власти перед народом. Президент избирается на пять лет из граждан не моложе 40 лет, проживающих в республике не менее 10 лет и свободно говорящих на государственном (т.е. казахском) языке.

Исполнительную власть осуществляет Правительство Республики Казахстан.

Правительство возглавляет систему исполнительных органов и осуществляет руководство их деятельностью. Правительство является коллегиальным органом и во всей своей деятельности ответственно перед Президентом Республики, а в случаях, предусмотренных Конституцией, - перед Мажилисом Парламента и Парламентом. Члены Правительства подотчетны палатам Парламента в случае, предусмотренном подпунктом 6 статьи 57 Конституции.

Правительство образуется Президентом Республики Казахстан в порядке, предусмотренном Конституцией.

Законодательную власть осуществляет двухпалатный парламент.

Парламент Республики Казахстан является высшим представительным органом Республики, осуществляющим законодательные функции. Парламент состоит из двух палат: Сената и Мажилиса, действующих на постоянной основе.

Сенат образуют депутаты, представляющие в порядке, установленном конституционным законом, по два человека от каждой области, города республиканского значения и столицы Республики Казахстан. Пятнадцать депутатов Сената назначаются Президентом Республики с учетом необходимости обеспечения представительства в Сенате национально-культурных и иных значимых интересов общества.

Мажилис состоит из ста семи депутатов, избираемых в порядке, установленном конституционным законом. Депутат Парламента не может быть одновременно членом обеих палат.

Срок полномочий депутатов Сената - шесть лет, срок полномочий депутатов Мажилиса - пять лет.

Законодательная власть фактически контролируется президентом. Правительство подотчетно президенту, но не парламенту.

Судебную власть осуществляет Конституционный суд и система местных судов.

Правосудие в Республике Казахстан осуществляется только судом. Судебная власть осуществляется посредством гражданского, уголовного и иных установленных законом форм судопроизводства. В случаях, предусмотренных законом, уголовное судопроизводство осуществляется с участием присяжных заседателей. Судами Республики являются Верховный суд Республики, местные и другие суды Республики, учреждаемые законом. Судебная система Республики устанавливается Конституцией Республики и конституционным законом. Учреждение специальных и чрезвычайных судов под каким-либо названием не допускается.

Судебная власть осуществляется от имени Республики Казахстан и имеет своим назначением защиту прав, свобод и законных интересов граждан и организаций, обеспечение исполнения Конституции, законов, иных нормативных правовых актов, международных договоров Республики. Судебная власть распространяется на все дела и споры, возникающие на основе Конституции, законов, иных нормативных правовых актов, международных договоров Республики. Решения, приговоры и иные постановления судов имеют обязательную силу на всей территории Республики.

Местные органы власти
В административном отношении Казахстан разделен на 14 областей, столичный город Астану и города Алма-Ата и Ленинск (центр управления космодромом Байконур), имеющие статус области (до 1997 в стране существовало 19 областей, 5 из которых впоследствии были упразднены). Депутаты местных советов избираются прямым голосованием из граждан старше 20 лет, не являющихся членами Мажилиса. В то же время акимы (губернаторы) областей назначаются президентом и ответственны только перед ним. В октябре 1998 указ президента Назарбаева определил, что в течение 7 лет будет осуществлен переход к прямым выборам всех руководителей местных органов власти.

Политические партии
Конституция 1995 разрешает деятельность политических партий после того, как они официально зарегистрированы; ни одна партия не может навязывать свою идеологию государству. Запрещается создание религиозных партий. Хотя в стране действует более 100 объединений и движений, которые можно считать политическими партиями, лишь несколько из них зарегистрированы. Три партии были созданы по инициативе президента Назарбаева. К ним относится Социалистическая партия, являющаяся преемницей распущенной Коммунистической партии Казахстана. В 1991 был зарегистрирован Народный конгресс. В октябре 1992 была создана Партия национального единства, считающаяся в настоящее время партией президента. У партии уже сменилось несколько лидеров. В 1994 была разрешена регистрация Коммунистической партии, запрещенной после путча в августе 1991. Существуют также Крестьянский союз, Национально-демократическая партия «Желтоксан», а также
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Bodies of public administrationAccording to the Constitution, Kazakhstan is a unitary State with a presidential form of Government that has three independent branches of Government: Executive, legislative, and judicial.The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the head of State, its highest official determining the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the State and representing Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations. President of the Republic shall be the symbol and guarantor of the unity of the people and State power, inviolability of the Constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms. The President of the Republic ensures consistent functioning of all branches of State power and responsibility of the authorities to the people. The President is elected for five years from citizens who are at least 40 years living in the Republic not less than 10 years and fluent in the State (i.e., Kazakh) language.Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The Government is headed by the system of executive bodies and provide guidance to them. The Government is a collegial body and in all its activities shall be responsible before the President of the Republic, and in cases stipulated by the Constitution, is accountable to the Parliament of the Republic. Members of the Government shall be accountable to the Chambers of Parliament in the case stipulated by paragraph 6 of article 57 of the Constitution.The Government is formed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Constitution.Legislative power is exercised by a bicameral Parliament.The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest representative body of the Republic performing legislative functions. The Parliament consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis, acting on a constant basis.The Senate is composed of Deputies, representing in an order, established by the constitutional law, on two persons from each oblast, major city and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fifteen deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic, taking into account the need for representation in the Senate of national-cultural and other significant interests of society.Mazhilis consists of seventy seven deputies elected in the manner prescribed by the constitutional law. A Deputy of Parliament may not be a member of both Chambers simultaneously.The term of Office of the Senate Deputies is six years, term of Office of the deputies of the Majilis is five years.In fact, the legislature is controlled by the President. The Government is accountable to the President, but not to Parliament.Judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court and the local court system.Justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be administered solely by the courts. Judicial power is exercised through constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal and other forms of judicial procedure as established by law. In the cases provided for by law, criminal proceedings shall be carried out with participation of jurymen. Courts of the Republic are the Supreme Court of the Republic and local courts of the Republic established by law. The judicial system of the Republic is established by the Constitution of the Republic and the constitutional law. The establishment of special and extraordinary courts under any name not allowed.Judicial authority is exercised on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is intended to protect the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of citizens and organizations, ensuring the observance of the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts, international treaties of the Republic. The judicial power shall extend to all cases and disputes arising on the basis of the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts, international treaties of the Republic. The judgments, verdicts and other rulings are binding on the entire territory of the Republic.Local authoritiesAdministratively Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions, the capital city of Astana and Almaty and Baikonur (Cosmodrome Baikonur, control center) in status field (up to 1997 there were 19 areas, 5 of which were subsequently abolished). Deputies are elected by direct vote of the citizens over 20 years, non-members of the Mazhilis. At the same time, akims (governors) appointed by the President and are responsible only to him. In October 1998 a decree of President Nazarbayev has determined that over 7 years transition to direct elections for all local government leaders.Political parties1995 Constitution authorizes political parties once they have been officially registered; No party may impose its ideology of the State. Prohibits the creation of religious parties. Although there are more than 100 associations and movements which can be considered to be political parties, only few of them are registered. Three parties were set up on the initiative of President Nazarbayev. These include the Socialist Party, the successor of the disbanded Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1991 was registered by the popular Congress. In October 1992 the National Unity Party was established, now considered to be party President. The party has already changed several leaders. In 1994 was allowed registration of the Communist Party, banned after the coup in August 1991. There are also peasant Union, National Democratic Party ", as well as Zheltoksan Street
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

According to the Constitution, Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government, which has three independent branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial powers. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the head of state, its highest official determining the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state and representing Kazakhstan within the country and in international relations. President of the Republic - the symbol and guarantor of the unity of the people and state power, inviolability of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of man and citizen. President of the Republic ensures the coordinated functioning of all branches of state power and responsibility of the authorities to the people. The president is elected for five years from the citizens not younger than 40 years living in the country for at least 10 years old and fluent in the state (ie, Kazakh) language. Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Government heads the system of executive bodies and provide guidance to them . The Government is a collegial body and all its activities is responsible to President of the Republic, and in the cases provided for by the Constitution - to the Majilis of the Parliament and the Parliament. Members of the Government are accountable to the Chambers of the Parliament in the case stipulated by paragraph 6 of Article 57 of the Constitution. The government is formed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the manner prescribed by the Constitution. The legislative power is vested in the bicameral Parliament. The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest representative body of the Republic performing legislative functions. The parliament consists of two chambers: the Senate and Mazhilis acting on a constant basis. The Senate is composed of deputies representing the procedure established by constitutional law, on two persons from each region, city and the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fifteen deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic taking into account the need for representation in the Senate of national-cultural and other significant public interest. Majilis consists of hundred seven deputies elected in the manner prescribed by constitutional law. A Member of Parliament can not be simultaneously a member of both chambers. The term of office of the Senate deputies - six years, the term of office of the deputies of the Majilis - five years. The legislative power is actually controlled by the president. The Government is accountable to the president, but not the Parliament. Judicial power is exercised by the Constitutional Court and a system of local courts. Justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out solely by the court. The judicial power is exercised through civil, criminal and other statutory forms of legal proceedings. In cases stipulated by law, criminal procedure is carried out with the participation of jurors. The courts are the Supreme Court of the Republic and local courts of the Republic established by law. The judicial system established by the Constitution of the Republic and the constitutional law. The establishment of special and extraordinary courts under any name is not allowed. The judicial power is exercised on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is intended to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, ensuring compliance with the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts, international treaties of the Republic. The judicial Power shall extend to all cases and disputes arising on the basis of the Constitution, laws, other regulatory legal acts, international treaties of the Republic. Decisions, sentences and other judgments of courts are binding throughout the Republic. Local authorities Administratively Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions, the capital city of Astana and Almaty city and Leninist (control center cosmodrome Baikonur), with the status of the region (until 1997 in the country there were 19 regions, 5 of which were subsequently abolished). Deputies of local councils are elected by direct vote of citizens over 20 years old who are not members of the Majilis. At the same time akims (governors) regions appointed by the President and are responsible only to him. In October 1998, a decree of President Nazarbayev has determined that for 7 years will be a transition to direct elections of heads of local authorities. Political parties 1995 Constitution allows political parties after they are officially registered; no party can impose its ideology of the state. The establishment of religious parties. Although there are more than 100 associations and movements that can be considered political parties, only a few of them are registered. Three parties were created on the initiative of President Nazarbayev. These include the Socialist Party, the successor to the dissolved Communist Party of Kazakhstan. In 1991 it was registered by the People's Congress. In October 1992, it was created the National Unity Party, which is considered now the party president. The party has already changed several leaders. In 1994, registration has been allowed the Communist Party, banned after the coup in August 1991. There is also the Peasants' Union, the National Democratic Party "Zheltoksan" and

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

the government. under the constitution, kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government, with three independent branches: the executive, thethe legislative and the judicial.

, president of the republic of kazakhstan is the head of state, his highest officialthe main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state and of kazakhstan within the country and in international relations.the president of the republic, and a symbol of the unity of the people and the state power, the sanctity of the constitution, the rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens.the president of the republic guarantees the coordinated functioning of all branches of government and responsible government to the people. the president is elected for five years in people under 40 years of ageliving in the republic for at least 10 years and fluent speakers of the public (i.e. the kazakh language.

. executive power is exercised by the government of the republic of kazakhstan.

the government is headed by the executive authorities and directs their activities.the government is a collegiate body and in all its activities, responsible to the president of the republic and, in the cases provided for in the constitution, to the majilis of the parliament and the parliament.
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