Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут Акжан. Я родилась 3 марта 1998 года в Жаркенте. Мне 17лет.
Я обычно эмоциональная личность. Моя жизнь очень разнообразна. Мне кажется, что у меня доброжелательный характер, так как я всегда помогаю людям. Обычно я бываю спокойной, но иногда я могу терять самообладание и становлюсь или раздраженной или грустной. Мне нравится смеяться и шутить. Я трудолюбивая и амбициозная личность. Я ставлю для себя высокие цели и тяжело работаю, чтобы их достичь. Я общительная, поэтому у меня есть много друзей. Я приветствую в людях честность, искренность и учтивость. Мне не нравится когда люди бывают грубыми или агрессивными.
Также у меня есть большая семья. Наша семья состоит из семи человек . У меня есть несколько хобби (любимых занятий). Я всегда очень занята, но когда я свободна, мне нравится читать книги. Я думаю, что книги помогают мне продолжать обучение. На мой взгляд, книги – это источник новой и полезной информации. Мне нравится читать книги о жизни знаменитых людей. Также я люблю музыку. Мои любимые стили в музыке – это танцевальная музыка, хип-хоп. Я люблю рисовать. Я закончила школу искусств по рукоделию и хореографии .
На мой взгляд, цели это представления о будущем, о чем-то, что ты хочешь достичь в твоей жизни.
Я тоже имею свои цели, это не легко и я знаю, я должна сделать все, чтобы достичь их.
Я верю, что я достигну целей моей жизни. Цель это запланированное событие, потому что цель без плана это только желание
Я согласна с одной известной цитатой: “ Люди с целями - успешны, потому что они знают, куда идут.” И я считаю, цели делают нас сильнее, терпеливей и уверение в своих силах.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Let me introduce myself. My name is Akžan. I was born March 3, 1998 Goda v Žarkente. 17let me.I generally emotional personality. My life is very diverse. It seems to me that I have a friendly nature, since I always help people. Normally I am calm, but sometimes I can lose their tempers and become or sad or irritated. I like to laugh and joke. I am hardworking and ambitious personality. I put for yourself high goals and work hard to achieve them. I am sociable, so I have a lot of friends. I applaud the people of honesty, sincerity and courtesy. I don't like when people are rude or aggressive.Also I have a big family. Our family consists of seven people. I have a few hobbies (hobbies). I am always very busy, but when I'm free, I like to read books. I think the book is helping me to continue learning. In my opinion, the book is a source of new and useful information. I like to read books about the life of famous people. I also love music. My favorite styles of music is dance music, hip hop. I love to draw. I graduated from the art school of needlework and choreography. In my opinion, the goal of this vision of the future, about something that you want to achieve in your life.I also have my own goals, it's not easy and I know I should do everything to achieve them.I believe that I reach my goals in life. The aim of this planned event, because the goal without a plan is just a desire toI agree with one of the famous quote: "people with goals-are successful because they know where to go." and I believe purpose in making us stronger, terpelivej and assurance in their abilities.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Allow me to introduce myself. My name Akzhan. I was born on March 3, 1998 in Zharkent. I'm 17 years old.
I'm usually an emotional person. My life is very diverse. I think that I have a friendly nature, as I always help people. Normally I'm quiet, but sometimes I can lose temper and become angry or sad or. I like to laugh and joke. I am a hardworking and ambitious person. I set high goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. I am sociable, so I have a lot of friends. I welcome the honesty, sincerity and courtesy. I do not like it when people are rude or aggressive.
Also, I have a big family. Our family consists of seven people. I have several hobbies (favorite things). I am always very busy, but when I'm free, I like to read books. I think that books help me to continue learning. In my opinion, the book - a source of new and useful information. I like to read books about the life of famous people. I also love music. My favorite styles of music - a dance music, hip-hop. I love to draw. I graduated from art school of needlework and choreography.
In my view, the purpose of this vision of the future, something that you want to achieve in your life.
I, too, have their goals, it is not easy and I know I have to do everything, to achieve them.
I believe that I will achieve my life goals. The purpose of this scheduled event because the goal without a plan is just a desire
I agree with a famous quote: "People with the goals - are successful because they know where to go." And I think goals make us stronger, patience and confidence in their forces.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
allow me to introduce myself. my name is акжан. i was born on march 3, 1998 in жаркенте. i 17.
i usually emotional identity. my life is very diverse. i think i have a friendly characterso i always help people. usually, i'm good, but sometimes i can lose their temper and getting or angry or sad. i like to laugh and joke. i am hardworking and ambitious person.i play for myself high goals and work hard to achieve. i am easy-going, so i have many friends. i welcome people honesty, sincerity and courtesy.i don't like it when people are rude or aggressive. i have a big family. my family has seven members. i have some hobbies (favorites). i am always very busy, but when i'm freei like to read books. i think the books help me to continue learning. in my view, the book is a source of new and useful information. i like to read books about the lives of famous people. i also love music.my favorite kinds of music is the dance music, hip-hop. i love to paint. i graduated from the school of the arts and handicrafts and choreography.
in my view, the goals of this vision of the future, somethingwhat you want to achieve in your life. i also have my goals, it is not easy and i know i should do everything to achieve it. i believe that i will reach my goals in my life. the purpose of the scheduled event.because the goal without a plan is just a wish. i agree with known quote: "people with goals are successful because they know where to go." and i think the goals make us more patient and the reliant.
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