Хорошо, мы добавили цвет нашему рисунку. И теперь нам нужны тени. Чтобы понять где на нашем Vehicle будут тени, нам нужно определиться с какой стороны будет падать свет.
Например, свет в моем рисунке будет падать вот слева-сверху. Если бы мы рисовали цилиндр, примерно так, как выглядят наши трубы на Vehicle, то он выглядел бы вот так. Так как свет падает слева-сверху, то тень была бы на этой части цилиндра, а с этой стороны, цилиндр был бы освещен. И так как свет у нас направлен слева сверху, то и верхняя грань была бы также освещена. И возможно у нас был бы рефлекс с правой стороны цилиндра, который отражается от других деталей Vehicle. В соответствии с этой схемой мы и будем накладывать тени на наш Vehicle. И давайте сейчас попробуем это сделать.
Заблокируем все слои, на которых уже есть объекты, от случайных изменений. Создаем слой ниже нашего контура, на котором будем рисовать тени. Назовем этот слой Shadows. Я хочу чтобы свет был не совсем белым, а имел желтоватый оттенок, как например на закате, и в этом случае тени будут синего или фиолетового цвета. Чтобы лучше представить какой цвет выбрать для света и тени, можно взять цветовой круг. И провести прямую через его центр. Таким образом если мы выбираем желтый цвет света, то цвет теней в большинстве случаев будет противоположным ему, то есть синим или фиолетовым.
Давайте нарисуем круг с цветом наших теней. Накладываем его поверх заливки нашего транспорта, чтобы видеть как будет выглядеть наша тень. Сейчас она полностью непрозрачна. Давайте добавим прозрачности на вкладке transparency. Напоминаю, эту вкладку можно открыть через меню Window - transparency. На этой вкладке мы меняем режим наложения наших теней на overlay. С таким режимом если мы будем рисовать темным синим цветом, то цвет теней будет добавляться к цвету заливки, делая ее темнее и увеличивая синие оттенки. Сейчас это очень жесткая тень, давайте увеличим ее прозрачность примерно до 15%. И вот что у нас получается. Можно нарисовать круг где-то на фоне нашего рисунка, чтобы нам было проще брать отсюда цвет теней, а не искать тени на самом Vehicle.
Выделяем наш круг. Здесь отображаются его цвет, здесь режим наложения и прозрачность. И теперь, вспоминая световую схему цилиндра, начинаем рисовать тени в соответствии с направлением источника света. Обычно я рисую как бы 2 тени наложенные друг на друга. Так их грани получаются более интересными. Каждый раз когда мы добавляем следующую тень поверх предыдущей, она накладывается и наша тень становится более насыщенной.
И так как это все-таки Vehicle, он выпущен давно, а не только сошел с конвейера, то ему никак не обойтись без царапин и потертостей. И сейчас, когда мы будем добавлять тени, в тех местах где у нас будут царапины мы сделаем вот так. И с такими царапинами наш транспорт будет выглядеть еще круче.
И таким образом мы накладываем тени на весь наш Vehicle.
Помним, что вот эти крепления труб также имеет толщину и поэтому отбрасывают тени на сами трубы.
Это у нас решетка, поэтому в отверстиях тоже будут тени.
Поначалу возможно будет трудно представить где и какая тень должна быть. Тогда старайтесь разбивать сложные формы на простые геометрические объекты кубы, шары и цилиндры. Так например вот эту часть нашего Vehicle можно представить в виде полусферы. Тогда тень будет как и у шара падать вот так, а свет будет здесь. И когда мы поняли это, рисуем нашу тень вот так. Если бы шар был целиком, то тень продолжилась бы вот сюда.
Точно также поступаем с заклепками.
Эту часть можно представить в форме изогнутого цилиндра. Тогда эта часть будет прямым цилиндром, и тень на нем будет вот здесь. А эта часть - 2 цилиндр, и тень на нём будет примерно вот так. И таким же образом поступаем с остальными деталями.
Как выглядите я сначала рисую наиболее понятные тени, а затем изменяю их форму, следуя за формой деталей. Таким способом будет проще нарисовать основные тени, и станет понятнее как их продолжить на более сложные формы.
Если нам нужно выделить объект, который находится за уже выделенным. Как вот здесь. Здесь уже нарисованы две тени, и мне нужно изменить ту которая сзади. Выделяем переднюю тень, нажимаем Control (или Command на MacOs). Щелкаем курсором по верхней тени, и мы видим что рядом с курсором появилась галочка, которая показывает, что мы можем выделить объект, который находится за нашим выделением. Кликаем еще раз и наша задняя тень выделена. Отпускаем Control и теперь можем ее изменить.
На наших облаках тени практически не видно, поэтому сделаем их менее прозрачными. Передвинем ползунок opacity примерно до 40-45 процентов.
После того как мы наложили тени, у нас получилось что-то вроде этого. Теперь нам нужно добавить свет. Делать это мы будем точно также, как с тенями. Но изменим цвет на светло желтый и уменьшим прозрачность до 25-27 процентов. Теперь мы можем рисовать свет. И делаем это точно также, как мы делали это с тенями. Не забываем что источник света находится слева вверху.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Well, we have added our color picture. And now we need shade. To understand where our Vehicle will be a shadow, we need to decide which side would fall light. For example, light in my figure will fall here is left-over the top. If we were drawing a cylinder like look our pipes on the Vehicle, it would look like this. As the light falls on the left top, the shadow would be in this part of the cylinder and the cylinder would be covered. And because the light we have sent top left, and upper line would also be covered. And perhaps we would jerk to the right side of the cylinder, which is reflected by other parts of the Vehicle. In accordance with this scheme we will apply shadows on our Vehicle. And let us now try to do it. Block all layers that are already there are objects from accidental changes. Create a layer below our path, which will draw the shadow. Let's call this layer of Shadows. I want to light was not quite white, and had a yellowish tint, as for example at sunset, and in this case, the shadow will be blue or purple. To better visualize what color to choose for light and shade, you can take the color circle. And draw a straight through its Center. Therefore, if we choose the light yellow, the color of shadows in most cases, it will be the opposite, i.e. blue or purple. Let's draw the circle with the color of our shadows. Impose it over fills our transport to see our shadow will look like. Now it is completely opaque. Let's add transparency transparency tab. I recall this tab can be opened via the menu Window-transparency. On this tab, we change the blending mode of our shadows on the overlay. With such a regime, if we draw a dark blue, the color of the shadows will be added to the fill color, making it darker and blue shades. Now it is very hard shadow, let us increase its transparency to about 15%. And that's what we get. You can draw a circle somewhere on the background of our drawing, it was easier for us to take away the color of shadows and not look for shadows on the Vehicle. Allocate our circle. Here you can see the color blending mode and opacity here. And now, remembering the light diagram cylinder, shadows begin to paint in accordance with the direction of the light source. Usually I draw as though 2 shadow superimposed on each other. So their facets are more interesting. Every time when we add the following shadow over the previous, it is imposed and our shadow becomes more saturated. And since it's all the same Vehicle, he released a long time ago, not just rolled off the Assembly line, it cannot do without scratches and scuffs. And now, as we'll be adding shade in those places where we will have scratches we will do so. And with such scratches our transportation will look even cooler. And thus we impose shadows on our entire Vehicle. Remember that these tube also has a thickness and therefore, casting shadows on the pipes. This lattice, so the holes will also shade. At first, it may be difficult to imagine where and what shadow should be. Then try to split complex shapes into simple geometric objects cubes, spheres and cylinders. For example, here is this part of our Vehicle can be presented in the form of a hemisphere. Then the shadow would like the world to fall like this, and the light will be here. And when we realized this, we draw our shadow. If the ball was entirely, the shadow would be continued here. Just do with rivets. This part can be presented in the form of curved cylinder. Then this part will be a straight cylinder and shadow it would here. And this part-2 cylinder and shadow on it will be something like this. And the same way you do with the rest of the details.How to look I first draw the most intelligible shade and then change their form following form details. In this way it will be easier to draw basic shade and will become clearer as they continue on to more complex forms. If we need to select an object that is already selected. As here. Here already drawn two shadows, and I need to change the which back. Distinguish the front shade, push the Control (or Command on Mac). Click the cursor on top of the shade, and we see that the tick has appeared next to the cursor, which shows that we can select an object that is behind our selection. Click again, and our rear shade is selected. Let go of Control and can now modify it. On our cloud shadows almost invisible, so make them less than transparent. Move the opacity slider to around 40-45 percent. After we left the shadows, we've got something like this. Now we need to add light. To do this we will be just like with shadows. But change the color to a light yellow and reduce the opacity to 25-27 percent. Now we can draw the light. And we do it just like we did with the shadows. Do not forget that the light source is located in the upper left.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Well, we've added color to our drawing. And now we need the shade. To understand where our Vehicle will be the shadow, we need to decide which side will fall light.
For example, the light in my figure will fall here on the left-top. If we drew a cylinder, about the way we look at the pipe Vehicle, it would look like this. Since the light incident from the left-top, a shadow would be at this part of the cylinder and on this side, the cylinder would be illuminated. And because the light is directed at us from the top left, and the top line would be well lighted. And perhaps we would have a reflex on the right side of the cylinder, which is reflected from other parts Vehicle. In accordance with this scheme and we will impose a shadow on our Vehicle. And now let's try to do it.
Lock the all the layers that already has objects from accidental changes. Create a new layer below our path, which will draw the shade. Name this layer Shadows. I want to light was off-white and had a yellowish tint, such as at sunset, and in this case, shadows are blue or violet. To better understand what color to choose for the light and shadow, we can take the color wheel. And draw a straight line through the center. So if we choose to light yellow color, the shadow color in most cases will be the opposite to him, that is, blue or purple.
Let's draw a circle with the color of our shadows. We superimpose it over the filling of our transport system to see how it will look our shadow. Now it is completely opaque. Let's add some transparency to the transparency tab. Remember, this tab can be opened through the Window menu - transparency. On this tab we change the blend mode of our shadows on the overlay. With such a regime if we draw a dark blue, the color of the shadow will be added to the fill color, making it darker and increasing blue shades. Now it is very hard shadow, let's increase its opacity to about 15%. And that's what we get. You can draw a circle somewhere in the background of our picture for us to be easier to take away the color of shadows, instead of looking at the shadow of the Vehicle.
We select our circle. Its color is the blending mode and opacity are displayed here. And now, remembering the light cylinder circuit, we start to draw the shade according to the direction of the light source. Usually I paint as if the shadow of 2 superimposed on each other. So their faces are more interesting. Every time we add the following shadow over the previous one, it is imposed, and our shadows become more saturated.
And since it's still a Vehicle, he released a long time, not only off the line, he can not do without scratches and scuffs. And now, as we will be adding shadows, in places where we would scratch, we'll do like this. And with such scratches our transport will look even cooler.
And so we put a shadow on all our Vehicle.
Remember, that's the attachment pipe also has a thickness and therefore cast shadows on themselves the tube.
It is in our grill, so the holes will also be shadow.
At first, it may be difficult to imagine where and how the shadow should be. Then try to break up complex shapes into simple geometric objects cubes, spheres and cylinders. For example here is this part of our Vehicle can be represented in the form of a hemisphere. Then the shadow will be like dropping a ball like that, and the light will be here. When we realized this, we draw our shadow like this. If the ball was whole, the shadow would have continued down here.
Just as we proceed with rivets.
This part can be represented as curved cylinder. Then this will be a direct part of the cylinder, and the shadow it will be here. And this part - 2 cylinder, and the shadow on it would be something like this. And in the same way we proceed with the rest of the details.
As I look at first draw the most clear shade, and then change their shape, following the shape of parts. In this way it will be easier to draw the basic shade, and it becomes more clear how to proceed to more complex forms.
If we need to select an object that is already selected for. Like here. There are already drawn two shadows, and I need to change that which is behind. Select the front shade, press Control (or Command on MacOs). Click with the cursor on the upper shadow, and we can see that the cursor appears next to the check mark, which indicates that we can select an object that is behind our selection. We click again and our rear shade highlighted. Releasing Control, and now we can change it.
Virtually invisible, so make them less transparent on our cloud shadows. Move the opacity slider to about 40-45 percent.
After we left a shadow, we have something like this. Now we need to add light. Doing this we will be just as with shadows. But change color to light yellow, and reduce the opacity to about 25-27 percent. Now we can draw light. And we do it the same way as we did with the shadows. Do not forget that the light source is located at the top left.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
well, we"ve added the color of our sample. and now we need the shade. to understand where the vehicle will be a shadow, we need to decide which side will fall the light.for example, the light in my figure will fall and left from above. if we draw the cylinder approximately, the look of our pipe for vehicle, it would look like this. as the light is on the left, top, the shadow would be at the end of the cylinder, and the cylinder was presented. and as the light we have sent to the left from the top, and the top edge is also disclosed. and maybe we could have a reflex on the right side of the cylinder, which is reflected from the other parts of vehicle. in accordance with this scheme, we will cast shadows on the vehicle. and let"s try to do it.block all layers, which are the objects of random changes. create a layer below the path, which will draw the shade. name this layer 5. i want to light was not quite white, and had a yellowish hue, as for example at sunset, and in this case, the shadow will be blue or purple color. to better understand what color to choose the light and shade you can use the color wheel. and a line through its center. thus, if we choose the yellow color light, the color of eye shadow, in most cases, it will be the opposite, i.e., blue or purple.let"s draw a circle with the color of eye shadow. put it on top of filling our transport to see how will look like our shadow. now she"s completely is opaque. let"s add transparency to the transparency. remember, this tab you can open from the menu window is transparency. in this tab, we change the blend mode of our shadows on the overlay. such a regime if we draw a dark blue color, the color of eye shadow color will be added to the pot, making it darker and more blue shades. now it"s very hard shadow, let"s increase the transparency about 15%. and that"s what we are. you can draw a circle somewhere in the background of the image, so that we make it easier to take out the color of eye shadow, and not looking shadows on the vehicle.select the circle. here you can see its color, blending mode and opacity. and now, when the light cylinder, begin to paint shadows in accordance with the direction of the light source. i usually paint as much as 2 shade imposed on each other. so their edges are more interesting. every time we add another shadow on top of the previous one, it is our shadow becomes more complicated.and since it"s vehicle, he released the long, and not just off the conveyor, it can not do without scratches and scuff marks. and now, when we add the shadow, in the places where we will be. we do so. and with such scratches the transport will look
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