Моя бабушка рассказала мне историю. Когда она училась в 8 классе, Ее учитель по русскому языку ставила всегда 3, заставляла переписывать сочинения, постоянно упрекала Ее в чём-то, но потом бабушка собралась переходить в другую школу, а учитель поставила ей 3
А потом когда учитель узнала о переходе в другую школу, она сказала:"Валя, если б ты мне сказала, что ты уходишь, я бы поставила тебе 5
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My grandmother told me a story. When she attended the 8 class, her teacher in Russian language set is always 3, forced to rewrite your essay constantly reproached her of something, but then my grandmother met to move to another school, a teacher put her 3And then when the teacher learned about moving to another school, she said: "Valia, if you told me that you go, I would put to you 5
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
my grandmother told me a story. when she was in the eighth grade, her teacher on the russian language was always 3, made to rewrite the essays, constantly reproached her something but then grandma going to another school, a teacher put her 3when the teacher found out about the transition into high school, she said: "vale, if you told me that you are leaving, i would bet you 5
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