Идеальный студент тот, кто серьезно посещает все значимые занятия. Это не круглый отличник, но у него нет особых проблем с учебой, долгов, хвостов и прочего. Это тот, кто учится с самого первого дня семестра, а не включается в учебу в самом конце. Тот, у кого учеба на первом плане, но он не забывает и другие ценности, увлечения и интересы. Это эрудированный человек, разносторонне развитый, умеющий искренне отрываться и быть счастливым даже после напряженного дня и большого количества пар. Это тот, кто никогда не отчаивается и всегда готов познавать новое, идти в ногу со временем и в то же время брать от жизни все
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Ideal student is one who has visited all the important lessons. It is not round but he had no special problems with studying, debts, tails and other things. It is he who learns from the first day of the semester, and is not included in the study at the very end. The study on the ground, but he does not forget other values, hobbies and interests. This learned man, versatile developed, who can truly break away and be happy even after a long day and a lot of couples. It is he who never despairs, and always ready to learn new things, to keep pace with the times and at the same time borrow from life
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Ideal student who attends seriously all relevant classes. This is not a straight-A student, but he does not have any particular problems with education debt, tails and other things. It is he who learns from the first day of the semester and not included in the study at the end. Those who study in the foreground, but he does not forget other values, hobbies and interests. This erudite man, diversified, able to truly break away and be happy even after a busy day and a lot of couples. It is he who never give up and always ready to learn new things, to keep pace with the times and at the same time take everything from life
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The ideal student anyone who seriously attends all meaningful classes. It is not round aspirant, but he had no particular problems with the education, debts, tailings and other things. That is, those who are learning from the very first day of semester,And is not included in their studies at the very end of it. The who study on the first plan, but it has not forgotten and other values, hobbies and interests. This is promising talents people, diverse mature,Himself sincerely expressing your thoughts and be happy even after a busy day and a large number of couples. It is the one who has never renovate Armenian schools and is always ready to explore new,To keep pace with the times and at the same time, to make the most out of your life
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