сьюзен, в субботу у меня день рождения. Мы устраиваем небольшой семейн перевод - сьюзен, в субботу у меня день рождения. Мы устраиваем небольшой семейн английский как сказать

сьюзен, в субботу у меня день рожде

сьюзен, в субботу у меня день рождения. Мы устраиваем небольшой семейный вечер. я хочу, чтобы ты пришла к нам.с большим удовольствием.много будет гостей? Немного. Только несколько близких родственников и наша семья. У тебя большая семья? Нет, не большая. Настроить. Настрои Настрои точка нас четвероне очень весело быть единственным ребенком в семье. Каждому нужен семья ровесника, чтобы поговорить об учебе, проблемах, вместе отдохнуть точка верно, но я могу говорить с родителями О чём угодно. Люди старшего поколения кажется никогда не понимают молодежь до конца это не относится к моим родителям мои родители совсем другие мои друзья я уверен что ты тоже подружиться с ними хотелось бы они ведь среднего возраста да да но они выглядят на свой возраст они поженились Когда были студентами они начались в церкви Нет это была скромно свадьбы общежитие где в гостях были всего несколько родственников и друзей сейчас многие традиции прошлого возвращаются у нас с тобой обязательно будет официальная помолвка согласна
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Susan, I have a birthday on Saturday. We have a small family evening. I want you to come to us with great pleasure. many will be guests? A little. Only a few close relatives and our family. You have a big family? No, not much. Configure. Tunes Tunes dot us chetverone a lot of fun to be the only child in the family. Everyone needs family coeval to talk about studying, problems, however, have a rest point is correct, but I can talk with their parents about anything. People of the older generation seems to never understand young people before the end of this is not true for my parents my parents quite my other friends, I am sure that you too would like to make friends with them they're middle-aged Yes Yes but they look at your age they married When they were students There in the Church began it was modestly wedding hostel where guests were just a few of the relatives and friends of many of the traditions of the past are coming back at us with you is sure to be the official engagement agreed
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Susan, Saturday is my birthday. We arrange a small family night. I want you to come to nam.s great udovolstviem.mnogo be guests? Little. Only a few close relatives and our family. Do you have a big family? No, not much. Tune. Customize Customize point chetveronogo us a lot of fun to be the only child in the family. Everyone needs a family the same age, to talk about education, problems with break point is true, but I can talk with their parents about anything. Older people seem never to understand young people up to the end this does not apply to my parents my parents really my other friends, I am sure that you also make friends with them like they were in fact middle-aged yes yes but they look at their age they were married when they were students, they began in the church No, it was a modest wedding hostel where guests are just a few relatives and friends now many traditions of the past come back at us with you is bound to be the official engagement agreed
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
susan, saturday is my birthday. we're having a family night. i want you to come to нам.с big удовольствием.много coming tonight? a little. only a few relatives and our family. you have a big family? no, not much. configure. настрои настрои point us четвероне very fun to be an only child in the family. everybody needs a family to talk about age, education, problems, however, the right to rest, but i can talk with my parents about anything. people of the older generation seems never understand youth before the end of this belongs to my parents, my parents, all my other friends, i'm sure that you are friends with them like they're in middle age, yes, yes, but they look at their age, they were married when they were students began in the church it was modest wedding hostel where guests were all a few relatives and dr. рузей now many traditions of the past are coming back for us will be the official engagement agree
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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