That little tramp!!!There were two cinemas in the town.In one there wa перевод - That little tramp!!!There were two cinemas in the town.In one there wa английский как сказать

That little tramp!!!There were two

That little tramp!!!
There were two cinemas in the town.In one there was a film Which had cost millions of dollars.The actors were hand-some,the actresses beautiful.The songs were sung by some of the best known singers in the world. The cinema was nearly empty. A few streets away in the other cinema there was a very different film.It was over fifty years old. It was black and white and there was no sound.The hero of the film was a tramp,whose hat and coat were too small. His trousers and shoes were too big. He was a little man with a funny walk. In his hand he carried a walking stick. The cinema was full. There were roars of laughter each time the little tramp escaped fron a difficult situation. And when things went badly many cried. I"m sure you have already recognized the "little tramp"- Charlie Chaplin. He has been making us laugh ever since his first film in 1914. The tramp is king,always ready to help, dreaming of the girlthat he secretly loves. All the time he has to struggle against those who are stronger and nastier-against a society which does not accept him. Bat nothing and nobody can keep him dowm-he always wins in the end. Charlie Chaplin learned what it was to be small and poor in his early life. He wsa born in 1889 in a poor area of London. His parents were both stage actors. They separated and Charlie's mother had to struggle hard to support him and his brother. Once her voice broke when she was singing and Charlie,who was five years old, had to take her place. He copied her songs so well that the audience threw money on the stage. This was the beginning. The real success only came when Charlie went to America to make films. Today "the little fellow" is known all over the world. His old silent films are shown again and again in cinemas and on television.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
That little tramp!There were two cinemas in the town.In one there was a film Which had cost millions of dollars.The actors were hand-some,the actresses beautiful.The songs were sung by some of the best known singers in the world. The cinema was nearly empty. A few streets away in the other cinema there was a very different film.It was over fifty years old. It was black and white and there was no sound.The hero of the film was a tramp,whose hat and coat were too small. His trousers and shoes were too big. He was a little man with a funny walk. In his hand he carried a walking stick. The cinema was full. There were roars of laughter each time the little tramp escaped fron a difficult situation. And when things went badly many cried. I"m sure you have already recognized the "little tramp"- Charlie Chaplin. He has been making us laugh ever since his first film in 1914. The tramp is king,always ready to help, dreaming of the girlthat he secretly loves. All the time he has to struggle against those who are stronger and nastier-against a society which does not accept him. Bat nothing and nobody can keep him dowm-he always wins in the end. Charlie Chaplin learned what it was to be small and poor in his early life. He wsa born in 1889 in a poor area of London. His parents were both stage actors. They separated and Charlie's mother had to struggle hard to support him and his brother. Once her voice broke when she was singing and Charlie,who was five years old, had to take her place. He copied her songs so well that the audience threw money on the stage. This was the beginning. The real success only came when Charlie went to America to make films. Today "the little fellow" is known all over the world. His old silent films are shown again and again in cinemas and on television.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Little tramp !!! That
There Were to two two Cinemas in the town.In one's there WAS a film the Which HAD cost Millions of dollars.The actors Were hand-some, the the actresses beautiful.The Were songs sung by some of the: best known singers in the world. The cinema was nearly empty. A few streets away in the other cinema there was a very different film.It was over fifty years old. It was black and white and there was no sound.The hero of the film was a tramp, whose hat and coat were too small. His trousers and shoes were too big. He was a little man with a funny walk. In his hand he carried a walking stick . The cinema was full. There were roars of laughter each time the little tramp escaped fron a difficult situation. And when things went badly many cried. I "m sure you have already recognized the" little tramp "- Charlie Chaplin He has been making us laugh ever since his first film in 1914. The tramp is king, always ready to help, dreaming of the girlthat he secretly loves All.. the time he has to struggle against those who are stronger and nastier-against a society which does not accept him. Bat nothing and nobody can keep him dowm-he always wins in the end. Charlie Chaplin learned what it was to be small and poor in his early life. He wsa born in 1889 in a poor area of London. His parents were both stage actors. They separated and Charlie's mother had to struggle hard to support him and his brother. Once her voice broke when she was singing and Charlie , who was five years old, had to take her place. He copied her songs so well that the audience threw money on the stage. This was the beginning. the real success only came when Charlie went to America to make films. Today "the little fellow "is known all over the world. His old silent films are shown again and again in cinemas and on television.
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