Вообще это больше похоже на договор поставки, а не на договор по бренд перевод - Вообще это больше похоже на договор поставки, а не на договор по бренд английский как сказать

Вообще это больше похоже на договор

Вообще это больше похоже на договор поставки, а не на договор по бренду, по идеи твой должен быть более упрощенным… как мне кажется.

Меня заинтересовал вопрос каталожных номеров. Мы их должны будем где-то указывать?

1. objective – у нас будет отдельный контракт, в котором и пропишем условия, а не в проформе
2.3 – надо выяснить почему 90 дней – это ОЧЕНЬ долго. На смотровые должно быть 30 максимум 60. Уточни, почему 90. Может они смогут как-то это объяснить. Возможно они про первую партию, тогда это надо так и прописать.
2.5 – у нас по всем стоит 5 лет. Надо узнать не возражают ли они, если мы будем так писать, так как на рынке у нас все так делают. Нет перчаток со сроком менее 5 лет смотровых.
2.6 – это смотровые перчатки, поэтому пусть упаковку делают за свой счет, смена упаковки тоже за их счет, так как заказывать они должны упаковку под наш заказ. Не хранить остатки.
2.7 – вообще какой-то ужас. По общим кол-вам коробок мы скажем по факту получения, по внутреннему вложению и дефектам нам надо минимум 180 дней с момента прихода.
3.1 – мне тоже не очень нравится… и надо прописать, что цены FOB
3.3 – к бухам надо идти, так как мы вроде платим только комиссию нашего банка, комиссии банков корреспондентов за счет поставщика
3.5 – тоже требует обсуждения… почему 12%, тогда надо включить за задержку поставки тоже штраф
3.6 – нет, если он согласился поставлять по ценам на 3 месяца, то значит по ним и будет грузить, или мы тогда тоже будем перед оплатой торговаться по какой цене оплачивать, с ума вообще сошли!!!
4.1 – что значит согласно его инструкциям?
4.3 – не понимаю про что этот пункт… пусть объясняют, странный он какой-то

5 и 6 – как-то разнятся, почему у нас столько обязанностей непонятных, а у них всего одна )))?

7.2 – в сад! Они несут ответственность по инкотермс и никак иначе, если FOB, значит FOB!!!
8.1- скорей будет денежная компенсация – скидка на следующую партию! А вообще по обстоятельствам
8.3 – они будут нести ответственность за ошибки в документах, которые приведут к дополнительным тратам на таможне. Надо как-то этот пункт переписать с юристом
11.2 пусть юрист посоветует ответный пункт, чтобы мы могли тоже в одностороннем порядке и без предупреждения расторгнуть контракт.
12 тоже не примем их законодательство и суд, надо опять же идти к юристу обсуждать.
13.3 контракт наш рабочий и приложения к нему
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In General, it's more like a supply agreement, rather than on the Treaty by brand, your ideas should be more simplistic. It seems to me. I am interested in the issue of catalogue numbers. We will have somewhere to indicate? 1. objective-we will have a separate contract, which set conditions, and not in the pro forma invoice2.3-to find out why 90 days is a very long time. The examination should be a maximum of 30 60. Specify why the 90. Maybe they will be able to somehow explain it. Maybe they are about the first game, then it should be so and prescribe.2.5-we all worth 5 years. Need to find out if they do not mind if we write as in the market we all do. No gloves with less than 5 years of observation.2.6-this examination gloves, so let the packaging make at their own expense, change of packaging, too, at their expense, because they must order packaging under our order. Do not store leftovers. 2.7 is generally some sort of horror. According to the General number of cartons you we say upon receipt, on internal investment and defects we need a minimum of 180 days from the date of arrival.3.1-I don't really like. and it is necessary to specify that prices are FOB3.3-buham must go because we like pay only Commission of the Bank Commission of correspondent banks at the expense of the supplier3.5-also require discussion. Why is 12%, then it is necessary to include for the delay of delivery also fine3.6-No, if he agreed to supply prices for 3 months, and will be shipping or we will then also before paying a bargain at what price to pay, crazy generally came off!4.1-what it means according to the instructions? 4.3-do not understand about this item ... Let explain strange he some5 and 6 are somehow differ, why we have so many responsibilities unclear and they have just one)))?7.2-in the garden! They have a responsibility to Incoterms and in no other way, if the FOB, FOB means!8.1-hurry will monetary compensation-discount on the next batch! And in General to circumstances8.3-they will be held responsible for errors in documents that will lead to additional expenses in customs. We must somehow this paragraph rewritten with a lawyer11.2 let lawyer will advise a return item, so we can also unilaterally and without warning terminate the contract. 12 also will not accept their laws and court must again go to a lawyer to discuss. 13.3 our working contract and its annexes
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Actually it's more like a supply contract rather than a contract for the brand, for your ideas to be more simplistic ... I think. I was interested in the question catalog numbers. We'll have them somewhere point? 1. objective - we will have a separate contract in which and prescribe the conditions, and not in the pro-forma 2.3 - it is necessary to find out why 90 days - it is a very long time. On inspection should be a maximum of 30 60. Specify why 90. Maybe they can somehow explain it. Maybe they are about the first game, then it is necessary and to register. 2.5 - we all costs 5 years. We must know if they do not object if we write well, because the market we all do. No gloves with a term of less than 5 years of observation. 2.6 - this examination gloves, so let him do the packaging at its own expense, a change of packaging is also at their expense, as they have ordered the package under our order. Do not keep leftovers. 2.7 - even some horror. According to the general number of your boxes we say upon receipt by domestic investments and defects, we need at least 180 days from the date of arrival. 3.1 - I also do not really like ... and it is necessary to prescribe that the prices FOB 3.3 - to buham to go as We like to pay only a commission of our bank, commissions of correspondent banks at the expense of the supplier 3.5 - also requires discussion ... Why 12%, then you have to play for the delay in delivery is also fine 3.6 - not if he agreed to supply prices for 3 months, it means for them and will be shipping or we will then also be traded before paying at what price to pay, all gone mad !!! 4.1 - which means according to his instructions? 4.3 - I do not understand about this point ... let him explain it strange to some 5 and 6 - as something different, why do we have so many responsibilities not clear, and they have only one)))? 7.2 - in the garden! They are responsible for Incoterms and in no other way, if the FOB, it means !!! FOB 8.1- soon be monetary compensation - the discount for the next game! In general, for reasons 8.3 - they will be responsible for any errors in the documents that will lead to additional costs at customs. We must somehow this point be rewritten with a lawyer 11.2 let the lawyer advise return the item so that we could also unilaterally and without notice to terminate the contract. 12 also did not accept their legislation and the court, it is necessary once again to go to a lawyer to discuss. 13.3 contract our working and its annexes

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
This is more like a supply contract, and not to the brand, the ideas you should be more simplified ... as it seems to me. Lord i was puzzled question index numbers. We will be where the point? Lord 1.
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