Я все еще не решил, какую карьеру выбрать, но с ужасом думаю о том, что мне придется сидеть за письменным столом с девяти до пяти и выполнять рутинную работу из года в год.
Я пока еще смутно представляю свою будущую карьеру, но уверен, что мне надо закатать рукава и стремиться к учебе и успеху в профессиональной деятельности.
Мне, пожалуй, нравится идея стать журналистом. Я знаю иностранные языки, хорошо владею компьютером, легко схожусь с людьми, я не против много разъезжать.
В наше врем работа переводчика, похоже, теряет свою привлекательность. в бизнесе, промышленности, общественных организациях все больше требуются специалисты, владеющие иностранными языками. Кто-то же должен их обучать. Значит потребность в талантливых, увлеченных, высокомотивированных преподавателях иностранных языков будет возрастать.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I'm still not decided what career to choose, but horrified to think that I would have to sit behind a desk with a nine to five and perform routine work from year to year. I'm still vaguely imagine my future career, but for sure I need to roll up our sleeves and to strive for excellence and success in their professional activities. I like the idea of becoming a journalist. I know foreign languages, good at computer, easily shožus′ with people, I don't mind a lot of driving around. In our time the translator's work seems to be losing its appeal. in business, industry, public organizations are increasingly require expertise, speak foreign languages. Someone should teach them. Hence the need for talented, enthusiastic, highly motivated teachers of foreign languages will increase.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I still have not decided what career to choose, but I think with horror that I have to sit at a desk from nine to five and do the routine work of the year.
I still vaguely imagine my future career, but I'm sure I have to roll up our sleeves and try to learn and succeed in their professional activities.
I, perhaps like the idea of becoming a journalist. I know foreign languages, good at computer, easy to converge with people, I do not mind driving around a lot.
In our time, the work of the interpreter seems to be losing its appeal. in business, industry, public organizations increasingly require specialists who speak foreign languages. Someone has to teach them. Hence the need for talented, enthusiastic, highly motivated teachers of foreign languages will increase.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i still haven"t decided what career to choose, but hate to think about what i have to sit at a table with a nine to five and to carry out the routine work of the year.i still vaguely see my future career, but i"m sure i have to roll up your sleeves and strive for success in academic and professional activities.i really like the idea of being a journalist. i know foreign languages, good at computer, easy to get along with people, i don"t mind a lot.in our work to the translator, it loses its appeal. in business, industry, public organizations increasingly need experts who speak foreign languages. someone"s got to teach. so the need for talented, passionate, motivated teachers of foreign languages will increase.
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