Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and f перевод - Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and f английский как сказать

Some people think that life-long fr

Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and films. Others - in real life...

Some people believe that endless friendship exists only in books and films. Others think that it exists in real life. In my composition I'm going to express my personal opinion and debate with me opponents.

In my opinion, friendship that lasts as long as life exists only in films. As a rule, people make friends only with those who have similar interests. People change their interests throughout their life. So, the first reason for impossibility of endless friendship is people's changing interests. Moreover, we all move to new places during the life. A long distance friendship doesn't have many chances to grow stronger, because real friendship is a real communication, not a virtual one. Therefore, the second reason is moving away. Along with changing places or interests, a person's character changes. So do our friends. It is the third reason against life-long friendship.

However, opponents of this point of view say that true friendship exists no matter what happens. Their strongest argument is that friendship is a very deep feeling. Moreover, some people believe that friends can forgive each other whatever happens.

Well, of course, it is a very strong feeling, but time passes and makes you feel in a different way. And I do not think that everyone can forgive anything. Sometimes a small quarrel can become a reason for destroying one's friendship.

In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that endless friendship is not a real thing. But everyone decides for himself what opportunity to choose.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and films. Others-in real life.Some people believe that endless friendship exists only in books and films. Others think that it exists in real life. In my composition, I'm going to express my personal opinion and debate with me opponents. In my opinion, the friendship that lasts as long as life exists only in films. As a rule, people make friends only with those who have similar interests. People change their interests throughout their life. So, the first reason for impossibility of endless friendship is people's changing interests. Moreover, we all move to new places during the life. A long distance friendship doesn't have many chances to grow stronger, because real friendship is a real communication, not a virtual one. Therefore, the second reason is moving away. Along with changing places or interests, a person's character changes. So do our friends. It is the third reason against life-long friendship. However, opponents of this point of view say that true friendship exists no matter what happens. Their strongest argument is that friendship is a very deep feeling. Moreover, some people believe that friends can forgive each other whatever happens. Well, of course, it is a very strong feeling, but time passes and makes you feel in a different way. And I do not think that everyone can forgive anything. Sometimes a small quarrel can become a reason for destroying one's friendship. In conclusion, I am strongly convinced that endless friendship is not a real thing. But everyone decides for himself what opportunity to choose.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and films. Others Others - in real life: ...

Some people Believe That endless friendship the exists only in the books and films. Others think that it exists in real life . Up my composition I of with In'm going to express up my personal opinion and the debate with me Opponents.

With In up my opinion, as with friendship That Lasts a long life: as with the exists only in films. As a rule, people make friends only with those who have similar interests. People change their interests throughout their life. So, the first reason for impossibility of endless friendship is people's changing interests. Moreover, we all move to new places during the life. A long distance friendship does not have many chances to grow stronger, because real friendship is a real communication, not a virtual one. Therefore, the second reason is moving away . Along with changing places or interests, a person's character changes. So do our friends. Is the THIRD, It Against life: reason-a long friendship.

HOWEVER, Opponents of the this point of the view to true friendship say The That the exists the no matter what happens. Their strongest argument is that friendship is a very deep feeling. Moreover's, some people CAN Believe That friends forgive each OTHER whatever happens.

The Well, of course the, IT is a very strong feeling, But time passes and Makes you feel in a Different way. And I do not think that everyone can forgive anything. A small quarrel Sometimes CAN Become a reason for destroying one's's friendship.

With In Conclusion, I of am Strongly Convinced That endless friendship is not a real Thing. But everyone decides for himself what opportunity to choose.
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