Полиция выполняет много функций. Она собирает информацию. Она имеет по перевод - Полиция выполняет много функций. Она собирает информацию. Она имеет по английский как сказать

Полиция выполняет много функций. Он

Полиция выполняет много функций. Она собирает информацию. Она имеет полномочия арестовать или обыскать подозреваемых. Она контролирует поведение людей во время демонстраций и митингов. В некоторых странах полиция имеет право взимать штрафы с нарушителей без суда. В Британии полиция может конфисковать марихуану, если обнаружит у кого-то этот наркотик. Простое присутствие полицейских служит сдерживающим фактором. В Токио больше полицейских, чем в Нью-Йорке. Может быть, в этом причина, что в Японии преступность ниже, чем в США. Сложно сравнивать уровень преступности в разных странах. Надо знать не только, сколько преступлений было совершено, но и сколько было зарегистрировано и раскрыто. Другим важным фактором является вид преступления. В Британии регистрируется больше преступлений, чем в Японии, но убийств столько же. В богатых странах совершается больше краж автомобилей, чем в бедных. Часто важным фактором этого является коррумпированность полиции. Полицейские могут брать взятки, плохо относиться к арестованным, давать ложные показания против подозреваемых. Во многих странах полицейские носят оружие постоянно, а в некоторых они вооружены только в особых случаях.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Police performs many functions. It collects the information. She has the power to arrest or search suspects. It controls the behavior of the people during the demonstrations and rallies. In some countries, the police has the right to impose fines on offenders without trial. In Britain, the police can confiscate marijuana if it detects someone this drug. The mere presence of officers serves as a deterrent. More police in Tokyo than in New York. Maybe that's the reason that crime in Japan is lower than in the United States. It is difficult to compare crime rates in different countries. It is necessary to know not only how many crimes have been committed, but also how much has been recorded and disclosed. Another important factor is the type of crime. In Britain registered more crimes than in Japan, but killing the same number. In rich countries committed more car thefts than in poor ones. Often an important factor in this is the corrupt police. The police may take bribes, ill treat arrested, giving false testimony against suspects. In many countries the police are weapons permanently, and in some they are armed only in special cases.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Police performs many functions. It gathers information. It has the authority to arrest and search suspects. It controls the behavior of people during demonstrations and rallies. In some countries, the police have the right to levy fines on offenders without trial. In Britain, the police can confiscate marijuana if it detects someone the drug. The mere presence of the police is a deterrent. In Tokyo, more police officers than in New York. Maybe this is the reason that crime in Japan is lower than in the United States. It is difficult to compare the level of crime in different countries. We need to know not only how many crimes were committed, but how many were registered and solved. Another important factor is the type of crime. In Britain, registered more crimes than in Japan, but the killings as much. In rich countries commit more thefts of cars, than the poor. Most important factor is that police corruption. Police may accept bribes, ill-treat detainees, to give false evidence against the suspects. In many countries, the police constantly carry weapons, and in some they are armed only in special cases.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

the police has many functions. it collects information. she has the authority to arrest or search the suspects. it controls people's behavior during the demonstrations and rallies.in some countries, the police have the authority to levy fines on violators without trial. in britain, the police may seize the pot, if found someone that drug.the mere presence of police serves as a deterrent. in tokyo, more police officers than in new york. maybe that's the reason that japan crime is lower than in the us.difficult to compare crime rates in different countries. need to know not only how many crimes have been committed, but how many is registered and disclosed. another important factor is the type of crime.in britain are more crimes than japan, but of the same. in rich countries are more motor vehicle thefts, than the poor.this is often an important factor in the corruption of the police. the police can take bribes, ill treat detainees, to give false evidence against the suspects.in many countries, the police carry guns all the time, and in some they were armed only with special cases.
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