1. Он был так взволнован, что не мог произнести ни слова. Как долго он перевод - 1. Он был так взволнован, что не мог произнести ни слова. Как долго он английский как сказать

1. Он был так взволнован, что не мо

1. Он был так взволнован, что не мог произнести ни слова. Как долго он ждал этой встречи!
2. За два часа до прибытия парохода в гавани собралась толпа народа. Всем хотелось посмотреть на этого необычного пассажира.
3. «Не свисти в доме, пожалуйста. Разве ты не знаешь, что в России это плохая примета – денег не будет» – печально произнесла она.
4. Большинство новозеландцев, живущих на этих островах, китайского происхождения. Вам будет легко влиться в их круг.
5. От страха она вся дрожала. Накрывая на, стол даже уронила пару приборов! Не каждый день приходиться обслуживать такого посетителя!
6. На день рождения я получила много подарков, но самый приятный был видеть тебя в веселом настроении.
7. Я с удовольствием принимаю Ваше приглашение. Огромная честь быть принятой в таком доме!
8. Как только путешественники приблизились к Голдвиллидж, они услышали звуки веселого деревенского праздника.
9. Нелегко было влиться в их компанию! Так все богатые интеллектуалы, а его образование – средняя школа, да и денег немного.
10. Если и дальше государство будет так плохо заботиться о памятниках старины, мы их потеряем навсегда.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. He was so excited that he could not say a Word. How long he waited for this meeting!2. two hours prior to the arrival of the ship in the Harbor, a crowd of people. Everyone wanted to see this unusual passenger.3. "Not svisti at home, please. Don't you know that in Russia it's bad sign-there will be no money, "she said sadly.4. the majority of New Zealanders living on those islands, of Chinese origin. You will easily integrate into their circle.5. She was trembling with fear. Laying on the desk, even dropped a couple of devices! It's not every day that have to serve these visitors!6. birthday I received a lot of gifts, but the most pleasant was to see you in a cheerful mood.7. I am pleased to accept your invitation. A huge honor to be adopted in this House!8. as soon as travelers approached the Goldvillidž, they heard the sounds of a Merry village festivity.9. it was not easy to join their company! So all the wealthy intellectuals, and his secondary school education, and a little money.10. If the State would be so bad to take care of the ancient monuments, we'll lose them forever.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. He was so excited that he could not utter a word. How long has he been waiting for this meeting!
2. Two hours before the arrival of the ship in the harbor of a crowd of people. Everyone wanted to look at this unusual passenger.
3. "Do not whistle in the house, please. Do you not know that in Russia it is a bad omen - the money will not be "- she said sadly.
4. Most New Zealanders living in these islands, of Chinese origin. You will easily integrate into their circle.
5. From fear she was trembling. Covering for a table even dropped a couple of appliances! Not every day you have to serve such a visitor!
6. For his birthday, I received a lot of gifts, but the most pleasant was to see you in a cheerful mood.
7. I am pleased to accept your invitation. A great honor to be accepted in this house!
8. As soon as the travelers approached Goldvillidzh, they heard the sound of merry folk festival.
9. It was hard to join their company! So all the rich intellectuals, and his education - high school, and a little money.
10. If you continue to be so bad the state to take care of ancient monuments, we lose them forever.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. He was so excited, that he had not a word to say. How long he waited for this meeting!
2. For the two hours prior to the arrival in the harbor come aboard a crowd people. All I would like to see the passenger this unusual.
3."Not their respective mandates in the house, please. Don't you know that in Russia, this bad hallmark - money will not be" - sadly swear it.
4. Most new Zealanders, living on these islands, Chinese origin.You will be easy to integrate in their circle.
5. From the fear of finally she prayed. Openings on the table even seen a couple panel! It is not every day fall to serve such a visitor!
6. On the day of birth i have received many gifts,But the most pleasant it was to see you in cheerful mood.
7. I am pleased to accept your invitation. A great honor to be adopted in such house!
8. As only couples are close to Голдвиллидж,They heard sounds fun holiday village.
9. It was, however, not easy to join their company! So all the rich intellectuals, and his education - middle school, yes and money slightly.
10.If the state would be so bad to take care of the monuments and antiquities, we lose them forever.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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