Значение имени Лаура Происхождение имени Лаура. Имя Лаура католическое перевод - Значение имени Лаура Происхождение имени Лаура. Имя Лаура католическое английский как сказать

Значение имени Лаура Происхождение

Значение имени Лаура Происхождение имени Лаура. Имя Лаура католическое. Синонимы имени Лаура. Лора, Лорель, Лаурика, Лоури. Краткая форма имени Лаура. Лора, Лори, Лалли, Лаурина, Лара, Рина. Имя Лаура - женская форма мужского имени Лавр, которое происходит от названия дерева «лавр», являющее символом славы. Поэтому в буквальном переводе с латинского языка имя означает «увенчанная лавром», а переводят как «победительница». Имя Лаврентия (Лоран, Лорен, Лоренса) является родственным именем (образовано от имени Лаврентий), но не аналогом для имени Лаура. Среди европейцев ударение в имени Лаура идет на первый слог, а у русских также встречается ударение на второй слог слова. В русском языке также существует женское имя Лора, происходящее от французского имени Laure, которое считают родственным именем. Также имя Лора - это уменьшительно-ласкательная форма от имени Лариса. Уменьшительно-ласкательные обращения Лора, Лара и Рина также являются самостоятельными именами. Активная и рассудительная Лаура способна принимать решения за одну секунду благодаря своему синтетическому типу мышления. Это флегматичные, но активные особы, руководствующиеся в жизни не своей развитой интуицией, а разумными доводами и логикой. Лаура прощает окружающим их слабости, зато к себе относится очень строго, собственных ошибок не прощает. Неудач не боится, любит, чтобы все вокруг происходило только с ее разрешения. Это подвижные и артистичные женщины, которые обожают разыгрывать эмоции, причем сами зачастую в них верят. У Лаур золотые руки, они считают, что могут делать все, эти женщины способны на героические поступки. Подвижность, тяга к путешествиям и любовь к солнечным денькам должны стать основными факторами, которые следует учитывать при выборе профессии, подходящей для Лаур. Из них получаются отличные репортеры, журналисты, путешественники, экскурсоводы, манекенщицы. Лаура испытывает постоянную потребность во внимании и движении, поэтому ей нужна профессия, связанная с поездками. В профессиональной деятельности она решительна и способна преодолеть любую проблему за считанные минуты, избегает инертных людей. Как в профессиональной деятельности, так и в любовных отношениях, Лаура чаще всего однолюб. Выбрав сферу деятельности или партнера, эта женщина останется с этим выбором до конца своих дней. Лаура очень обожает своего супруга и крайне преданна детям. Эта женщина любит свой дом, куда часто приглашает гостей. Она испытывает потребность во внимании и обожании, ее любвеобильное сердце требует постоянных подтверждений того, что она любима, при этом человеку, которого любит сама Лаура, будет позволено абсолютно все. У этой женщины на первом месте по значимости стоит именно семья. Лаура очень сексуальна, это обворожительная чертовка, избранник которой непременно пойдет с ней к алтарю. В общении с друзьями Лауре присущ душевный стриптиз, она все свои радости и невзгоды всегда рассказывают окружающим. Если же человек откажется их выслушать, Лаура может обидеться на всю оставшуюся жизнь. Лаура не понимает людей, которым не интересны ее проблемы и горести. Эти женщины просто обожают, когда вокруг них много близких друзей, в веселых компаниях они чувствуют себя, как рыба в воде. Они хотят быть везде, где возможно, они хотят все знать и все видеть. Их жизнь строится по принципу «движение – жизнь».

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The meaning of the name Laura is the origin of the name Laura. The name Laura Catholic. Synonyms of the name Laura. Laura, Laurel, Laurika, Lowry. The short form of the name Laura. Laura, Lori, Lalli, Laurina, Lara, Rina. The name Laura-the feminine form of the male name Laurus, which comes from the Laurel tree, the symbol of glory. Therefore, a literal translation from the Latin name means "crowned with Laurel, and translated as" the winner ". Name: laurentia (Laurent, Lauren, Lawrence) is akin to the name (derived from the name of Lawrence), but not an analogue for the name Laura. Among Europeans stress the name Laura goes on the first syllable, and the Russians are also common emphasis on the second syllable of a Word. In English there is also a female given name Lora, derived from the French name Laure, which consider a related name. The name Laura is a familiar diminutive form of the name Larissa. Diminutive treatment were love names Laura, Lara and Rina are also separate names. Active and judicious Laura is able to take decisions per second thanks to its synthetic type of thinking. It's flegmatičnye, but active person, the latter in life is not its developed intuition and reasonable arguments and logic. Laura forgive others their weakness, but to itself applies very strictly, the native error is unforgiving. Failure is not afraid, loves to everything around was only with her permission. This moving and artistic women who love to play the emotions, which themselves often believe in them. Laur have golden hands, they believe that they can do all these women are capable of heroic deeds. Mobility, craving for traveling and love to the Sun: should become the main factors to consider when choosing a profession suitable for Laur. Of them produces excellent reporters, journalists, travellers, guides, fashion models. Laura feels constant need for attention and traffic, so she needed a profession associated with travel. In professional activity it is decisive and able to overcome any problem in a matter of minutes, avoids inert people. As in professional activity and in a loving relationship, Laura most often odnolûb. Selecting the scope of work or partner, this woman will stay with this choice until the end of his days. Laura really loves her husband, and extremely devoted to children. This woman loves his home, where often invites guests. She feels the need of attention and adoration, it lûbveobil′noe heart requires constant confirmation that she is loved, with a person who loves herself Laura, will be allowed to absolutely everything. This woman ranked in first place stands the family. Laura is very sexy, this charming she-devil, chosen one which certainly goes with her to the altar. In talking with friends Laura inherent spiritual striptease, she all their joy and adversity always tell others. If a person refuses to listen to them, Laura might be offended for the rest of their lives. Laura does not understand people who are not interested in her problems and sorrows. These women just love when around them a lot of close friends in Merry companies they feel like a fish in water. They want to be wherever possible, they want to know everything and see everything. Their life is built on the principle of "movement is life."Read more at http://www.kakzovut.ru/names/laura.html
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The value of the name Laura origin of the name Laura. Name Laura Catholic. Synonyms named Laura. Laura Laurel Laurika, Lowry. The short form of the name Laura. Laura, Lori, Lally, Laurin, Lara, Rina. The name Laura - the female form of the male name Laurus, which takes its name from the tree "Laurel" is a symbol of glory. Therefore, in a literal translation from the Latin name means "crowned with laurel," and translated as "the winner." Name Lawrence (Laurent Lauren Lawrence) is akin to the name (derived from the name Lawrence), but not an analogue for the name Laura. Among Europeans, the emphasis in the name Laura is on the first syllable, while Russian is also found stress on the second syllable of the word. In Russian, there is also a woman's name, Laura, derived from the French name Laure, which is considered a related name. Also, the name Laura - a diminutive form of the name of Larisa. Diminutive treatment Laura Lara and Rina are also separate names. Active and sensible Laura is able to make decisions for one second thanks to the synthetic type of thinking. This phlegmatic, but active person, in a life guided by his developed intuition and rational reasoning and logic. Laura forgive others their weakness, but to his concerns very seriously, its own does not forgive mistakes. Failure is not afraid of love to everything happening only with permission. It is mobile and artistic women who love to play emotions, and themselves often believe in them. Laura golden hands, they think they can do all these women are capable of heroic deeds. Mobility, a craving for adventure and love of sunny days have become the main factors to consider when choosing a profession suitable for Laur. They make excellent reporters, journalists, travelers, guides, models. Laura feels a constant need for attention and movement, so it needs a profession related to travel. The professional activities of its strong and able to overcome any problem in minutes, avoiding inert people. As in professional work and in love relationships, Laura often Monogamous. Select industry or partner, the woman will stay with this option until the end of his days. Laura is very fond of her husband and children are extremely loyal. This woman loves her house, which often invites guests. She feels the need for attention and adoration, her loving heart requires constant confirmation of the fact that she loved, and the man whom she loves Laura, will be allowed to absolutely everything. The woman in the first place is most important is family. Laura is very sexy, this charming devil, which certainly will elect her to the altar. In communicating with friends Laura inherent soulful striptease, it is all their joys and sorrows always tell others. If a person refuses to listen to them, Laura would be offended for a lifetime. Laura does not understand people who are not interested in their problems and sorrows. These women just love when there are a lot of close friends, in the cheerful company, they feel like a fish in water. They want to be wherever possible, they want to know everything and see everything. Their life is built on the principle of "motion - a life." Read more on http://www.kakzovut.ru/names/laura.html

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The origin of the name the name "Laura Laura. The name Laura catholic. Synonyms name Laura. Laura, Laurel Court, Лаурика, Lowry. A short form name Laura. Laura, Laurie, actor Patrick Dempsey, Лаурина, Lara, Reena.The name "Laura - women's male form name Laurus, which occurs from the name tree "Laurus", a purpose built machine that represents the symbol of glory. It is therefore in the literal translation from Latin language name means "Muzkol eminence",As well translate as "delirious". The name Lawrence (Laurent, Lauren, Lawrence) is a truer name (established on behalf to a friend), but is not equivalent to the name Laura.Among Europeans in the name "Laura" emphasis is on the first syllable, and the Russians also meets accent on the second syllable words. In english there are also women's name Laura, what is happening to the French name Lаure,Which consider sister name. Also the name Laura - this уменьшительно-ласкательная form on behalf of Larissa. Уменьшительно-sorrowful treatment Laura, Lara and Reena are also distinct names.Active and рассудительная Laura is able to take decisions for one second because of its synthetic type thinking. This флегматичные, but active personages, motivated by the life is not its developed intuition,A reasonable argument and logic. Laura forgive others their weakness, but to itself is a very strictly, own errors does not condone. Failures are not afraid, loves, to ensure that all around happened only with permission.This is the moving and the women who love their play emotions themselves, and are often in their faith. The Лаур golden hands, they believe that can do all these women are able to heroic deeds.Loose, link to travel and love to solar денькам should become major factors, which should be taken into account when choosing a profession, suitable for Лаур. Of them are obtained excellent reporters, journalists,Couples, tourist guides, eating. Laura has a continuing need in the attention and driving, therefore it needs profession, associated with the travel.The professional activities of it and decisive and able to overcome any problem in a few minutes, avoids inert people. As well as in the training activities, and in romantic relations,Laura most often two meet?. By selecting the scope of activities or a partner, the woman will remain with this choice up to the end of their days. Laura is very loves their spouse and extremely преданна children. This woman loves her house,Where is frequently invited guests. It is the need for attention and обожании, her heart his service requires constant confirmation that it Staffordshire Terriers, when this person, which loves itself Laura,Will be allowed to absolutely everything. The women in the first place in importance is the family. Laura is very romanticism, this is nearby underground station disabled access, deceit which must necessarily be the souls with it.In communicating with friends Laure." inherently pitiful striptease, she all of its joy and suffering always tell others. If the person refuses to listen to them, Laura can be vain for the rest of their lives.Laura did not understand people, who are not interested in its problems and disappointments. These women simply love, when around them many friends, fun companies they feel, like fish in the water. They want to be anywhere,Where possible, they want all to know and all to see. Their life is based on the principle of "movement is life" .lord Learn more at http://www.kаkzоvut.ru/nаmes/lаurа.html
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