никогда не знаешь как закончится твой выходной день. Может ты подумаеш перевод - никогда не знаешь как закончится твой выходной день. Может ты подумаеш английский как сказать

никогда не знаешь как закончится тв

никогда не знаешь как закончится твой выходной день. Может ты подумаешь что я плохой человек. Однако я расскажу.... вечером мне позвонила моя подруга. Она недавно вышла замуж... и у меня есть ключи от ее квартиры. Позвонила она громко рыдая и требуя меня быстро приехать. Услыша ее я испугалась и подумала что произошло что то ужасное. Через 15 минут я забежала в ее квартиру и там увидела невероятное.. В кратце .. ее муж от прилива романтики, повел ее в душ и после этого решил на руках донести до кровати... Романтики там было достаточно... свечи, лепестки цветов, приглушенный свет. Однако он (муж) поскользнулся и упал, уронил жену ... В итоге он сломал ногу и пальцы на ноге... жена ушиблась и сломала руку... Оба голые и несчастливые они валялись в коридоре... Я вызвала скорую.. Эти два идиота смеялись как сумасшедшие сквозь боль... Это было невероятно... я металась по их квартире в посках одежды и медицинских страховок... вызывала медицинских работников... Врачи приехали и забрали их в больницу..
В дороге в машине скорой помощи... врачи не могли сдержать смех и хохотали до слез... Если бы это не было на моих глазах я бы не поверила что такое возможно
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You never know how to end your day off. Maybe you'll think I'm a bad person. However, I will tell .... evening I phoned my friend. She recently got married ... and I have the keys to her apartment.She called loudly sobbing and asking me to come quickly. On hearing it, I was scared and I thought that there was something terrible. After 15 minutes, I ran into her apartment and saw there an incredible .. In a nutshell ..her husband on the tide of romance, led her into the shower and then decided to bring the hands to the bed ... Romantics there was enough ... candles, flower petals, dimmed light. However, he (the husband) slipped and fell, dropped his wife ...In the end, he broke his leg and toes ... wife hurt herself and broke her arm ... Both naked and unhappy they were lying in the hallway ... I called an ambulance .. These two idiots were laughing like crazy through the pain ... It was incredible ...I was rushing around their apartment in POSCO clothing and health insurance ... caused health workers ... Doctors came and took them to the hospital .. * On the road in an ambulance ...doctors could not help laughing and laughing to tears ... If it was not for my eyes I would not believe that this is possible
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
you never know how to end your day. Maybe you think that I'm a bad person. But I'll tell you .... in the evening, I called my girlfriend. She recently married ... and I have the keys to her apartment. She called loudly sobbing and asking me to come quickly. Hearing it I was scared and thought that there was something terrible. After 15 minutes I crept into her apartment, and there was an incredible ... In brief ... her husband from the tide of romance, and led her to the shower and then decided to hand deliver to the bed ... Romance there was enough ... candles, flower petals, subdued light. But he (the husband) slipped and fell, dropped his wife ... In the end, he broke his leg and toes on the foot ... wife hurt herself and broke her hand ... Both bare and unlucky they littered in the hallway ... I called an ambulance. These two idiot laughed like crazy through the pain ... It was incredible ... I rushed through their apartment in poskah clothing and health insurances. were health workers. Doctors came and took them to hospital.
On the road in the ambulance. doctors could not hold back the laugh and laughing to tears. If it wasn't for my eyes I would not believe that it is possible
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You never know when you may have as well as thy will end the day. Can you fasting that I am a poor man. However, I will tell .... in the evening I phoned my friend. She recently married ... and I have the keys of the apartment.It turned out that loud a derision and requiring me to come quickly. The Услыша hooligans and I thought it was about time that happened that terrible. After 15 minutes, i cheeks rouged in her apartment and saw incredible.. The first about what is ..Her husband to the tide with romantic, deserted her in the shower and after that decided to hands to bring to bed ... Romantic but there was enough ... spark plugs, blades colors, softer light. However, he (the husband) slipped and fell, though his wife ...In the end he broke my leg and pins in my leg. .. wife ушиблась and has broken hand ... Both unadorned and they are now negotiating with three foreign banks meâ"in the corridor ... I had an ambulance.. These two an idiot laughing like madmen through the pain ... This was an incredibly ...I longed for their headquarters in посках clothing and medical insurance ... cause health workers ... Doctors came and took them away to the hospital.
ON THE road in an ambulance ...Doctors could not contain such laughter and laughter and tears ... If it was not it was in my eyes i would not have believed that such a possible
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