у меня есть большая кровать, на кторой я люблю спать. Имеется письменный стол, где я делаю уроки. Есть обои, которые развешивали вместе с папой. Возле компьютерного стола стоит кожаное кресло, где я сижу и играю за компьютером. Есть шкаф для моей одежды, большой и длинный. Возле письменного стола находится большой балкон, там я могу дышать свежим воздухом. Возле стола находятся ящики, где я достаю и ложу свои учебники. В моей комнате есть большой телевизор компании "Самсунг", в телевизоре я смотрю фильмы, новости и многое другое. Возле телевизора находится ящик с дисками и двд. Я просто обожаю свою комнату.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I have a big bed, ktoroj I love to sleep. There is a desk where I do my lessons. There are wallpapers that were hung together with dad. Near computer backgrounds worth leather chair, where I sit and play on the computer. There is a wardrobe for my clothes, big and long. Near the desk is a large balcony, there I can breathe fresh air. Near backgrounds are boxes where I pull out and lodge their own textbooks. In my room there's a big tv Samsung tv, I watch movies, news, and more. Near the tv is a box of disks and DVDs. I just adore her room.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I have a big bed, I like to sleep on ktoroy. There is a desk where I do my homework. There are wallpapers that hung together with the Pope. Near the computer desk is a leather chair where I sit and play on the computer. There closet for my clothes, big and long. Near the desk is a large balcony, where I can breathe fresh air. At the table are boxes where I pull out and lodge their books. In my room there is a large TV company "Samsung" on TV, I watch movies, news, and more. Next to the TV is a box with discs and DVD. I just love my room.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i have a big bed, now i love to sleep. there is a desk where i do homework. a wallpaper that hanged out with my dad. the computer table's leather chair where i sit and play on the computer. a closet for clothes, big and long. near the desk there is a big balcony, i can breathe the fresh air. around the table are boxes and box where i get my books. in my room there is a tv company "samsung", on the tv, i watch movies, news and much more. near the tv is a video and dvd. i just love your room.
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