родители всегда заботятся о своих детях и стараются сохранить их в без перевод - родители всегда заботятся о своих детях и стараются сохранить их в без английский как сказать

родители всегда заботятся о своих д

родители всегда заботятся о своих детях и стараются сохранить их в безопасности и подальше от неприятностей. Мамы и папы во всем мире хотят, чтобы ребенок был с хорошей компанией и друзей, чтобы помочь им. И родители пытаются найти этих людей, для своих детей. И я думаю, что ничего хорошего не выйдет.
Я считаю, что родители не должны выбирать друзей для своих детей, потому что они не могут знать, с кем мы общаемся хорошо, не знают, нравится ли он нам. В конце концов, они выбирают, с кем они общаются, а с кем нет. Так почему родители должны решать за нас? Да, конечно, они могут дать несколько советов, чтобы сделать это. Они могут защитить нас от кого-то другого, но если человек не влияет на нас плохо , почему бы и нет. И если мы щаться с кем-то, мы все еще находятся в контакте с ним. В конце концов, родители должны помочь найти правильный путь для своих детей, но не сделал выбор для них.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
parents care about their children and try to keep them safe and out of trouble. Moms and dads everywhere want the child was with good company and friends, to help them. And parents are trying to find these people, for their children. And I think nothing good will come out.I believe that parents should not choose friends for their children, because they can not know with whom we communicate well, don't know if he likes us. In the end, they choose with whom they communicate, and who is not. So why parents should decide for us? Yes, of course, they can give some tips to do it. They can protect us from someone else, but if a person does not affect us badly, why not. And if we are to communicate with someone, we are still in contact with him. In the end, parents should help you find the right path for their children, but not made the choice for them.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
parents always care about their children and try to keep them safe and out of trouble. Moms and dads around the world want the child to be with good company and friends to help them. And the parents are trying to find these people, for their children. And I think that nothing good will come.
I believe that parents should not choose friends for their children because they can not know with whom we communicate well, do not know if he likes us. In the end, they choose with whom they communicate with and who not. So why parents should decide for us? Yes, of course, they can give some tips to make it. They can protect us from someone else, but if a person does not affect us badly, why not. And if we schatsya with someone, we are still in contact with him. Finally,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
parents always take care of their children and to keep them safe and out of trouble. mom and dad in the world want the baby was in good company and friends to help them. and parents are trying to find these people, for their children. and i think that it's no good.i think that parents should not have to choose friends for their children, because they may not know what we do well, do not know if he likes us. in the end, they are, who they are, and who is not. why parents should decide for us? yes, of course, they can give you some tips to do it. they can protect us from someone else, but if a man doesn't affect us badly, why not. and if we щаться with someone, we are still in touch with him. in the end, the parents should help you find the right way for their children, but did not make a choice for them.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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