Дело в том, что все дворяне – охотники. Поэтому в определенный момент времени были люди в России, которые могли попасть на расстоянии 50 метров в центр игральной карты из трости, из двуствольного ружья.
The fact of the matter is that all the nobles-hunters. So at some point in time were people in Russia who could have gotten at a distance of 50 meters to the Centre of playing card of canes, from dvustvol′nogo.
The fact that all the nobles - hunters. Therefore, at any given time there were people in Russia who could get to a distance of 50 meters in the center of playing card from a stick from a double-barreled shotgun.
the point is that all the nobles are hunters. therefore, in a certain time the people in russia who could be at a distance of 50 meters in the playing card from the pens of the known facts regarding guns.