Доброго дня, Януш. Мне нравятся Ваши письма. И особенно вот такие - ра перевод - Доброго дня, Януш. Мне нравятся Ваши письма. И особенно вот такие - ра английский как сказать

Доброго дня, Януш. Мне нравятся Ваш

Доброго дня, Януш.
Мне нравятся Ваши письма. И особенно вот такие - рассказ о том что вы любите и предпочитаете. И какую жизнь вы хотите через 5-7 лет. Продолжим тему :)
Про растения: деревья, Яблоня, вишня, слива, абрикос — это растения улицы, рядом с домом. или малина, смородина. Не для комнаты. Это разрешено сажать? или это только для фермеров разрешено выращивать?
Встретиться в Киеве - ок! :) вам - без визы.
Про «Чужие в доме»: я сама умею убирать, готовить, красить стену или ухаживать за растениями :) Хотя, до кризиса я хотела купить красивый старый дом под маленький отель))
и там точно было бы много «чужих»))
У меня нет заблуждений о жизни в США)) я мало что знаю) почти ничего. и язык изучаю всего несколько месяцев.Но я знаю что к эмигрантам относятся без дискриминации. С детства воспитывается вежливость и уважение к чувствам других. И в 60 лет женщине можно достойно работать и даже учиться. Люди живут долго и счастливо. Есть безопасность и работают законы. В общих чертах. Но меня это устраивает, только в совместном счастливом будущем. Так как одиноко жить - я и здесь могу. Даже могу иногда работать)) волонтером.
Судя по вашим строкам — я многое не понимаю и не знаю. С одной стороны - я когда то и слова по английски не могла сказать. Я учусь говорить, я узнаю. Мне интересно. С другой стороны — я вижу возможности, и людей с такими же целями — счастливое семейное будущее вдвоем. Взаимный интерес и новизна помогут преодолеть возможные сложности. Я вижу счастливые пары — они пошли по такому же пути и счастливы. Это хороший пример. Для меня.
Есть поговорка: "В гостях - хорошо, но дома - лучше". :)
я говорила о данном этапе моей жизни. Я ничего не могу сказать о будущем. Мы не знаем нашего будущего :) Для жены — дом там где её супруг.
Из двух вещей «своя» и «чужая» - я выберу «своя». Это про отношение к посуде, постели и вещам чужим. Думаю что это нормально. Но мне нравятся и хорошие отели с ароматной выпечкой, апельсиновым соком и вкусным омлетом утром))
Я боюсь летать самолетом, но летала раз 35-50... много раз.
Я не люблю спиртное. Но всегда попробую хорошее вино. 1-2 глотка, узнать вкус.
И мне нравится аромат хорошей сигары. Но Я их никогда не курила. Мне нравится как они пахнут и выглядят. Еще мне нравятся старые книги. Серебряная посуда и вишневая мебель в музеях :) а старинная одежда — это что-то великолепное! :) и гобелены, и витражи...
Мне нравится музыка 60-70 :) Армстронг, Синатра. Ваш голос мне тоже нравится :)
Мне нравится музыка для медитации и боди-балета. Мне нравится музыка природы и людей)
Должна вам признаться — я не люблю оперу. Это красиво, это классика, это красивые декорации и костюмы. но всегда так печально, трагично и депрессивно. Можно я не буду слушать оперу?)))) шутка. Некоторые арии волшебно красивы. Но Господин Джаз мне нравится более))
Я умею сама зарабатывать на жизнь. Это я и хотела сказать.
Там где я сейчас — я умею жить. Даже при этих странных законах. И очень смешных доходах.
Но я еще не знаю о своих возможностях в другой стране. Мне совсем не хочется стать проблемой или бояться купить лишний отрезок ткани или тюбик краски.
Возможно вы захотите научить меня рисовать или работать с глиной. Или не захотите. На самом деле — мне все равно чем заниматься - Мне все интересно! Очень интересно. Но мои занятия должны быть в интересах супруга, семьи — с одобрения и подсказок супруга. Это очевидно — вы знаете страну, законы, приоритеты. Мне же только предстоит это узнавать, учиться. Понимаете? Как Вы скажете — так и будет. Это же логично.
Нет дилеммы.
Вы — художник. Ваша деятельность для мира — важнее всего остального. Это ваше слово в истории жизни человечества. Вам должно быть комфортно и работать и жить. Светская жизнь не должна мешать работе художника. Все остальное — второстепенно. Я так думаю.
Я знаю что такое увлеченность любимым интересным делом. Но Ваш труд — на порядок выше всего, что я когда либо встречала в реальной жизни. Мне сложно иногда представить как я могу о вас позаботиться и как я могу быть вам полезна. Думаю, что в этом вопросе Вы сами разберетесь. когда будет для этого тот самый момент. И научите меня, как гармонично вписаться в вашу жизнь с максимальной пользой для семьи, совместного будущего.
В любом случае — существуют и брачный контракт и адвокат. это решает многие мужские опасения и будущие вопросы :)
Возможно мои представления о семейной жизни устарели.
Но я и сама уже не молода. Нет смысла меняться.
Я обычная женщина. Тихая, спокойная, честная. Я такая, какая я есть.
Да, я могу пол ночи разбирать новый узор, интересный рецепт крема или придумывать глаза фиолетовой кукле. Вы не поверите — но одобрение моей выпечки или другого блюда иногда делает счастливым весь день))) А когда покупают мою куклу - я и потанцевать и попрыгать могу)) А еще я могу разговаривать с кактусом. И я умею слушать и слышать...
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Good day, Janusz. I like your writing. And especially like this-a story about what you like and prefer. And what kind of life you want through 5-7 years. Continue the topic:)About plants: trees, Apple, cherry, Plum, apricot is a plant of the street near the House. or raspberry, currant. Not for the room. It is allowed to plant? or is it only for farmers to grow?Meet in Kiev-OK! :) you-without a visa."Strangers in the House: I know how to clean, Cook, paint a wall or to care for plants:) Although, before the crisis, I wanted to buy a beautiful old house near a small hotel))and there would be exactly a lot of "strangers")) I have no misconceptions about life in the United States)) I know little) almost anything. and language study only a few months, but I know that the emigrants apply without discrimination. Since childhood brought up politeness and respect for the feelings of others. And in 60 years a woman can work with dignity and even learn. People live happily ever after. There are security and laws work. In general terms. But it suits me, only in the joint happy future. Since I live alone and I can here. Even I sometimes work)) volunteer. Judging by your lines — I don't understand a lot of things and I do not know. On the one hand, I have that and the words in English could not say. I'm talking, I learn. I find it interesting. On the other hand, I see opportunities, and people with the same goals — happy family future together. Mutual interest and novelty will help overcome challenges. I see the happy couple — they went in the same direction and are happy. This is a good example. For me. There is a saying: "-good, but home is better". :) I talked about this stage of my life. I have nothing to say about the future. We don't know our future:) For wife-House where her husband. Of two things "its" and "stranger"-I will choose its own version. It's about attitude to ware, bed linen and things foreign. I think that is normal. But I like good hotels with fragrant pastries, orange juice, and delicious omelets in the morning)) I'm afraid to fly by plane, but fly times 35-50. a lot of times. I don't like alcohol. But always try to fine wine. 1-2 mouthfuls learn taste. And I like the aroma of a good cigar. But I never smoked. I like how they smell and look. I love old books. Silver tableware and cherry furniture in museums:) and old clothes is something great! :) and tapestries, and stained glass. I like music 60-70:) Armstrong, Sinatra. Your voice too like me:)I like music for meditation and body-Ballet. I like the music of nature and people)Should you confess — I don't like Opera. It's beautiful, it's classic, it's beautiful scenery and costumes. but it's always so sad, tragic and depressive. It is possible I will not listen to Opera?)))) joke. Some Arias magically beautiful. But Mr Jazz I like more)) I can earn a living by herself. That's what I wanted to say. Where I am now — I know how to live. Even with these strange laws. And very funny. But I still do not know about their opportunities in another country. I don't want to cause a problem or be afraid to buy an extra piece of fabric or a tube of paint. You may want to teach me to draw or to work with clay. Or don't want to. Actually I don't care what to do-I do wonder! Very interesting. But my classes should be in favour of a spouse, with the approval of the family and the wife of hints. This is obvious — you know the country, laws, priorities. I just have to learn it, learn. Do you understand? How do you say — so be it. The same logical. There is no dilemma. You are the artist. Your work for peace is more important than everything else. It's your word in the history of humankind. You should be comfortable and work and live. Socialite life should not interfere with the work of the artist. Everything else is secondary. I think so. I know what is your favorite passion for interesting affair. But your work is an order of magnitude higher than anything that I've ever met in real life. Sometimes it is hard for me to imagine how can I care about you and how I can be of use to you. I think that you yourself will understand. When going for this moment. And teach me how to harmoniously fit into your life with the maximum benefit for a family, a joint future.In any case, there are the marriage contract and by counsel. This solves many men fear and future:) Perhaps my perceptions of family life have become obsolete. But I no longer young. It makes no sense to change. I am an ordinary woman. Quiet, calm, honest. I am what I am. Yes, I can disassemble the new pattern of the night Paul, an interesting recipe for cream or invent eye violet doll. You won't believe this, but the approval of my baking or other dishes sometimes makes happy all day))) and when buying my doll-I and dance and jump can)) and even I can talk with cactus. And I know how to listen and hear.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Good day, Janusz.
I like your writing. And especially here such - a story about what you like and prefer. And what kind of life you want in 5-7 years. Continuing the theme :)
About plants: trees, apple, cherry, plum, apricot - is a plant of the street, next to the house. or raspberries, currants. Not for the room. It is permitted to plant? or is it just for the farmers are allowed to grow?
Meet in Kyiv - ok! :) You - without a visa.
About "Strangers in the house": I myself know how to clean, cook, paint a wall, or to care for plants :) Although, I would like to buy a beautiful old house for a small hotel) crisis)
, and there was definitely a lot to "strangers"))
I have no delusions about life in the United States)) I do not know much) almost nothing. language and learn a few mesyatsev.No I know that emigrants are without discrimination. Since childhood, brought civility and respect for the feelings of others. And in 60 years, a woman can work with dignity and even learn. People live happily ever after. There are safe and legal work. In outline. But it suits me, but in a joint happy future. Since living alone - and here I can. Even I sometimes work)) volunteer.
Judging by your line - I do not know much and I do not know. On the one hand - and I have the word in English I could not say. I'm talking, I know. I wonder. On the other hand - I see an opportunity, and people with the same goals - happy family future together. Mutual interest and novelty help to overcome possible difficulties. I see the happy couple - they went on the same way and be happy. This is a good example. . For me,
there is a saying: "Away - good, but the house - better." :)
I was talking about this stage of my life. I can not say anything about the future. We do not know our future :) For the wives - the house where her husband.
Of the two things "own" and "alien" - I choose "one's own". It's about the attitude of the dishes, bed and stranger things. I think that this is normal. But I like good hotels and a fragrant pastry, orange juice and delicious omelette in the morning))
I'm afraid to fly by plane, but flew just 35-50 ... many times.
I do not like alcohol. But always try good wine. 1-2 sip, discover the taste.
And I like the aroma of a good cigar. But I never smoked. I like the way they smell and look. I also like the old books. Silver crockery and cherry furniture in museums :) and old clothes - it is something magnificent! :) And tapestries, and stained glass windows ...
I like music :) 60-70 Armstrong, Sinatra. Your voice I also like :)
I like music for meditation and body ballet. I like the music of nature and men)
I must confess - I do not like opera. It's beautiful, it's a classic, it's beautiful scenery and costumes. but always so sad, tragic and depressing. It is possible, I will not listen to opera?)))) Joke. Some arias magically beautiful. But Mr. Jazz I like more))
I can make a living herself. That's what I wanted to say.
There's where I am now - I know how to live. Even with these strange laws. And very funny income.
But I still do not know about their opportunities in another country. I do not want to be a problem or afraid to buy an extra length of fabric or tube of paint.
You may want to teach me how to paint or work with clay. Or do not want to. In fact - I do not care what to do - I'm interested in everything! Very interesting. But my classes must be in the interests of a spouse, family - with the approval of the spouse and tips. It's obvious - you know the country, laws, priorities. I also only have to learn it, learn. You see? How do you say - so be it. It's logical.
There is no dilemma.
You - the artist. Your work for the world - is more important than anything else. It's your word in the history of the life of mankind. You should be comfortable and to work and live. Savor should not interfere with the work of the artist. Everything else - is secondary. I think so.
I know what passion favorite interesting thing. But your work - an order of magnitude higher than anything I've ever met in real life. I find it difficult sometimes to imagine how I can take care of you and how can I be useful to you. I think that you will understand in this matter. When this is the very moment. And teach me how to harmoniously fit into your life with the maximum benefit for a family, sharing the future.
In any case - there are a marriage contract and a lawyer. it solves a lot of men's concerns and future issues :)
Perhaps my understanding of family life are out of date.
But I myself no longer young. It makes no sense to change.
I am an ordinary woman. Quiet, calm, honest. I'm so, I am.
Yes, I have half the night to disassemble the new pattern, interesting cream recipe or invent violet eyes doll. You will not believe it - but my approval or other baking dish sometimes makes happy all day))) And when buying my doll - I dance and I can jump)) And I can talk to a cactus. And I know how to listen and hear ...
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
good day, janosz.i like your letter. and especially this is a story about love and what you prefer. and what kind of life you want in five to seven years. continue the theme)about plants, trees, apple, cherry, plum, apricot is plant street, near the house. or raspberry, currant. not in the room. this allowed to plant? or is it only for farmers to grow?meet in kiev - ok! :) you - without a visa.about "strangers in the house": i know how to cook, clean, paint a wall or take care of plants, although prior to the crisis, i wanted to buy a beautiful old house in a small hotel))and there would be a lot of "чужих»))i have no illusions about life in the united states) i don't know much about anything. and language learning only a few месяцев.но i know that emigrants are without discrimination. since raising the courtesy and respect for the feelings of others. in the 60 years a woman can be good to work and study. the people live happily ever after. there are security and work laws. in general terms. but that's fine with me, but in a happy future. how lonely i can live here. can even sometimes volunteer work).judging by your lines i don't understand things and i don't know. on the one hand i used words in english could not tell. i am learning to say, i know. i'm interested in. on the other hand, i see the possibilities, and people with the same goals - happy family the future together. mutual interest and novelty can help to overcome any difficulties. i see the happy couple - they take the same way and happy. this is a good example. for me.there is a saying: "there is good, but home is the best." :)i talked about this stage of my life. i can't say anything about the future. we don't know our future:) for the wife's house where her lord.two things "and" своя» чужая» i choose "своя». it's about attitude to the vessel, a bed and stuff. i think that it is okay. but i like a good hotels with luscious pastries, orange
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