4) Я начала работать со второго курса института. По специальности, кот перевод - 4) Я начала работать со второго курса института. По специальности, кот английский как сказать

4) Я начала работать со второго кур

4) Я начала работать со второго курса института. По специальности, которую я на тот момент даже еще не начала изучать. Было страшно, но я убедила работодателя, что справлюсь. Гораздо позднее стало еще страшнее, когда я уже осознанно поняла, как рисковала. Но справилась. Было тяжело, но я смогла разобраться и научиться. Через несколько лет меня назначили финансовым директором холдинга, частью которого была моя первая компания. Но свой первый опыт работы я не забуду: страх, радость и удовольствие от того, что смогла.

5) На последнем году обучения в институте моя мама предложила мне поучаствовать в конкурсе USID для молодых специалистов. Я, как всегда, думала, что недостаточно хороша для того, чтобы победить. И, как всегда, рискнула. Это было не просто, но я их убедила и после окончания учебы поехала в штаты на производственную практику. Это был прекрасный период наслаждения победой, открытия новой страны, другой жизни с транснациональными компаниями, новых людей, с некоторыми из которых я дружу уже более 14 лет.

6) Это не момент, это целый период общей продолжительностью лет 10, который пролетел, как год.
Я активно занималась карьерой, вышла замуж, переехала в Киев, купила квартиру. Работы было очень много, я там практически жила. При этом оставались силы и для активности вне работы, друзей, поездки. И всего этого было так много. Никогда ни до, ни после моя жизнь не была такой насыщенной, такой... На одном дыхании.

7) Несколько похожих историй. Мне за свою карьеру пришлось сменить десятки видов деятельности, разобраться в технологии вторичной переработки алюминия, обработке и хранении зерна, производства водки и вина, страховой медицины, фармацевтики, банковской деятельности и тд. Т.е. практически каждый раз я начинала с чувством, что я ничего не знаю, (а так и было) и люди напротив (партнеры, клиенты, акционеры) сейчас меня разоблачат. Это особенное чувство счастья, когда несмотря на эти вводные, через какое-то время ты видишь (а лучше слышишь) уважение и признание от них. Способность разобраться в бизнесе, проекте, схеме - качество, которое снова и снова вызывает у меня чувство радости.

8) Тоже собирательная история. Но если предыдущая была про способность разобраться с разными проектами, то эта - про способность разобраться и наладить отношения с разными людьми. У меня нет страха ни перед кем: олигархи, чиновники. Более того, чем сложнее человек, тем спокойнее мне. Можно даже сказать, что я специализируюсь на сложных личностях. Эти отношения практически никогда нормально не заканчиваются, потому что люди специфические, но я годами могу ими управлять. Да, раньше я получала огромное удовольствие от таких моментов ощущения своего влияния на великих самодуров. Уверена, что и сейчас бы получала, но очень не хочу повторения неизбежного конца таких отношений: обиды, злости и даже мести.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4) I started to work with the second degree. By specialty, which I at that time had not even started studying. It was scary, but I'm convinced the employer that can handle it. Much later it became even worsewhen I consciously realized how risky. But coped. It was hard, but I was able to understand and learn. A few years later I was appointed CFO of the holding,part of which was my first company. But my first experience I will not forget fear, joy and pleasure from what I could.

5) In the last year of study at the institute my mom invited me to participate in the contest usid for young professionals. I, as always, thought not good enough to win. And, as always, risked.It was not easy, but I convinced them and after graduation went to the states on industrial practice. It was a lovely time enjoying the victory, the opening of a new country,another life with multinational companies, new people, some of whom I have been friends for over 14 years.

6) This is not the time, this is a period of a total duration of 10 years, who flew as a year.
I am actively involved in a career, got married, moved to Kiev, bought an apartment. Work was very much, I practically lived there. At the same time remained for strength and activity outside of work, friends, travel.And all this was so much. Never before or since my life was not busy, so ... In the same breath.

7) Several similar stories. Me in my career had to change dozens of activitiesunderstand the technology of recycling aluminum, handling and storage of grain, production of vodka and wine, health insurance, pharmaceuticals, banking and so on. Iealmost every time I started with the feeling that I did not know (and it was) and the people in front of (partners, customers, shareholders) now expose me. This special feeling of happiness when despite these introductory,after a while you see (or better hear) the respect and recognition from them. The ability to understand the business, project, scheme - a quality that again gives me a sense of joy.

8) Too collective history. But if the previous one was about the ability to deal with different projects, this - about the ability to understand and build relationships with different people. I have no fear to anyone:oligarchs, officials said. Moreover, the more complex the people, the calmer me. You could even say that I specialize in complex personalities. These relationships are almost never normally do not endbecause people are specific, but for years I can manage it. Yes, I used to get great pleasure from these moments feeling its influence on the great tyrants. I am sure that now would be received,but really do not want a repeat of the inevitable end of the relationship: resentment, anger and even vengeance.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4) I started working from the second year of the Institute. In that I at that time had not even started studying. It was scary, but I'm convinced the employer that will handle it. Much later it became even worse When I have consciously realised as risked. But coped. It was hard, but I was able to understand and to learn. A few years later I was appointed CFO of the holding, which was my first company. But my first experience I will not forget: fear, joy and pleasure from what could ...

5) in their final year of training at the Institute, my mom invited me to take part in the contest of USAID for young professionals. As usual I thought isn't as good in order to win. And, as always, ventured. It wasn't easy, but I convinced them, and after graduation went to States on practical training. It was a wonderful time enjoying victory, opening a new country, another life with multinational companies, new people, some of whom I'm friends for over 14 years.

6) this is not the time, this is a period of 10 years, flying a year.
I was active in career, got married, moved to Kiev, bought a flat. The work was very much, I almost lived there. The remaining forces and for activity outside of work, friends, travel. And all this was so much. Never before or since, my life has never been so busy, ... In the same breath.

7) several similar stories. Me in his career, had to change dozens of activities, understand the technology of recycling aluminum, processing and storage of grain, wine and vodka production, insurance medicine, pharmaceuticals, banking, etc. I.e. almost every time I started feeling that I know nothing, (and it was) and people (partners, customers, shareholders) now I uncovered. This is a special sense of happiness, when in spite of the introduction, After a while, you see (and hear better) respect and recognition from them. The ability to understand the business, project, scheme, which again causes me joy

.8) is also a collective history. But if the previous one was about the ability to deal with different projects, this is about the ability to understand and build relationships with different people. I have no fear to anybody: the oligarchs, the officials said. Moreover, the more complex a person is, the calmer to me. You could even say that I specialize in complex personalities. These relationships almost never normally do not end, because people specific, but I can manage it over the years. Yes, I used to get great pleasure from such moments of feeling its effect on great samodurov. I am sure that now would be received, but really do not want to repeat the inevitable end of such relations: resentment, anger and even revenge

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(4) I started to work with the second course of the institute. The university, which I am at the moment have not even started to study. It was scary, but I have convinced employer, that cleric. Much later it became even worse,When I had already consciously understood, as well as run. But accomplished. It was difficult, but I was able to understand and to learn. After a few years I was appointed Financial Director of holding,Part of which was my first company. But their first experience of work, I do not forget: fear, joy, and pleasure from the fact that was able to mouth.(5) In the last academic year of study at the institute of my mum suggested that I participate in the contest USID for young professionals. As always, I thought, that's good enough to win. And, as always, has ventured.This was not easy, but I assure them and after the end of the student drove to states on production practices. It was a brilliant victory for the enjoyment, the opening of a new country,Another life with transnational companies, new people, some of which i дружу already more than 14 years.Lord (6) This is not the time, this is a period of 10 years, who flew as the year.
I am actively engaged in career, married, moved to Kiev, bought an apartment. The work was very much, I have virtually lived. The force and for the activity outside of work, friends, travel.And all of this was so much. Never before, nor after my life has not been such a heavy, such ... In the same breath.Lord (7) Several similar history. I am in his career had to change dozens of types of activities,Understand the technology recycling aluminum, processing and storing grain, vodka and wine, health insurance, pharmaceutical, banking activities and ap. i.e.Virtually every time I lived with a feeling that I do not know anything, (as well as it was) and the people on the contrary (partners, customers, shareholders) now i am разоблачат. This is something a sense of happiness, when in spite of these introductory,After a while you can see (and better hears) respect for and recognition of them. The ability to understand the business, project, schematic - quality, which again and again it is a matter I have a feeling of joy.

(8) is also собирательная history. But if the previous was about the ability to deal with various projects, this is the ability to understand and to establish relationships with different people. I have no fear to anyone.I dont think so, the officials. In addition, the more complex people, the calmer than me. You can even say that I i love my job at the complex personalities. These relationships almost never normally does not end there,Because people specific, but I can't manage them. Yes, before I received great pleasure from such moments feeling its influence on the Great Lakes I. Cherny. Is confident that it is now to be received,But I do not wish to repeat an imminent end of such relations: resentment, anger and even revenge.

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