1. Я сделаю эту работу завтра, когда мой брат будет в колледже (если у перевод - 1. Я сделаю эту работу завтра, когда мой брат будет в колледже (если у английский как сказать

1. Я сделаю эту работу завтра, когд

1. Я сделаю эту работу завтра, когда мой брат будет в колледже (если у меня будет время). 2. Наш менеджер поговорит с коллегами через неделю, когда они приедут (если он встретится с ними). 3. Я буду занята завтра, когда приедет наш начальник (если я поеду на работу). 4. Этот программист поможет вам, когда закончит свою работу (если он захочет). 5. Мы встретимся через месяц, когда я не буду занят (если погода будет хорошая). 6. Я позвоню вам завтра, когда получу ваш факс (если я не буду играть в теннис). 7. Я пойду на прогулку, как только закончу статью (если я не буду смотреть телевизор). 8. Моя сестра пойдет на кухню, как только мама приготовит обед (если она будет голодная). 9. Мой друг найдет новую работу, как только он вернется из Англии (если наш начальник не пригласит его). 10. Я дам тебе словарь, как только ты найдешь новые слова в тексте (если не буду с ним работать). 11. Мы позавтракаем дома, прежде чем мы пойдем на работу (если мы найдем на кухне продукты). 12. Мы покажем вам эти фотографии, прежде чем вы увидите их в газете (если они вам помогут). 13. Мы вместе приедем на вокзал, прежде чем отправится поезд (если у нас будет машина). 14. Мой дядя уедет за город после того, как купит новую машину (если он не будет играть в теннис). 15. Мы ответим на этот вопрос, после того как изучим проблему (если у нас будет немного времени). 16. Они будут находиться на работе, пока они не закончат программу (если они вскоре не пойдут обедать) 17. Наша тетя будет петь, пока она не потеряет голос (если мы попросим ее об этом).
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I'll do this tomorrow when my brother is in College (when I have time). 2. Our Manager will talk with colleagues after a week when they arrive (if he would meet with them). 3. I will be busy tomorrow, when our boss will come (if I will go to work). 4. This programmer will help you when finished (if he wants). 5. We will meet in a month, when I won't be busy (if the weather is good). 6. I'll call you tomorrow, when receive your fax (if I don't play tennis). 7. I'll go for a ride as soon as the finished article (if I don't watch tv). 8. My sister goes to the kitchen as soon as mom prepare lunch (if she is hungry). 9. My friend finds a new job as soon as he returns from England (if our Chief do not invite him). 10. I'll give you a dictionary as soon as you find new words in the text (if it won't work with it). 11. We have breakfast at home before we go to work (if we find in the kitchen products). 12. We show you these pictures before you see them in the newspaper (if you will). 13. Together we will arrive at the station, before leaving for the train (if we will have a machine). 14. My uncle goes out of town once to buy a new car (if it will not play tennis). 15. We will answer this question after examine the problem (if we have a little time). 16. They will be at work until they have finished the program (if they do not soon go eat lunch) 17. My aunt would sing until she loses voice (if we ask her about it).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I will do this job tomorrow, when my brother is in college (if I have time). 2. Our manager will talk to colleagues in a week, when they come (if it is to meet with them). 3. I will be busy tomorrow, when our boss will come (if I go to work). 4. This programmer will help you when your job has finished (if he wants). 5. We will meet again in a month when I'm not busy (if the weather is good). 6. I'll call you tomorrow when I get your fax (if I do not play tennis). 7. I'm going for a walk as soon as the article (if I do not watch TV). 8. My sister goes to the kitchen as soon as my mother prepare dinner (if it is hungry). 9. My friend finds a new job as soon as he returns from England (when our boss did not invite him). 10. I'll give you a dictionary, as you'll find new words in the text (if I do not work with it). 11. We have breakfast at home before we go to work (if we find the kitchen products). 12. We show you these pictures before you see them in the newspaper (if they can help you). 13. Together, we will come to the station before the train will leave (if we have a car). 14. My uncle would go out of town after a buy a new car (if he does not play tennis). 15. We will answer that question after we study the problem (if we have a little time). 16. They will be at work until they finish the program (if they do not go to dinner soon) 17. Our aunt will sing until she lost her voice (if we ask her about it).
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i'll do this job tomorrow, when my brother's college (if i have time). 2. our manager to talk with colleagues in a week when they arrive (if he goes with them). 3. i will be busy tomorrow, when will our boss (if i go to work). 4. the programmer will help you when he finishes the job, if he wanted to). 5. we will meet in a month, when i'm not busy (if the weather is good). 6. i'll call you tomorrow, when i get your fax (if i'm not playing tennis). 7. i'm going for a walk, as soon as i finish the article (if i don't watch tv). 8. my sister goes to the kitchen as soon as mom cook dinner (if she is hungry). 9. my friend found a new job as soon as he returns from england (if our boss not to invite him. 10. i'll give you the dictionary, as soon as you find a new word in the text (if i'm not working with him). 11. we have breakfast at home before we go to work (if we find in the kitchen products). 12. we will show you the pictures before you see them on the paper (if you will). 13. we get to the station before the train leaves (if we have a car). 14. my uncle left town after buying a new car (if he doesn't play tennis). 15. we answer this question, after we study the problem (if we have time). 16. they will have to work until they finish their program (if they will not go to lunch) 17. my aunt is singing until she loses her voice (if we ask her about it).
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