Я хочу, чтобы ты понимал, что я хочу семью и серьезнык отнощения, я хочу, чтобы у нас быди дети Если у тебя есть сомнения, прощу, прекрати это сейчас же, иначе мое мое сердуе умрет
I want you to understand what I want family and ser′eznyk cooperation, I want to have children, if you are in doubt, forgive, stop it now, otherwise my my serdue dies
I want you to understand that I want a family and sereznyk otnoscheniya, I want to have children bydi If you have a doubt, forgive, stop it immediately, otherwise my my serdue dies
I want you to understand that I want to family and серьезнык отнощения, I want to ensure that we have быди children if you are in any doubt, Merathaim, man is now, otherwise my my place in Docklands heartland to have die