Невозможно изучить функции организма только по книгам. Каждый врач зна перевод - Невозможно изучить функции организма только по книгам. Каждый врач зна английский как сказать

Невозможно изучить функции организм

Невозможно изучить функции организма только по книгам.
Каждый врач знает строение тела человека.
Все студенты-медики проводят много времени в больнице.
Студенты хотели изучить основные госпитальные процедуры.
Трудно научиться лечить людей.
Студенты хотят получить практический опыт ведения больных.
Практическая работа в больнице прошлым летом помогла нам развить навыки и умения, которые нужны каждому врачу.
Практическое использование знаний в области медицины является необходимы условием работы врача.
Студенты первого курса проводят много времени в лабораториях.
Наш вуз обеспечивает основательную подготовку по базовым и клиническим дисциплинам.
Студенты получили подготовку по физике, биологии, химии и анатомии на 1 и 2 курсах.
Студенты обсудили некоторые наиболее распространенные заболевания на прошлом занятии.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It is impossible to examine the functions of the body only on books. Every doctor knows the structure of the human body.All medical students spend a lot of time in the hospital.Students wanted to learn the basic hospital procedures.It's hard to learn how to treat people.Students want to get hands-on experience of patients.Practical work in the hospital last summer helped us develop skills and abilities that are needed by each doctor.Practical use of knowledge in the medical field is a required condition for the doctor's work.First-year students spend a lot of time in the laboratory.Our University provides thorough training in basic and clinical disciplines.Students receive training in physics, biology, chemistry and anatomy at 1 and 2 courses.Students discuss some of the most common diseases in the previous lesson.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

It is impossible to study the functions of the body only from books.
Every doctor knows the structure of the human body.
All medical students spend a lot of time in the hospital.
Students would learn the basic hospital procedures.
It is difficult to learn how to treat people.
Students want to gain practical experience of patients.
Practical work in the hospital last summer helped us to develop the skills that are needed for each doctor.
The practical use of knowledge in the field of medicine is a necessary condition for the doctor work.
First-year students spend a lot of time in the laboratory.
Our school provides a thorough grounding in the basic and clinical disciplines.
Students receive training in physics, biology, chemistry, and anatomy at the 1 and 2 courses.
Students discussed some of the most common diseases in the last lesson.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
impossible to examine functions only on the books.every doctor knows the structure of the human body.all medical students spend a lot of time in the hospital.the students wanted to study the main hospital procedure.it is difficult to learn to treat people.students need to have practical experience of patients.the practical work in the hospital last summer, helped us to develop the skills that they need to see a doctor.the practical use of the knowledge in the field of medicine is the necessary condition of the doctor.first year students spend a lot of time in the laboratory.our school provides extensive training on basic and clinical subjects.students receive training in physics, biology, chemistry and anatomy of 1 and 2 courses.students discussed some most common diseases during the last class.
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