Эта история произошла с тремя друзьями, студентами Оксфордского универ перевод - Эта история произошла с тремя друзьями, студентами Оксфордского универ английский как сказать

Эта история произошла с тремя друзь

Эта история произошла с тремя друзьями, студентами Оксфордского университета, — лордом Бэбберли, которого друзья называли Бэббсом, Чарли Уикэмом и Джеком Чезни.
Бэббс был намного старше своих приятелей. Однако он вел себя так, что его поведение было, по словам ректора мистера Редклифа, позором для университета. И, кроме того, Бэббс, должно быть, не отличался прилежанием, иначе он не учился бы в университете более десяти лет.
Однажды во время игры в крикет Бэббс угодил мячом в голову ректору. Он извинился перед бедным мистером Редклифом и, желая успокоить старика и сделать ему приятное, принес ему чашку чая. Но если бы один из студентов не подшутил над Бэббсом и не подставил ему ножку, Бэббс бы не упал и не сбил бы с ног ректора и не залил бы чаем его мантию. Убегая от разгневанного Бэббса, шутник забрался на колокольню и там еще раз подставил приятелю ножку. Падая с лестницы, Бэббс ухватился за веревку колокола. Когда он начал звонить в колокол, сбежались все, кто находился в тот момент на крикетном поле. Все думали, что начался пожар.
Мистер Редклиф был возмущен поведением Бэббса. Он приказал Бэббсу явиться к нему в кабинет на следующее утро. Ректор хотел, чтобы Бэббс объяснил ему, что произошло.
Ректор просмотрел личное дело Бэббса и узнал, что Бэббс учится в университете уже десять лет и что это не первый проступок Бэббса. Ректор заявил, что Бэббса следует исключить из университета. Бэббс умолял не делать этого. Он сказал, что не сможет поступить в юридическую контору своего дяди, если будет исключен. Дядя Бэббса был согласен взять к себе племянника, только если у того будет университетский диплом. Мистер Редклиф сказал, что изменит свое решение лишь при условии, что кто-нибудь сможет подтвердить, что Бэббс был в бессознательном состоянии, когда звонил в колокол. (Так утверждал Бэббс.) Бэббс рассчитывал, что Чарли и Джек окажут ему эту услугу. Очевидно, они были хорошими друзьями и часто выручали друг друга. Молодые люди были согласны сделать это. Но Бэббс должен был тоже помочь своим друзьям. Бэббсу пришлось выдать себя за престарелую тетушку Чарли дону Люсию д'Альвадорес.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This story happened with three friends, students at the University of Oxford, is Lord Bèbberli, whom friends called Bèbbsom, Charlie Uikèmom and Jack Later.Bèbbs was much older than his buddies. However, he behave so that his behavior was, according to the Rector Mr Radcliffe, a disgrace to the University. And, in addition, Bèbbs should be no different, diligence, otherwise he would have studied at the University for more than a decade.One day during a cricket ball in the head hit Bèbbs to the Rector. He apologized to the poor Mister Redklifom and, wanting to reassure an old man and make him pleasant, brought him a cup of tea. But if one of the students is playing a practical joke on Bèbbsom and not framed his leg, Bèbbs would not have crashed and knocked the upside would be filled not by the Rector and the tea its mantle. Fleeing from the wrathful Bèbbsa, Joker has climbed the Bell Tower, and there again framed buddy leg. Falling from ladders, Bèbbs snatched the rope the Bell. When he started to ring the Bell, came in all, who were at that time on a cricket field. Everyone thought that started the fire.Mr Redklif was outraged at the behavior of Bèbbsa. He ordered the Bèbbsu to come to his Office the next morning. Rector wanted to Bèbbs explained to him what happened.Rector of the scanned file Bèbbsa and learned that Bèbbs studying at the University for 10 years, and that it is not the first offence Bèbbsa. The Rector stated that Bèbbsa should be excluded from the University. Bèbbs begged not to do so. He said he would not be able to enroll in the Law Office of his uncle, if will be excluded. Uncle Bèbbsa was willing to take to his nephew, only if it is a university degree. Mr Redklif said that changes its decision only if someone could confirm that Bèbbs was unconscious when the bell rang. (So Bèbbs claimed.) Bèbbs expected that Charlie and Jack will have him for this service. Obviously, they were good friends and often rescued each other. The young people were willing to do so. But Bèbbs should also help their friends. Bèbbsu had to impersonate his old aunt Charlie Don Lucia d'Al′vadores.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
This story happened to three friends, students of Oxford University - Bebberli Lord, whose friends called Bebbsom, Charlie and Jack Chesney Uikemom.
Bebbs was much older than his friends. However, he acted as his behavior was, according to the Rector Mr. Radcliffe, a disgrace to the university. And besides, Bebbs must not differ diligence, otherwise it will not be studied at the university for more than ten years.
Once, during a cricket ball hit Bebbs head rector. He apologized to the poor, and Mr. Radcliffe, wanting to calm the old man and please him, brought him a cup of tea. But if one of the students made ​​fun of Bebbsom and offered him a leg, Bebbs not fallen and knocked down to the Rector and poured tea to his mantle. Fleeing from an angry Bebbsa joker climbed the bell tower and there again buddy Framed leg. Falling down the stairs, Bebbs grabbed the bell rope. When he started ringing the bell, they ran all who was at that time on the cricket field. Everyone thought that the fire started.
Mr. Radcliffe was outraged Bebbsa behavior. He ordered Bebbsu come to his office the next morning. Rector wanted Bebbs explained to him what had happened.
The rector looked Bebbsa private matter and learned that Bebbs student at the University for ten years and that this is not the first offense Bebbsa. Rector said that Bebbsa should be excluded from the university. Bebbs begged not to do so. He said that he will not be able to enter the law office of his uncle, if it is excluded. Uncle Bebbsa was willing to take to his nephew, but if that is a university degree. Mr. Radcliffe said he would change his mind only if someone could confirm that Bebbs was unconscious when the bell rang. (So ​​says Bebbs.) Bebbs hoped that Charlie and Jack will have him this service. Obviously, they were good friends and often helped each other. Young people were willing to do it. But Bebbs should also help their friends. Bebbsu had to impersonate the elderly aunt Charlie Don Lucia d'Alvadores.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
This history occurred with three of your friends, students at university of Oxford, lord Бэбберли, which friends called Бэббсом, Charlie Уикэмом and Ukrainian-american Cooperation Чезни.
Бэббс was much older than their buddy.However, he behaved in a way that his behavior was, in the words rector Dr. Hynek Редклифа, shame for the university. And, in addition, Бэббс, should be, do not differ possessor,Otherwise it would not have worked at the University would be more than ten years.
once during the cricket Бэббс shelupon ball in the head the rector. He apologized to poor Редклифом and tougher than anything, wishing to reassure old man and to make him a pleasant,He brought him a cup of tea. But, if one of the students is not подшутил over Бэббсом and not tripped him foot, Бэббс would not fall and not an Uzi submachine gun to the rector's legs and not poured tea would be his mantle. The encounter we can propitiate Бэббса,
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